

The menus below provide an overview of Lynn's web-site, with links to various internal pages and to relevant external pages. You can locate many pages of interest in Lynn's site by using Google's "local-site search feature". Simply insert a word or phrase in the following Search box, and Google will bring up a set of links to pages within which contain that word or phrase.  This is a very handy feature, and eliminates the need for a detailed index into Lynn's pages (*however, see also the note below): Web


General links:

 Lynn's Story PDF


 Hobbies & Homelife

 BioSketch  PDF2016

 Lynn's Retrospective

 TG/TS/IS Information

 Articles about Lynn  Research Impact  PDF  Awards

 IEEE History Biosketch

 LinkedIn Professional Network



Hobbies and homelife:

 Our Country Home (more)


 Mackinac Island Wedding

 Our Kitties  Amateur Astronomy  Vintage Radios

 Whitewater Canoeing

 X-C Skiing


 Motocross Racing  Racing at MRA  Trail Riding
 Natural Landscaping (more)  Wildlife photos (more)  Lynn's tree list



Lynn's TG/TS Information and Advocacy:

 Gender Basics

 TS Women's Successes

 TS Women's Resources


 Successful TransMen

 Facial Feminization Surgery*

 Transsexualism (MtF)

 TG/TS/IS Links

 Sex Reassignment Surgery

 Prevalence of Transsexualism  Transsexual (TS) Transition  Life after Transition
 Conditions in Other Countries  Transitioning Early in Life  Issues of Passing & Stealth
 Multi-national translation project  College Transition Issues  Assimilation as a Woman
 Los Angeles Times article  "Beautiful Daughters" Documentary  ASEE Magazine Article, 2011 PDF


Lynn's role in IBM's pioneering superscalar computer of the 1960's:

 Lynn's IBM-ACS Archive PDF

 Dynamic Instruction Sched. PDF

 Logic Simulation System  PDF

 ACS Simulation Technique  PDF

 MPM Timing Simulation  PDF

 Design of the Design Process  PDF

 Lynn's Retrospective information

 ACS Historical Reconstruction

 Interactions with IBM

 Computer Pioneer Award  Computer History Museum Event  ACS Reunion at CHM, 2010
Lynn's role in the VLSI chip design revolution of the 1970's and 1980's:
 Lynn's VLSI Archive  VLSI Archive Main Links  VLSI Archive Spreadsheet XLS

 Mead-Conway Textbook

 MIT '78 VLSI design course PDF

 Instructors' Guidebook  PDF

 Implementation Guidebook  PDF


 MPC79 files  PDF

 '82-'83 VLSI Instructors  PDF  Annotated References  Electronics Award Article  PDF

 Dealers of Lightning (re PARC)

 NRC Historical Book

 Mead-Conway Impact  PDF

 Lynn's reflections on the work

 The MPC Adventures  PDF

 Electronic Design Hall of Fame



Other links:

 Strategic Computing at DARPA  Lynn's Patents in Visual Comm  Coming out of stealth

 Scientific American profile

 Early ACS Reunion, 7-24-99

 Early VLSI Reunion, 6-10-99




*NOTE:  The Google local-site search feature only applies to pages posted under the URL prefix  Thus such searches won't find a few of Lynn's pages (such as those related to FFS) that are still posted under the URL prefix .  To access pages with that prefix, please use the links in menus above. > Site Map & Links