A late winter's day walk

by Lynn Conway

Copyright @ 2007-2011 Lynn Conway. All Rights Reserved


It was mid-March, 2007, and a light fluffy snow had fallen during the night. The temperature was just below freezing and snow clung to all the grasses and tree branches, creating a beautiful winter-wonderland effect.  On taking an extended walk in our woods the next morning, I decided to carry a camera along - hoping to capture something of the experience of winter on our property here in Michigan. The soft snow silenced my steps and fresh tracks were everywhere to be seen, opening up chances for nice close-encounters with wildlife.


Posted below are some photos from this late winter's day walk. To recapture the magic of that day when taking this photo-walk, listen to Michael Darius' "Remedy": http://www.myspace.com/michaeldarius/music/songs/remedy-25197044


Overview of the pond area and the woods beyond, looking NW from the N edge of the center field



View E while walking by the east swamp. The ice in the swamp had almost all melted before the snowfall, and so the snow mostly melted as it fell. The result was a satiny "ice-slush" surface on all the open-water, which further enhanced the winter-wonderland effect.



Looking N along the log trail across the north swamp.

Here again you can see the "ice-slush" effect.



Looking SW down the woods road, towards the pond area beyond



Three does were wandering around and browsing in the NE corner of Lot 4, oblivious that they are being watched



Silent tracking and stalking in the soft snow led to further close-encounters, like this



And like this!



Looking N from the west heights, down towards the NW marshlands and the NW woods beyond



Looking NE from the heights, towards the woods along the edge of the NW marshlands



Looking back across the NW marshlands towards the NW woods on the west of the property



View from the heights in the middle of the property - looking back towards the east fence line.

If you look closely, you'll see the swing set in the pond-overlook area, at the upper right of the photo.



Heading back NE along the woods road



On moving quietly toward a bend in the road, and then peeking around a tree, look what we see!

She sensed something was there - but was more curious than alarmed.



After a few moments, the doe wandered off into the woods on Oak Hill to the north.

 Some quiet stalking then led to this further close encounter!



Another view of the east swamp, while on the way back to the house.

All in all this was a wonderful late winter's day walk!




For more on our country home and links to more photos:


Our country home

Landscape Photos

The Northwoods Cabin

Photos of our home

Photos of Trees

Wildlife photos