Lynn Conway's VLSI Archive:
Status sheet for filing items at CHM
[V 4-27-08] 
This page tracks the status of items in preparation for filing at CHM,
indicating PDFs and HardCopies yet to do, and those ready for filing.
Artifacts such as photos, wafers and chips are tracked under HC's.
For more information on these items, see the VLSI Archive Spreadsheet.
Click here to access this spreadsheet in .xls form
ARCHIVE ITEM Expl PDFdo PDFrdy HCdo HCrdy Pack Sent AtCHM
The MPC Adventures X X
Lynn's VLSI Archive X
Main Links Page X
Links re Impact X
Links re Historical Reflections X
Background and context X
Basic Limitations: 'ARPA report' X
Scientific American article X
The 'Sutherland letter', 1-76 X X
The Xerox PARC/Caltech collaboration X
Mead's MOS circuit design course, 7-76 X
Innovation of design methods X
Invention of scalable design rules X
Lynn's tutorials on the methods X
The idea of doing "the book" X
The OM2 rigorously applies the methods X
PARC MPC 11-77 X
Mead-Conway Text X
draft 1 (10-77) X X
draft 2 (2-78) X X
draft 3 (8-78) double-sided format X X
Intro to VLSI Systems, A-W (9-79) prelim sc to do X
Intro to VLSI Systems, A-W (11-79) 1st pr sc to do X
Intro to VLSI Systems, A-W (10-80) 2nd pr Front X
MIT'78 VLSI design course X X
Chip Photos (hi-res  jpgs)
Chip Photos (very hi-res) X
Instructors Guide X X  
Implementation Guide X X
Intensive courses, summer '79
PARC Course - Summer '79
The Instructor's Course - Summer '79
MPC79 Overview X
MPC79 Report (see also MPC Adventures) X L2Q80
MPC79 Files X X
MPC79 messages
MPC79 Impl. Doc. X X
Chip Photos (PDFs) X
Chip Photos (hi res jpgs) X
Designers and Projects X
MPC580 Overview X
MPC580 Impl. Doc. X X
Electronics Magazine alerts industry  X X
Short Intensive Courses
Early PARC courses
University-based short courses
Internal company courses
VLSI Technology, Inc. courses X
Lambda-VLSI Design Magazine
1Q80, 2Q80, 4Q80, 1Q81, 4Q81 X
The early VLSI Conferences X
Caltech, Jan 1979   Front X
MIT, Jan 1980 Abstr
Caltech, Jan 1981  Front
Edinburgh, Aug 81 Front
CMU, Oct 81  Front
MIT, Jan 1982 PList
IEEE Spring CompCon, Feb 82 PList
Caltech, Mar 83 Front
The VLSI Implementation Services X
'82-'83 VLSI Instructors X X
Early Classic VLSI Design Tools 
Scalable Design Rules, Conway et al X
ICARUS, Fairbairn & Rowson MCv2 C4
CIF2.0, Lyon and Sproull MCv2 C4
Silicon Compilation, Dave Johannsen CT79
MOSSIM, Randy Bryant L1Q80
DRC-CirctExtr-TimSim, Terman L4Q80
CAESAR, John Ousterhout VD4Q81
CRYSTAL, John Ousterhout UCB-Link
MAGIC, John Ousterhout PDF12-83
Early Classic VLSI Designs 
OM2, Dave Johannsen, et al MCv2 C5
The Geometry Engine, James Clark L2Q80
RSA Cipher Chip, Ron Rivest, et al L4Q80
Scheme78, 79, 81, Steele, Sussman, et al MIT78
Bit-Serial DSP, Dick Lyon Edin81
Optical Mouse, Dick Lyon XP8-81 X  
      Optical Mouse CHIPS X
RISC, Dave Patterson, et al XP8-81
MIPS, John Hennessy, et al CMU81
SPARC, Andreas Bechtolsheim NRC hist
The Design of VLSI Design Methods X
Lynn PARC photo X X
M-C Wetherill Medal Photo X X
Alan Bell MPC79 Final Merge Photo X X
MPC79 wafer, chip, package: Photo 1 X X
MPC79 wafer, chip, package: Photo 2 X
Mead-Conway Impact X X X
NRC historical book X
ITEM Expl PDFdo PDFrdy Hcdo HCrdy Sent Filed