Lynn Conway's IBM-ACS Archive
Copyright @ 1999-2007 by Lynn Conway. All Rights Reserved.
[Introduction and Links updated 10-29-07 ]


1-05-10 Update:  IBM-ACS Reunion to be held at the Computer History Museum on February 18, 2010.

7-01-10 Update:  Clarification of change of name on ACS documents.

7-06-10 Update:  Posted rescans of the MPM Timing Simulator listings that were unclear in original version.




This webpage contains the front-matter and table of contents for Lynn Conway's* 392-page archive of documents from the IBM-ACS project from the 1960's, and also provides links to PDFs of all documents in the archive.

The ACS team members made many fundamental contributions to computer architecture, and in the process created the first true superscalar machine design (including issuance of multiple interlock-controlled out-of-order instructions per machine cycle). As a result, the ACS team pioneered architectural methods that have become fundamental to many of today's high-performance VLSI PC processors. To learn more about this remarkable project, see the extensive historical reconstruction compiled by Dr. Mark Smotherman of Clemson University.

Lynn's archive includes a number of key internal IBM Confidential ACS papers**, including the tutorial paper on Dynamic Instruction Scheduling dated February 23, 1966, and her papers on the ACS timing simulation and the design of the ACS design process. Also included are Lynn's ACS-1 MPM Architecture and Simulator Notebook (mostly handwritten notes), and the complete source code listings for the final running version of the mature ACS-1 MPM Architectural (register transfer level) Timing Simulator.
The front-matter below describes the contents of the archive, and discusses the context in which each paper was written. Included is Lynn's original letter to Dr. Mark Smotherman alerting him to the existence of her ACS archive. The Contents page contains links to overviews of each paper, and links to PDF's of each of the original papers. Some papers have been OCR'd, and their text is accessible in html format. The complete archive is also accessible as a single file PDF file [PDF] (14.2 mb).


The following webpage contains a Table of Contents and links into the ACS-1 MPM Instruction Manual, which describes details of the ACS-1 instruction set. The links in the contents access PDF's of the various parts of the original document:


"The ACS-1 MPM Instruction Manual"


The Instruction Manual can also be retrieved as a single PDF document, at this link [164 page PDF] (2.67 mb)




*See the original note below regarding the use of Lynn's current name in her ACS archives.
Update of 7-01-10 regarding Lynn's name: As indicated in the note below, my name was legally changed to Lynn Conway in January 1969. Since I am widely known under my new name, we chose to use it on my earlier papers in this archive. As a further clarification, please note that the scanned copies of the materials in this archive are of the original documents with the only exception that where my earlier name appeared, it has been changed to Lynn Conway or L. Conway as appropriate in context. This was done for preservation of the privacy of my extended family, who do not wish to be associated with me by name. I'd greatly appreciate it if readers would honor that privacy.
**All the  'IBM Confidential' materials in Lynn Conway's archive have been officially declassified by IBM, and Lynn has been granted a worldwide license by IBM to distribute these materials for historical and academic purposes.

Lynn Conway*
February 16, 1999
This volume contains documents and reference materials that I have compiled regarding the IBM Advanced Computing Systems ACS-1 supercomputer. These are copies of original documents dating back to the ACS project itself. Taken together, they may be sufficient to disclose many of the system architectural innovations of the ACS architecture team.
The front-matter for the archive contains a brief, but important overview, of each document, including some details regarding the document's context within the ACS project. Also included is my initial letter to Dr. Mark Smotherman of Clemson University regarding the possibilities of reconstruction of many details of the ACS-1 machine.
[The titles link to overviews further below. Links to right of the titles access PDF's and html versions of the items. Relevant archive page numbers are shown in brackets. A PDF of the complete archive is available at this link (14.2 mb)]
i.  Overviews of Archive Papers and Documents. [i1-i8]   [PDF] 306 kb
ii.  Letter to Dr. Smotherman, January 2, 1999. [ii1-ii3]   [PDF] 127 kb
1. "Dynamic Instruction Scheduling", February 23, 1966. [1-21]   [PDF] 612 kb; [html]
2. "ACS Simulation Technique", March 15, 1966. [22-49]   [PDF] 600 kb
3. "Dual Arithmetic on ACS-1", May 1, 1967. [51-53]   [PDF] 96 kb
4. "Architecturally Critical Paths in the MPM", May 12, 1967. [54-58]   [PDF] 115 kb
5. "MPM Timing Simulation", August 25, 1967. [59-92]    [PDF] 1.0 mb; [html]  
6. MPM Architecture and Simulator Reference Notebook, as of August 1967. [93-210]   [PDF] 3.0 mb
7. Timing Simulator Source Code Listings, as of August 1967. [211-327]   [PDF] 6.7 mb
8. "ACS Logic Design Conventions: A Guide for the Novice", November 29, 1967. [328-346]   [PDF] 520 kb
9. "A Proposed ACS Logic Simulation System". October 31, 1967. [347-366]   [PDF] 635 kb
10. "The Computer Design Process: A Proposed Plan for ACS", August 6, 1968. [367-392]   [PDF] 870 kb;  [html]  
* My name was legally changed to Lynn Conway in January 1969. Since I am widely known under my new name, we've chosen to use it on my earlier papers in this archive.


Page i. 2
1. "Dynamic Instruction Scheduling", February 23, 1966:
L. Conway, B. Randell, D. Rozenberg, D. Senzig   [PDF] 612 kb
The background on this paper is as follows. Sometime in late '65, I suddenly visualized a solution to the general multi-issuance and conflict-resolution problem. I quickly compiled block diagrams and notes to capture the ideas, and during the next few days I presented these ideas in staff meetings in the architecture group. There was a rapid, very positive reaction. I was tasked to document the ideas in more detail, to incorporate one of the branching schemes then under study, and to turn the scheme into an architectural "proposal".
Since I was quite junior and had little experience with coordinating and writing ACS proposals, I worked with a number of ACS staff members, including Don Rozenberg, Brian Randell, Don Senzig and others to produce the resulting paper. There was a sense that these weren't just ordinary ideas, and we worked hard to frame the concepts in a tutorial form, so that they would be clear to team members. Brian Randell in particular came up with some wonderful articulations about the DIS schemes, in his inimitable British manner. We hoped to be able to publish the ideas openly later on.
But things then moved fast, and within a year the ideas in the paper had became the basis for, and were implemented within, a fully revised ACS-MPM architecture.
Although the original dynamic instruction scheduling ideas were mine alone, the paper was a team effort. As inventor, I was the lead author, and was followed by Brian Randell, Don Rozenberg and Don Senzig. I think Ed Sussenguth and Herb Schorr gave useful feedback too; had the paper gone on to publication they might have been included as co-authors.
The dynamic instruction scheduling paper is labeled "[DRAFT]". I believe that by late February '66, we saw this paper as a work in progress towards formal publication. The ideas were already, in parallel, being evaluated for use in the actual machine. Thus in this draft I think we stepped back from revealing thinking on exactly how the ideas might be applied in the machine, as, for example, by using dual instruction windows.
But by then we also needed a tutorial on the ideas for those outside the architecture group, such as the logic designers, to use as a reference. Thus this "draft" version of 2-23-67 was released within ACS. After that date, no further work was done on the paper. It was completely overtaken by the escalating events surrounding adoption of this scheme for use in the ACS machine. Thus the invention itself then became quite "secret".
Interestingly, the name "dynamic instruction scheduling" never really entered into the team's "lingo". Instead, the relevant structures were usually just called "instruction queues", or "instruction buffers", or "contender stacks" for short, as is seen in all the later documents. It's possible that many ACS vets won't recall the specific title of the paper. Could that perhaps explain why no one from the team has ever come forward and mentioned this work?
On the other hand, it is very likely that copies of this paper surreptitiously passed into circulation outside IBM during the late 60's and early 70's, providing a path for transfer of this knowledge, and its name, into computer architecture circles outside of IBM.

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2. "ACS Simulation Technique", Mar. 15, 1966: D. Rozenberg, L. Conway, R. Riekert  [PDF] 600 kb
This paper documents the methods used to build the ACS MPM register-transfer level simulator. This paper may prove valuable by helping later analysts better understand and interpret the source code and the output results of the "MPM Timing Simulator".
The simulator was built in FORTRAN IV. Thus it is relatively easy to "read the code" that defines the workings of each module and functional unit. The simulation methods were also aimed at being fast enough to support long runs involving many, many variations of the machine architectural parameters.
The simulator was initially used to take quick looks at architectural variants, watch code passing through them, and figure out why things got blocked or didn't work as expected. Later it was used to gather data on the performance of many serious MPM variants running lots of real code, and then to "balance and tune" the emerging ACS-1 machine.
Notice the use of a "memory queue" function as the tutorial example in this paper. I believe that by this time in '66, we were already doing basic simulator implementations and evaluations of various "instruction queuing" structures and controls, as part of our explorations of dynamic instruction scheduling methods. I think we may have just simplified and then "reused" some of that code to create the example in this paper.
Don Rozenberg was lead author, I was second and Bob Riekert was third. Bob had done important work on the simulation methods at Yorktown, but didn't go west with ACS.
3. "Dual Arithmetic on ACS-1", May 1, 1967: T. C. Chen  [PDF] 96 kb
This paper is an internal proposal from Tien Chi (T. C.) Chen to Jack Bertram regarding methods for implementing dual floating point arithmetic in ACS-1. It contains interesting references to dual arithmetic on the ILLIAC IV machine.
I include this paper as a good example of an ACS "proposal", though I do not recall right now the details of how this particular one turned out.
Note that the data-path register-transfer-level details of the arithmetic-functional units were an independent architectural dimension of the project that had to meet logic design/machine-cycle constraints on the one hand, and bussing/pipelining/issuance-control/architectural constraints on the other.
Thus only the timings of the ACS-1's arithmetic units, and not those units' internal functional details, were modeled in the timing simulator. (An "unroller" processed assembly code input instructions to produce the input instruction stream to the timing simulator). This was in contrast to the OP fetch, Bussing, OP interlocking and issuance, SKIP, Branch and Exit functioning, etc., which were fully modeled in the timing simulator.

page i. 4
4. "Architecturally Critical Paths in the MPM", May 12, 1967: E. Sussenguth  [PDF] 115 kb
This is an important internal memo from Ed Sussenguth to Herb Schorr that summarizes the results of detailed MPM architectural design studies during the spring of 1967. It pins down the final list of critical paths that must be insured against any performance slippage in any later design iterations.
In each particular case, the critical path functions are identified as needing to be completed within a certain number of machine cycles. Then, for each of these functions, there would have been related critical logic design exposures, wherein specific logic functions had to be completable within a machine cycle .
This memo was the result of an intense period of simulation and tradeoff studies to tune and balance the MPM mechanisms for OP fetching, Bussing, OP interlocking and issuance, SKIP, Branch and EXIT mechanisms, functional unit timings, etc.
Together with the other documents, this paper shows that the near-final form of ACS-1 machine architecture was completed and was being fine-tuned during the spring of '67; thus it supports the inference that generalized dynamic instruction scheduling must have been incorporated into the revised ACS machine architecture sometime in the latter part of '66.
The details in this memo about MPM critical paths should really help during efforts at interpreting other ACS documents, and reconstructing the MPM's architecture.
5. "MPM Timing Simulation", August 25, 1967 (ACS AP #67-115) : L. Conway  [PDF] 1.0 mb
This paper is a gold mine of detail on the system architecture of the ACS-1 MPM. It was originally intended as a users' manual that others could reference, in order to submit simulator input and interpret simulator output. I was sole author of this paper.
The simulator was written in FORTRAN IV (H), and ran on an IBM S/360 Mod 75 under OS/360. It operated at a rate of approximately 10 simulated instructions per second; typical programs thus ran at a rate of about 20 instructions per second.
By this date, the simulator was the de facto formal description of the structure and functions of the timing and controls of the ACS-1 MPM. All architecture team members coordinated their work with the making of modifications to the evolving versions of this simulator. Detailed functional modifications were seen to work or not, by whether they functioned as expected during simulation runs.
By the time this document was written, a lot of experience had been gained in the effects on machine performance of variations in machine parameters. In particular, it was clear by then that the 3 out of 8 issuance scheme for A-Ops was near optimal in terms of mean OPs/cycle while meeting the logic-level and machine cycle-time constraints. This paper uses that 3 out of 8 scheme in a very detailed example, including detailed timing diagrams and the corresponding simulator input and output listings.

Page i. 5
Therefore, this paper provides a peek inside an ACS-1 MPM actually running code, enabling the reader to see how the OP fetching, Bussing, instruction scheduling, Branch and Exit functions, functional unit timings, etc., all worked together.
The paper defines and elaborates on the mnemonics of all those machine facilities, enabling readers to make detailed interpretations of timing diagrams and simulator output listings. Those mnemonics were used widely within ACS by this date, so these definitions will be helpful in interpreting other ACS documents. This paper includes a list of all instruction mnemonics, but, unfortunately, no detailed descriptions of the instructions themselves.
This manual, together with the detailed "Timing Simulator Notebook" and the "Timing Simulator Source Code Listing", provides sufficient information to possibly enable later analysts to reconstruct a running version of the ACS timing simulator.
This document, with all its details of how the ACS-1 processed instructions, may also have passed into circulation outside of IBM, and thus helped to propagate ACS architectural concepts into the computer architecture community.
6. MPM Architecture and Simulator Notebook, August 1967: L. Conway   [PDF] 3.0 mb
This notebook contains my working documentation of the ACS-1 machine architecture, and materials regarding translation of that architecture into the MPM Timing Simulator. It contains very detailed information on the ACS-1 as of late August 1967, which was a mature point in the machine's evolution, and the design point for which important benchmarks have been described elsewhere. The notebook consists of about 120 pages of flowcharts, tables and notes, in addition to the ACS AP #67-115 paper.
Unfortunately, these notes do not contain a description of the OP set itself, as it was documented in a separate memo that, I believe, was entitled "ACS-1 MPM Instruction Manual" (we should really try to find a copy of that one, if one still exists). However, many important details regarding the OP set, including the OP Tags, are included in these notes. A listing of the contents of this notebook is included on the following page.

Page i. 6
Listing of contents of the Timing Simulator Notebook (draft listing, as of 1-21-99) :  [PDF] 3.0 mb
Note: [XXX] = archive page #
[059] MPM Timing Simulator, ACS AP #67-115: Timing simulator user's guide as above.
[093] A Unit Interlock Simulation: A primer based on the sort of code used in the Timing
Simulator. Hardware diagrams, flowcharts and code are condensed from the actual
simulator, and give the essentials of A-Interlocks for a simpler "ACS-like" machine.
Also constitutes a tutorial on the micro-architecture of the A-Unit Interlocks.
[103] Facility Structure:
Some details of the XFAC's, AFAC's, INBUS #'s, OUTBUS #'s, delays;
M.E.H.'s diagrams coordinated via E.Sussenguth, dates 2-15-67 thru 7-26-67.
[111] OP Decode Tags:
Contains tabulation (unary) of all decode tags for the 227 instructions,
i.e., the internal claims on facilities, busses, etc., for all OPs,
in a 256 by 70 table for the instruction set of April 17, 1967.
[143] Various flowcharts and notes:
Definitions of simulator Common Variables; I,J indexing of A-SD's, X-SD's.
More on the decode tags, format of XBUFF and ABUFF.
Bussing of OPs to A and X Buffers.
Format of Execution Simulator output cards; Example of Output.

[152] Various architectural and simulator details:
Block diagram of machine's major dynamic instruction modules.
Flow charts for key functional module routines.
"Event running times within the cycle", in 0.1's of a machine cycle.
Stack to Register timing: key difference between A and X stack algorithms,
bussing and facilities.
"Full Bypassing" timing; "No Bypassing" timing.
Common Vars, "Revised 18 May 1967", Common Vars, "Before Revision".
[168] Memory timing details:
Memo to file by G. T. Paul re "MPM-BLCU Interface for Store OPS", 5-24-67,
with diagrams by M.E.H., G. P., 5-17-67, revised 6-7-67.
Memory Timing Diagram; Routines re memory instructions.
Instruction fetching overview.
Handling the Back-Up Registers - overview.
M. Homan's notes re Back-Up Logic, as of about a year earlier: 7-25-66.
[189] Skips, Branches and Exits:
SKIP instruction overview; Execution of EXIT instruction -overview.
BRANCH and EXIT Handling, complete details of, in a coordinated, hand-written
"memo" of 3-27-67 by B. O. B. (?), along with similar memo re "old branch info"
by B. O. B. dated 3-17-67, followed by detailed timing diagrams.

Page i. 7
7. Timing Simulator Source Code Listings, August 1967: L. Conway  [PDF] 6.7 mb
This notebook contains a set of listings of the source code for the near-final version of the ACS machine's register-transfer level timing simulator. There are about 5000 lines of FORTRAN IV (H) source code in these 100 or so pages of listings. This is probably the version of the code used to generate the examples in the ACS AP #67-115 paper.
By mid-67, the timing simulator was the de facto formal description of the overall team-coordinated details of the evolving ACS-1 architecture. Therefore, these listings, when taken together with the Timing Simulator Manual and the additional diagrams, flowcharts and other details in the Timing Simulator Notebook, provide a very detailed account of the ACS-1 system architecture.
8. "ACS Logic Design Conventions: A Guide for the Novice", Nov. 29, 67: L. Conway  [PDF] 520 kb

On joining ACS, I found that there was no single convenient source for this information. Some of the information was not documented in any available references. Since most of the logic designers used different notations and conventions, it proved to be a time consuming and confusing process to learn the precise details of this very simple, basic material. Many of the designers related to me that they had had similar initial experiences.
At the time I made some notes for my own personal use, and later formed these notes into this memorandum in the hope that it might prove useful to newcomers to ACS. This memo may prove useful in ACS retrospectives and reconstructions by enabling more precise analysis of original ACS DRKS design records.
9. "A Proposed ACS Logic Simulation System", Oct. 31, 1967: L. Conway   [PDF] 635 kb
This memo proposes an LSS to provide a means for debugging the logic design of the ACS machine. Included is a means to extract design partitions from DRKS files and run simulations on the partitions based on interface signals extracted from the equivalent partition of the system-level (MPM timing) simulator. Considerable detail in the form of block diagrams, flow-charts and calculations are included to clarify interfaces and interaction in the overall system. One requirement for such a system to work would be formal acceptance of the system-level simulator as the formal description of machine structure and functions, and forcing of logic design partitions to implement the functions of the equivalent system-level partitions. This seemed feasible at the time, since the MPM Timing Simulator had already become the de-facto formal description of the machine. This memo may provide useful insights into various practical aspects of ACS logic design and engineering at the time.

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10. "The Computer Design Process: A Proposed Plan for ACS", Aug 6, 68: L. Conway  [PDF] 870 kb
This memo builds on item 9, and proposes a detailed design for the overall ACS machine design process, including system architecture, logic design and engineering, physical specification and process automation, and maintenance. The thesis is that proper design of the design process is as important as proper design of the machine itself. It exploits the System-level Simulator as the overall machine specification, and discusses the overall integration and protocols for use of that simulator with the LSS, DRKS, Physical Specification and Process Automation tools. It addresses many concerns, such as the fact that design phases do not follow serially but overlap in time, that some partitions may be far along in specification while others may be quite tentative, and that later design phases constantly feedback feasibility or cost issues to earlier (higher-level) phases. This proposal was fairly widely circulated and had gained considerable support just before the project was cancelled. This memo provides useful insights into practical aspects of ACS system architecture, logic design, engineering, physical specification and process automation at the time. [Also, taken together with the other materials, all this work substantially informed my later explorations at Xerox PARC on VLSI design and implementation methodologies].

Page ii. 1
Lynn Conway
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Comuter Science
The University of Michigan, College of Engineering
170 ATL Building
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481009-2110
313-763-5509 FAX 313-763-1260
2 January 1999
Dr. Mark Smotherman
Department of Computer Science
Box 341906
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-1906
Dear Dr. Smotherman:
When I came upon your web site identifying the IBM-ACS machine as "the First Superscalar" computer, many past events came rushing back into my mind. I had been at ACS, first at Yorktown Heights, then in Sunnyvale and then up on Sand Hill Road, during the period when the exciting architectural work was being done there.
There were publications and talks, by Herb Schorr in the early 70's and later by John Cocke and others, that hinted at the scope of the ACS innovations. But these early retrospectives lacked detail about the system's architecture and lacked a context in which to embed the ideas so as to fully convey their significance. Many computer architects sensed that amazing things had happened at ACS, but few could be sure quite what, or why it even mattered.
As modern VLSI superscalars emerged into widespread application, and details of their architectures were described, I became aware that important early ACS innovations had transferred directly into those machines. Even the early ACS name for one of those innovations, dynamic instruction scheduling, is now used by superscalar architects, and is described as such in modern computer architecture textbooks.
More than thirty years after the original work, modern superscalars now at last provide a context for understanding and appreciating the value of the early ACS innovations. For some time now, I've hoped that someone from the ACS team might step forward and point towards the sources of those concepts. However, no one has come forward.
When I read the ACS retrospective on your web site, I began thinking about why such claims haven't been made before. The sudden elimination of the project, followed by exits and transfers of the architecture team members, must have meant that few, if any, original ACS documents were saved by anyone. Thus the machine seemed to have just "vanished", and there was little material evidence on which to base any retrospectives.
It vanished almost everywhere, that is, except in a notebook, documents and computer listings that I compiled and kept stored away all these years.

Page ii. 2
Hopefully, the materials that I have saved can be used to reconstruct many details of ACS machine architecture, and more fully document the accomplishments of the ACS team. I'm interested in helping with such an effort, and in helping contact other ACS alums who might have original artifacts and personal knowledge of events there.
The years I spent at IBM-ACS were among the most intellectually exciting of my life. It was an incredible opportunity for me to be able to work with John Cocke, Herb Schorr, Fran Allen, Ed Sussenguth, Don Rozenberg and all the others upon just finishing my graduate work at Columbia. Reflections on my experiences at ACS, and the documents relating to my work there, may help you and others reconstruct the overall story.
When I joined ACS, the team was based at IBM Research in Yorktown Heights N.Y., and the effort went by the code name "Project Y". I joined in a support role to build the register-transfer timing simulator for the emerging supercomputer. In that role, I had ongoing access to almost all the team's architectural discussions and debates.
During the early phases of the project, I became fascinated with John Cocke's "open questions" about computer architecture. By an amazing stroke of luck, I hit upon a pretty good general solution to one of those questions, namely the problem of multiple issuance. The team was very democratic and open to suggestions and proposals from any member, at any level. They listened to my ideas, and then acted on them.
We initially called the resulting invention "dynamic instruction scheduling". It went on to play an important role in the overall system architecture of the ACS main processing module (MPM). Fortunately, among my documents are those describing this invention, and showing how it was exploited in the ACS-MPM. These documents are identified in an annotated list attached to this letter.
Included in the attached list are my reference notebook, the source code and a detailed user's manual for the MPM timing simulator. During 1967, the timing simulator became the de facto formal description of much of the machine's architecture. Therefore, these materials can be used to reconstruct many details of ACS machine architecture. It's even conceivable that a running timing simulator could be reconstructed someday, based on these materials.
Given the significance and impact of superscalar computers, I really do feel the need to set the story straight, namely that the ACS machine, a long forgotten "orphan", was never really dead. ACS lives on after all, as the original source of many fundamental innovations that have since passed on into modern machines.
I commend you on your efforts to reconstruct events at ACS and to document details of ACS machine architecture. The independent, detailed context that you have already established, together with my materials, should at least confirm the origins of generalized dynamic instruction scheduling. That invention is one of the coolest ideas I've hit upon. It would mean a very great deal to me for its origins in my ACS work to be acknowledged.

Page ii. 3
I'm not sure how to best proceed from here, but I do suggest that initially we try to acquire more materials, contact more ACS alums, work on a project timeline, etc., before releasing further preliminary conclusions. Also, by putting more ACS materials on a web site, we could perhaps clarify that a lot of materials do still exist, and thereby interest others in participating in reconstruction efforts.
Many of the events surrounding ACS were shaped by internal IBM politics that I and most of my colleagues were unaware of at the time. The sudden demise of the project completely stunned us. I never understood why the decision had been made that ACS must be 360 compatible. However, it was clear right away that the 360 decision meant that the ACS architectural innovations were going to be shelved.
You can imagine what the project's demise meant to those who had done the creative work there. Sure, John Cocke went on to become famous among the cognoscenti in computing. Indeed, four members of the early ACS architecture team, including John Cocke, Fran Allen, Ed Sussenguth and myself, were later elected to the National Academy of Engineering for a variety of other contributions. But imagine how much it would have meant to John and the rest of us if the ACS designs at least had been saved, and approved for later publication. Instead, almost all that wonderful work was discarded, as if it had never existed.
Since I'm not sure what sensitivities remain regarding theories about the project's cancellation, I'd like to proceed carefully when gathering information on the overall story. It is certainly important to try to contact ACS team members named in the various documents in advance of any public uses of those documents. Efforts should also be made to involve as many ACS alums as possible, so that a wider set of perspectives can be gained and a more thorough history compiled.
I really enjoyed talking with you recently about ACS. I look forward to interacting with you further on this interesting project.
Lynn Conway
Professor of EECS, Emerita
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Attachment: Annotated list of reference materials regarding the ACS-1 machine


End of front-matter > ACS Archive