News Updates of 2008 (Jan-June):
This page links to news of general
interest to the trans community during the first half of 2008. This
running log of news also serves as a window into areas of media focus and public
interest regarding trans issues during 2008. Let us know if you hear of
news to include in this list. To access to a wide range of trans news, we
recommend "Google News",
searching on keywords such as transgender, transsexual, sex reassignment, sex
change, gender variance and gender transition.
2008: Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May,
Link to second half of 2008
Lynn Conway
Click here to access the currrent Trans News Updates
Click here to access the Trans News
Updates for 2008 (2nd half)
June 2008:
6-30-08: Detroit News: "Protect transgenders against discrimination",
by Deb Price - "Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., eloquently summed up why
America should protect transgender workers. Evoking Martin Luther King Jr.,
she declared, "Laws cannot change people's hearts. But they can restrain the
6-30-08: Electric News (Singapore): "How Do Bugis Divas Grow Old? We
rely on one another, say transvestites" - "'We have gone through the
extremes to get to who we are, fight to live as who we feel we should be. So
it is natural that we grow over the years to become very tough and fiercely
6-29-08: Staten Island Live (Staten Island, NY): "On the frontier of
transgender civil rights"
6-28-08: “ISNA’s legacy of shame and secrecy: The Sextard
Movement”, by Andrea James.
“After 15 years
in operation, the Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) has quietly
closed its doors and
published a farewell message. . . Sadly, the most problematic and
enduring legacy of ISNA and Laurent/Chase will now be
“disorders of sex development” (DSD), what I call the Sextard Movement.
By shifting intersex traits from natural human variance to developmental
disorders, ISNA leaders effectively
repathologized a whole class of people, lumping them in with other forms
of mental and physical “retardation.” This massive political misstep can be
directly traced to the long-running personal and professional association
between Laurent/Chase and historian
Alice Dreger. Dreger is the
J. Michael
Bailey of the intersex community, an academic opportunist who exploits
emotionally vulnerable people like Laurent/Chase. . . "
6-28-08: The Daily Mail (UK): "Girl, 17, set to become Britain's
youngest sex-change patient"
6-28-08: (India): "Transgenders scripting success in Tamil
ABC News: "'I'm a Girl' -- Understanding Transgender Children - Parents of
Transgender Child Support Her Choice"
ABC News: "Born With the Wrong Body - Transgender 10-Year-Old Girl and Her
Family Talk to Barbara Walters"
6-27-08: "Congressional Hearing - Audio"
- Ethan St. Pierre posts audio of this historic
hearing (link
to audio)
6-27-08: Edge (Boston): "Transgender Rights Hearing a First for
Congress" (more)
6-27-09: ""Joelle Ruby Ryan chairs NWSA panel on
resisting transphobia in academia: The event Alice Dreger failed to stop"
A report on Joelle's first-of-its-kind.NWSA panel.
Dreger attempted to stop this
panel by launching
e-mail attack on Joelle and threatening her future academic career.
However, the panel went on as scheduled and yielded powerful essays that
further expose trans-defamations by Bailey and Dreger. We're pleased to
report on the panel and provide excerpts and links to the essays below:
6-27-08: Joelle
Ruby Ryan: “The Bailey Brouhaha: Community Members Speak Out on
Resisting Transphobia and Sexism in Academia and Beyond” - In her
introduction to this important panel, Joelle Ruby Ryan talks of transgender
people finally "speaking truth to power" [PDF]
6-27-08: Élise R. Hendrick: "Quiet Down There! The Discourse of
Academic Freedom as Defence of Hierarchy in the Aftermath of J. Michael
Bailey's The Man Who Would Be Queen" In a brilliant essay, Élise exposes
Bailey's and Dreger's claim to a special form of protection from criticism
called "Bailey-Dreger academic freedom (BDAF) [PDF]
6-27-08: Katrina
Rose: "Go Ask Alice – But Not About Transsexuals’ Lives and History: A
Defense of the Right of Members of an Oppressed Class to Speak for
Themselves". In her essay, Katrina explores Dreger's ill-conceived
defense of Bailey and the inevitable negative impact on her own reputation.
6-27-08: Andrea James: "Fair comment, foul play: Populist responses to J.
Michael Bailey’s exploitative “controversies”" Andrea explores the
trans-reparatist treatment of gender-variant youth as the overarching theme
of Bailey's book, and the unstoppable populist response against such
trans-reparatism. Making connections between sex science and race science,
she illuminates how profoundly the trans-community has been harmed by the
National Academies' publication of Bailey's book. [PDF]
6-26-08: "Alice Dreger's attacks on critics of J.
Michael Bailey" (A report by Andrea James with key links re Dreger's
6-26-08: The Jerusalem Post (Isreal): "Say no more: Transsexual
Israeli tops Lebanese song chart"
The Auburn Villager (Auburn University): "Professor lives as 'full-time'
transgender woman"
6-25-08: "Memphis Police Officer Fired, Accused of Beating Transgender
Suspect" - "A Memphis Police Officer is off of the job after an alleged
beating of a transgender person, that was caught on camera." (see also
"Memphis Police Beat
Transsexual - Caught on Tape)
GIDReform Weblog: "Maligning Terminology in the DSM: The Language of
Oppression" - "Of
the disrespectful language faced by gender variant people, none is more
damaging or hurtful than that which disregards our gender identities, denies
affirmed social roles of those who have transitioned, and reduces us to our
assigned birth sex. I’m speaking of affirmed trans-women being called “he”
and trans-men being called “she.” I use the term Maligning Language
to describe this specific kind of verbal violence." (GID
Reform Advocates website ;
DSM 5th Edition, Status and Issues ;
USA Today (re Cuba): "Cuba's Catholic Church opposes openness on gay rights"
- "Cuba's Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday protested the communist
government's growing support of gay rights, including a day-long event
raising awareness against homophobia and a law allowing sex-change
6-24-08: The Nation: "The DSM-V and Kenneth Zucker"
GIDReform Weblog (posting of 6-16-08): "Beyond Denial: GID Diagnostic
Criteria and Gender-Conversion Therapies" - "While
the current GID diagnostic criteria do not explicitly recommend
gender-conversion therapy, they are certainly biased to favor that harmful
treatment approach and to contradict the legitimacy of transition."
(GID Reform Advocates
website ; DSM 5th Edition,
Status and Issues ; more
6-22-08: Nashua Telegraph: "Mom accepts transgender Manchester tween"
6-22-08: Nashua Telegraph: "Dealing with Merrimack dad’s
6-20-08: Edge (Boston): "Transgender Pilot Regains Her Wings" -
"Within two hours of coming out as transgendered to her Human Resources
department, corporate jet pilot Jamy Spradlin was put on paid administrative
leave. To make matters worse, the Federal Aviation Administration delayed
renewing her license to fly for nearly a year while they evaluated her
psyche for stability after beginning hormone replacement therapy."
YouTube: "The Beating of Duanna Johnson", by Winter Winwin
6-18-08: ACLU Press Release: "ACLU Sues Old Dominion Freight
Lines Over Firing Of Transgender Trucker "
6-18-08: "Dreger's Defense of J. Michael Bailey: The
Peer Commentary Papers Tear It Apart", a Report by Lynn Conway
In mid-2007, the old-guard conservatives in
sexology struck back against three transwomen and a respected journalist
whom they accused of "ruining"
J. Michael Bailey's life (as if the fool hadn't done it to himself). The
attack took the form of a one-sided defense of Bailey, written by his
Northwestern co-worker
Alice Dreger and disseminated by
trans-reparatist Ken Zucker to thousands of psychologists a full year
before its publication. Dreger's tome has finally been published in
June '08
Archives of Sexual Behavior.
But it wasn't published alone.
Twenty-four peer commentary papers were published alongside it, the large
majority highly critical of Dreger's
work. You find excerpts from the commentaries
at this link. As you'll see, Dreger didn't fool many people with her
'scholarly history'. [PDF]
6-18-08: National Women's Studies Association: "The
Bailey Brouhaha: Community Members Speak Out On Resisting Transphobia and
Sexism in Academia And Beyond" -
Announcement flyer for
Joelle Ruby Ryans' panel discussion at the
NWSA Conference in Cincinnati,
OH, Saturday, June 21, 2008. (This is the panel discussion that
Alice Dreger brazenly
attempted to prevent from happening).
6-18-08: NWSA: "The Bailey Brouhaha: Community Members
Speak Out On Resisting Transphobia and Sexism in Academia And Beyond"
- Session handout for
Joelle Ruby Ryans' panel discussion at the
NWSA Conference in Cincinnati,
OH, Saturday, June 21, 2008.
WMCTV (Memphis): "One cop fired, another off the street after videotaped
beating" - "Video obtained by Action News 5 and first aired Tuesday
shows a Memphis police officer beating a suspect at 201 Poplar in an
apparent case of police brutality. The video, recorded February 12th, shows
Duanna Johnson in the booking area at the Shelby County Criminal Justice
Center after an arrest for prostitution. On the tape, a Memphis police
officer walks over to Johnson - a transsexual - and hits her in the face
several times."
WMCTV (Memphis): "Video shows police beating at 201 Poplar" - ""I was
afraid. I had had enough. Like I said, I thought the other officers that
were witnessing this would at least try to stop him," Johnson said. "I mean,
he hit me so hard. Like the third time he hit me, it split my skull and I
had blood coming out. So I jumped up," Johnson said. But then she sat back
down, and the officer her in the face again. Then he maced her."
6-18-08: Associated Press (re Thailand): "Thai school gets
transvestite bathrooms" - "For teen boys who prefer to dress as girls at
one rural high school in Thailand, taking a bathroom break no longer means
choosing between "male" and "female" restrooms. There's now a "transvestite
6-18-08: San Francisco Bay Guardian: "Frameline 32: Sex changes" -
"In Iranian director Tanaz Eshagian's Be Like Others, fear hovers over a
whole nation, leading to schizophrenic behavior"
6-18-08: BBC
News (re Turkey): "Transsexual Turk upsets military" - "With her throaty
vocals and flamboyant frocks, Bulent Ersoy is Turkey's best-known diva,
adored across the country."
6-17-08: The Village Voice: "Buck Angel, A Man With a Pussy: LGB
Without the T" - "As transgenders push for respect, a rift grows with
traditional gay leadership" (interesting article about LGB discomfort
re T's and the ENDA fiasco)
World Net Daily: "QUEERLY BELOVED - Transgender activists remove clothing in
public" -
"'We're going to see this all over the nation. This was a trial balloon'"
(The usual scare-tactics and hate-mongering by the religious right)
6-17-08: Just Plain Sense (UK): "Nottingham LGBT Conference Part
Three", by Christine Burns - "the third and final part in a series
of episodes based on the recent Department of Health conference on LGBT
Mental Health. . . about research-based evidence of trans people’s
experiences of health discrimination, in a factual approach aimed directly
at the 130 healthcare professionals present." (podcast)
6-16-08: New England Blade: "AMA Supports Transgender Health Care -
GLAD Applauds Decision" - "The House of Delegates of the American
Medical Association, meeting in Chicago today, June 16, passed a resolution
for "Removing Barriers to Care for Transgender Patients," which states
“Resolved, that our American Medical Association support public and private
health insurance coverage for treatment of gender identity disorder as
recommended by the patient’s physician.”" (more)
6-16-08: TampaBays10: "Sex change for ex-wife" - "Larry Roach
hates pay day. He knows it means one thing. $1,250 in alimony for something
he calls disgusting and unnatural. His ex-wife's sex change."
6-16-08: Reproductive Health Reality Check: "Out of Reach: Sex
Reassignment Surgery Not 'Medically Necessary'?"
6-15-08: Philippine Daily Inquirer (Philippines): "Rebel without a
clue: Sassy" - "Her name is Sass, although when she was born 27 years
ago, the doctor said she was a boy."
The Toronto Star (Canada): "Transgender pianist 's new look - Sara Davis
Buechner revives performing career at UBC" - "Moving to Vancouver was
absolutely the best thing I could have done," she says. And as Jane Coop,
head of the piano department at the University of British Columbia's School
of Music, remarked in a published interview, "She's made a huge, immediate
impression. Her students love her."
6-14-08: The Daily Mail (UK): "A British tycoon and father of two has
been a man and a woman ... and a man again ... and knows which sex he'd
rather be" (Here we go again: Yet another story about
Sam Hashimi-Samantha Kane-Charles Kane. He's the one who "changed sex"
on a whim and had the financial means to do so, then afterwards had regrets
and is suing everyone in sight who "did this to him" - while not taking any
responsibility whatsoever for his own actions).
Lower Hudson Journal News: "Legislators' drag show riles transgenders"
IndyBayMedia: "An open letter from Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club"
- "After much consideration by our board and members, it is with regret that
we write this letter announcing our decision to forgo this year's Human
Rights Campaign (HRC) dinner in San Francisco, scheduled for July 16, 2008."
6-13-08: "Will
the Transgender Dad Be a Father? What goes on the birth certificate."
BU Today (Boston University): "On Being: “I Like That About Me.” - Born a
boy, Emeri Burks always wanted to change that" - "Last summer, Burks
underwent sexual reassignment surgery, and today she has the body she wished
for as a child. In the video above, she describes her transition from a
deeply depressed boy to a much happier young woman. “At last,” she says, “I
am whole.” " (don't miss this wonderful video)
6-12-08: New England Blade: "Beth Israel Hands Out LGBT Achievement
Awards" - "The hour-long ceremony . . . featured a keynote address by
Dr. Norman Spack of Children’s Hospital, Boston. "“The immediate needs are
many,” said Spack, listing a number of actions that need to be taken to
strengthen the care of transgender individuals . . . Removing “Gender
Identity Disorder” from the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders . . . is also critical, he said."
6-12-08: The Hook (Charlottesville, VA): "Change up: Transgenders seek
understanding", by John Hong, M.D." - "Transgender people are the
bravest people in the world. . . . Unfortunately, there are a lot of
physicians who are uncomfortable with, if not cruel to transgender people--
6-12-08: The Washington Post: "Transgender rights laws spread, not
always calmly" - "As more state and local governments extend anti-bias
protections to transgender people, fierce opposition is surfacing."
6-12-08: The Washington Post: "Judge Sides With Foes Of Transgender
Measure" - "Montgomery Voters Might Yet Decide Whether to Accept Law's
6-12-08: NDTV (India): "Eunuch from India fights for respect at
UN AIDS meets" - "An Indian eunuch Laxmi Narayan Tripathi is fighting
for the rights and respect of the global transgender community during the
ongoing United Nations high level meeting on AIDS." (unfortunately, the
media in India use the offensive British colonial term 'eunuch' for women
like Laxmi, instead of using the correct and much more respectful term
'transgender woman').
6-12-08: New England Blade: "Trans Pride Turnout Exceeds Expectations"
- "Event co-organizer Bet Power spoke at length about what the American
Psychiatric Association will do in its expected revision to its "Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. "Get the GID (Gender Identity
Disorder) out of the DSM," chanted Power. Later, he added, "God don't make
no junk," as to why transgender men and women should have equal rights."
6-11-08: PlanetOut: "A prescription to cure homophobic doctors" -
"It seems the insensitivity to LGBT health concerns probably starts while a
doctor is in medical school. Are the words "gay," "lesbian" or "transgender"
ever uttered there?"
6-11-08: Personnel Today: Weekly dilemma: transsexual's rights" -
"I manage a women-only driving school. I recently discovered one of my new
instructors is a transsexual and was formerly a man. This doesn't bother me,
but some clients might mind. Legally, where do I stand and what are the
6-10-08: CBC (Canada): "‘Sports saved my life’" - "Kristen Worley,
a woman who used to be a man, strives to make it to the Olympics, but the
Canadian Cycling Association says she hasn't qualified"
6-09-08: New England Blade: "GLAD Launches Transgender Rights Project"
- "Will Be One-Stop Source for Legal and Educational Resources"
6-09-08: (Canada): "Media Advisory - Groundbreaking Study
uncovers need for safer shelter access for Female-to-Male
Transgender/Transsexual people in the city of Toronto" - "Key Findings
and Recommendations of the Research will be presented by a panel of experts.
. .Toronto City Hall, Committee Room No. 2 . . .Friday June 20th, 2008
-11:30am -1pm"
OII: "Would the real Cheryl Chase, Bo Laurent, Charlie Chase, Brian
Sullivan, Bonnie Sullivan please stand up?" - "OII has recently learned
that Bo Laurent, who used the pen name Cheryl Chase, is now helping start
another organization" - "Now, Bo Laurent (who was the real person we thought
Cheryl Chase was) is organizing a new organization with a generous grant of
over $300,000 to support the new Consensus Statement which recommends
surgeries at 2 to 6 months. [Comment: This intersex community exposé
raises questions re Cheryl Chase, who along with
Dreger fiercely promoted the
DSD terminology]
The Independent (Malta): "Maltese government’s ‘inhumane’ treatment of trans
bride" (see
earlier article)
OII: "Zucker: Manipulation of Young Feminine Boys" - "Labels define and
labels stick. But, what about statistics? Statistics lie so it is said. Or,
is it that people lie?" [PDF]
[Comment: This
paper by Curtis Hinkle of OII provides an important analysis of Zucker's
statistics on 'childhood GID' vs homosexual and transsexual outcomes - and
reflects on whether Zucker's therapy is "changing" anything at all.
The paper will be published in the July 08 issue of Polare.
Polare is
a journal devoted to gender issues published in the State of New South
Wales, Australia]
6-06-08: Philadelphia Gay News: "Phone records in Morris case remain
elusive" - "Morris, 47, was a transgender woman who was discovered with
a fatal head wound in Center City shortly Philadelphia police gave her a
courtesy ride in 2002." - "Kathleen R. Padilla, a local transgender
activist, isn’t persuaded by the D.A.’s position that release of the
information could potentially compromise the investigation.“The commission
must have the ability to do its job, and the Morris family deserves
answers,” Padilla said.""
Bay Area Indymedia (re Uganda): "Uganda: Amnesty International condemns
attacks against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people"
6-06-08: (re Brazil): "Brazilian government to
pay for sex-change surgery" - "Brasilia - The Brazilian government will
begin paying for sex-change operations, local media reported Friday, citing
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Health Minister Jose Gomes
IPCNews (re Cuba) : "HEALTH-CUBA: Free Sex Change Operations Approved" -
"New horizons opened up for transsexuals in Cuba with the approval of a
Public Health Ministry resolution that establishes guidelines for their
health care, including free gender reassignment operations." (more,
Nation News (Barbados): "A mum's pain" - "A BOY OR GIRL? This question
has been haunting Jemima for the past four years."
6-06-08: Edge (Boston): "Transgender Youth Summit coming to Cambridge"
6-05-08: On Top Magazine: "Calpernia Addams On Love & Transgender
Rights" - "Pro-gay group Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and
Gays (PFLAG) is set to feature Calpernia Addams in a new national campaign
titled This Is Our Love Story."
6-05-08: The Stanford Daily: "New J-Ro RFs to bring diversity" -
"Hans, Mitchell’s partner, works as the Advocacy Program Manager at the
Gay-Straight Alliance Network in San Francisco and will be Stanford’s first
openly transgender Resident Fellow."
(Croatia re Brazil): "2008 Miss Brazil Transex Is Fernanda Lima!" -
"Fernanda Lima will be fighting for the Miss Queen international beauty
pageant title in Thailand."
6-04-08: Times of Malta (Malta): "I am a woman" - "Joanne Cassar
holds her birth certificate in her perfectly manicured hand and, as she
points out her female gender annotation on the document, she glances into
the mirror of her salon and says: "How can you call me a transsexual or a
man? I always felt I was a woman. I am a woman"."
6-04-08: Radio Australia (re India): "Tamil Nadu recognises
transgenders as separate sex"
6-03-08: KUOW
(Puget Sound Public Radio): ""Gender Variant Kids: Ethics On a New Frontier"
- "Your three year old insists he's a girl and wants to wear dresses. Should
you let him? Is he a girl? How can you find out? A small but growing number
of families are supporting their gender variant children. Teens are
preventing the 'wrong' puberty with hormone blockers, and taking
testosterone and estrogen as young as 13 years old. It's a new frontier with
a lot of unknowns. When is gender variance a phase and when is it the core
of a child's identity? How old is old enough to make life–changing medical
decisions?" (link
to MP3)
6-03-08: Tracie O'Keefe
(Clinician in Australia): "DSM ON THE BOOKSHELF: An open letter to WPATH
Members" [PDF]
6-03-08: Gay City News: "New York State Assemby Approves Transgender
Rights Law" (more)
The Telegraph (UK): "Sex-change author Jan Morris remarries wife she wed as
a man" - "Jan Morris, the writer who famously chronicled her sex-change
operation in the book 'Conundrum', has remarried the wife she first wed as a
man." (more,
OII (International): Zucker: Manipulation of Young Feminine Boys"
- "Labels define and labels stick. But, what about statistics? Statistics
lie so it is said. Or, is it that people lie?" (a report by Curtis Hinkle).
6-03-08: SPLC Intelligence Report: "Legal Brief - Religious Right Lies
About Hate Bill"
6-03-08: "Trans community continues to face adversity despite
protections" - "Despite advances in protections for transgender
individuals, discrimination is still widespread, according to activists"
6-03-08: Washington Post: "Transgender Referendum Fought" -
"Proponents of broad new protections for transgender individuals in
Montgomery County were back in court yesterday, trying to block a referendum
that seeks to repeal the law passed last fall by the County Council."
6-02-08: "Alice Dreger’s virtual Facial Feminization
Surgery" - "Virtual FFS morphs
Dreger from a squinty-eyed goblin to an airbrushed MTF" (humorous
reflections on the new airbrushed photo in
Dreger's website)
Gotham Gazette: "Protecting Incarcerated Gay and Lesbian Youth" - "Now
the New York State Office of Children and Family Services has amended its
policies to add gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation to
the characteristics protected from discrimination"
6-02-08: Workforce Management: "He to She: Eaton Corp. Helped
Transgender Employee"
The Malta Independent (Malta): "You can’t get married if you have a
sex change"
6-01-09: Khaleej Times (United Arab Emirates): "Parental neglect
responsible for aberrant behaviour: scholar" - "the Dubai Police,
in collaboration with Watani Programme, held a seminar recently on the
dangers of dressing like people of the opposite sex and its impact on
society. . .Addressing the seminar, Al Marzouki said 10 years ago, one could
find only one or two transvestite students in a school, but now there would
be at least 10 such students in each school.. . .He pointed out all
religious books have deemed sodomy and homosexuality immoral and it’s
against human nature."
May 2008:
PetitionOnline (Canada): Petition of 5-24-08 "Against human rights
violations of apparently gender variant children and adults" - "To the
Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care for
5-31-06: Daily Mail (UK): "Why my hurt feelings are worth £250,000, by
the para who became a woman"
5-30-08: Washington Blade: "Activists alarmed over APA's gender
diagnosis review" - "Head of psychiatry panel favors ‘change’ therapy
for some trans teens" - "Our concern is that Zucker favors a form of
reparative therapy for trans youth that amounts to the suppression of their
true gender identity."
Santa Cruz Indymedia: "Victory at UCSC! GSHIP will cover transgender
healthcare" - "We just learned today that the UCSC administration
officially accepted the joint proposal of GSA, UAW and STIHC (Students for
Trans-Inclusive Healthcare) for GSHIP (Graduate Student Health Insurance
Plan) benefits. Effective this fall, GSHIP will include a $75,000 lifetime
benefit for transgender healthcare."
(New Zealand): "Transgender conference opens in Chch" - "The South
Island's first transgender conference will open in Christchurch today with
an update on the impact of a ground-breaking report into the rights of
transgender people."
5-30-08: (India): "TN universities to teach third genders"
- "For years, Priya Babu could not study in a college just because she
is a transgender. But soon she could join a college in Chennai. Her dream is
to earn a Ph D."
City on a Hill Press: "Transgender Pregnancy Redefines Normal, Bridges the
Gender Gap"
Denver Post: "Ritter signs controversial anti-discrimination bill"
OII-UK: "On the The Bay Area Reporter", by Sophie Seidlberg. - "This of
course leaves us all with a simple question, how are people going to see any
"opportunity to talk" when all that happens is that we find the
Clarke-Northwestern associated academics (Who are at the root of these
controversies) simply ignore any polite invitations to discuss their work
and ideas with those who would be affected by that work."
5-29-08: Bay Area Reporter: "DSM section 302.85" - " (Jamison)
Green's ultimate goal is removing GID from the DSM, though he thinks
gender-"related" diagnoses could be useful for people dealing with social
issues related to their gender variance."
5-29-08: Bay Area Reporter: "DSM controversy could overshadow
opportunities" - ""I would like to see that whole section really
redone," said Lev, whose long-term goals are to see all trans identities
removed from the DSM. Gender-related issues would still be dealt with in
therapy, but trans people seeking medical intervention could rely on a
medical diagnosis instead." (more)
5-29-08: (on 5-17-08): "Informed Dissent" - "Zucker also said
that, if he could make a child feel comfortable with the genitals she or he
was born with, without causing harm, then that would be best. As someone who
has been a long-time advocate of keeping children’s genitals intact and
using psychologists to help parents to accept their “different” children, I
admit I was sympathetic to these arguments. In fact, as I thought about it
more, I realized that pushing gender-atypical kids towards eventual
transition (as some “progressive” therapists seem to do) could be another
case of ultimately changing the child surgically to satisfy parental
discomfort with the child’s atypicality. Intersex all over again. Yikes."
Dreger, the ardent defender of
J. Michael
Bailey, has rushed in to defend reparatist
Ken Zucker
from what she calls "uninformed dissent").
5-28-08: Fridae (Asia): "Transsexualism far more common than believed,
say researchers" - "A new statistical study by Prof Femke Olyslager and
Prof Emeritus Lynn Conway suggests Singapore rates for male-to-female
transsexuals are over 1 in 2,000, whereas rates for female-to-male
transsexuals are over 1 in 4,000"
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: "Task Force questions critical
appointments to APA's Committee on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders"
- "These appointments are raising great concerns within the lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender community. Zucker has built his reputation on the
position that children can be directed away from nonconforming gender
expression via therapy, while Blanchard has a long list of articles
pathologizing commonplace expressions of sexuality and gender."
5-28-08: The
National Psychologist (May/June 2008): "DSM: Diagnosing for Status and
Money" - "The upcoming DSM-V is likely to include hundreds of "new"
mental disorders." (See also: Rethinking the DSM: A Psychological
Perspective, Beutler and Malik, Eds., 2002)
Organisation Intersex International (International): "Open Letter to
President of WPATH from OII" - Curtis Hinkle and Sophie Siedlberg,
Founders of Organisation Intersex International, call WPATH to task for
Zucker's participation in WPATH's "Committee on Disorders of Sex
Development". In addition they note: "Also, there is no intersex
membership on this committee. There was absolutely no discussion with
intersex people that we are aware of about forming this committee and we
would like to know why this committee is even a part of WPATH."
Please read this
important letter, and study the pages at the links within it.
5-28-08: ChennaiOnline (India): " Identity card for transgenders"
- "The Tamil Nadu government has decided to take up a census of transgenders
and issue identity cards to them."
Sydney Star Observer (Australia): "PARENTS THE NEW TRANS FOCUS" - "The
American Psychiatric Association has released a further statement in
response to the controversy over its appointment of Dr Kenneth Zucker to
head the re-write of gender identity disorder definitions in the new
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
“Dr. Zucker and his service team at CAMH in Toronto
have the longest-standing research-clinical service for children and youth
with gender identity problems in North America. The goal of his therapy is
the opposite of conversion therapy in that he considers well-adjusted
transsexual, gay, lesbian or bisexual youth to be therapy successes, not
failures,” the APA statement read.
The CAMH and APA spindoctors are heavily at work now, trying mightily to
salvage Zucker's image - as if they can magically erase his long trail of
public statements,
including recently on NPR, advocating reparatist treatment of
gender-variant children.)
5-27-08: Ex-Gay Watch: "The APA’s DSM-V Development: Kenneth Zucker’s
Involvement", byYuki Choe
5-27-08: The
Philidelphia Catholic Medical Association: "Press Release of May16, 2008"
- "The Philadelphia Inquirer recently published an article on May 3, 2008
about a nine year old boy at suburban primary school, who will be allowed to
dress as a girl and be addressed by a girl’s name"...
"These children
have failed to identify and embrace the goodness of their masculinity or
femininity for a number of reasons, related particularly to conflicts with
peers and parents, primarily with their mothers. As
Zucker and Bradley document in their clinical work and research, most
children who are treated for GID recover. They come to accept and embrace
their birth gender."...
behavior such as cross-dressing by a child with GID will not help the child;
rather, it will enable and reinforce a serious psychiatric disorder.
Principals and superintendents should not permit or tolerate any
cross-dressing in schools. Not only will this further harm a child with GID,
but it will cause other children to suffer confusion and distress."
The Catholic Church is whipping up efforts to prevent early gender
transitions, and Catholic psychiatrists (instigated by
Paul McHugh) will bring powerful inside-support to
Zucker's and
efforts to more deeply pathologize gender variance in the DSM.)
5-27-08: The Capital
Times (Madison, WI): "Activist Melton-Smyth remembered for her vigor,
infectious wit"
5-27-08: MetroWeekly: "Transgender activist from Wisconsin killed
while on Mexico vacation" (more)
5-27-08: The Daily Telegraph (Australia): "Sex-change girl ruling
'compassionate'" - "The nation's top transsexual suppport group has
commended the Family Court's decision to grant permission for a 12-year-old
girl to have a sex-change as "compassionate and prudent.""
5-26-08: Herald Sun (Australia): "Sex-change 'brainwash'" - "The
cousin of a 12-year-old Victorian girl who is undergoing a sex change claims
the child's mother brainwashed her daughter."
5-26-08: Financial Times Deutschland (Germany): "Should the women's
award go to sex-change candidate?"
5-26-08: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia): "Stuck between a frock and
a card place"
5-25-08: Reuters (re Brazil): "Brazil's gays stage huge parade against
bias" - "More than a million gays and transsexuals paraded in Brazil's
business capital Sao Paulo on Sunday in what was billed as the world's
largest gay march to urge an end to violence and discrimination."
5-25-08: Gay
Wired: "COLAGE Releases Groundbreaking Resource for Transgender Families"
- "COLAGE has announced
the release of its "Kids of Trans Resource Guide", the first of its kind,
which was written by and for people with transgender parents"
5-25-08: Herald-Sun (Australia): "Girl, 12, wins sex change" - "A
JUDGE has allowed a 12-year-old Victorian girl to start a taxpayer-funded
sex swap, despite objections from the child's father.The girl has begun
court-approved hormone treatment in the first step toward a complete gender
5-25-08: "Gender change surgery costs Scottish NHS £2m every year"
- "More than half were funded by NHS Greater Glasgow, at a cost of
£1.1million. They sanctioned 54 sex changes in the past decade, 40 on men
and 14 on women"
5-25-08: The Times of London (UK): "Sex-change paratrooper wins £250,000 for
‘hurt feelings’" (more)
5-24-08: Equality Arizona Radio: "Listen up as we talk with Trans
Youth Family Advocates and hear stories of children transitioning as young
as 5 years old. What is their journey? What is their story? How do you
know when a child is transgender? Listen up and learn!"
About Equality
Arizona Radio: 10:00am - 11:00am PT | Every Saturday; Streaming live at
or in the Phoenix Metro area at 1480KPHX.
5-24-08: Minneapolis Star Tribune: "A Transgendered
Transformation" - "Ten years ago, Debra Davis of Minneapolis became a
vocal and visible spokeswoman for the transgender community. One man
affected by her courage talks about his own journey" (Story about Alex
Nelson and his upcoming marriage to Tamar Jackson)
5-24-08: Minneapolis Star Tribune: "Myths and facts about
transgender issues"
Organisation Intersex International (re Canada): "Why is the Ontario
government sponsoring an American sexologist (Zucker) to run a
trans-reparatist gender clinic in Toronto?" - "Why is the Ontario
government allowing a U.S. citizen to run an inhumane trans reparatist
clinic in Toronto using provincial funding? Shouldn't the Ministry of Health
and Long-Term Care for Ontario and the Ministry of Citizenship and
Immigration be investigating how this can be happening?"
5-23-08: Pegasus News: "Fort Worth transgender teen trying to put life
back together" - "It’s been just more than a year since local
transgender teen Rochelle Evans
made headlines by fighting
her school district for the right to be called “she” and to be herself.
Now Evans says this year was even harder than the last."
5-23-08: Washington Blade: "Going home again" - "A hometown visit
brings back the struggles of growing up black and transgender", by Danielle
The Baptist Press: "It's a boy! (or is it?)" - The Baptist press attacks
and ridicules Dr. Spack's efforts to help transgender children and teens.
BBC News (re Turkey): "Facing hate crime in Turkey" - "A report by Human
Rights Watch says gay and transgender people in Turkey are subject to
"endemic abuses", and calls on the government to act to protect them. The
BBC's Sarah Rainsford met some of the victims"
Denver Post: "Face-off over anti-bias bill" - "Gov. Ritter has yet to
act on the measure, which some say would open public restrooms to all
Denver Post: "Ads: Anti-discrimination bill lets predators into restrooms"
- "The two groups say the bill endangers children by allowing sexual
predators to cross-dress and use restrooms designated for the opposite sex"
5-22-08: Human
Rights Watch (major new publication re Turkey): "“We Need a Law for
Liberation” - Gender, Sexuality, and Human Rights in a Changing Turkey"
to PDF of report, 700 kb) (more)
5-22-08: (re Turkey): "Rights Group: Gays in Turkey Face Climate of Violence"
- "The Turkish security forces have strongly denied such charges. But it is
not difficult to find accusations of police brutality from the country's
transsexual and transvestite community"
5-22-08: Press for Change (UK):
"PFC News" spreads European alert message regarding Zucker's and Blanchard's
roles in the upcoming DSM-V revision.
5-22-08: MSNBC:
"What's ‘normal’ sex? Shrinks seek definition" - "Controversy erupts
over creation of psychiatric rule book's new edition"
Pink News (UK): "Foreign Office instructs embassies to push LGBT rights"
Gay Wired: Transnation: "Reverse of ENDA: Trans Methodists Win While Gays
5-22-08: The News Record (Univ. of Cincinatti): "GenderBloc: UC too large to
be behind in civil rights" - "The University of Cincinnati's Student
Government Association and Faculty Senate recently voted to support
including "gender identity and expression" in the university's
non-discrimination statement"
5-22-08: Metro
Weekly: "A Place to Call Home" - "D.C.'s first transitional home for
GLBT youth to open June 1"
ABC News: "Buying Time for Gender-Confused Kids" - "Misunderstood
Procedure Delays Puberty in Children"
5-21-08: Windy City Times: "Forum focuses on trans community and
sexism" - "Julia Serano, the author of Whipping Girl: A Transsexual
Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity ( Seal Press, 2007 ) was
recently in Chicago to present her thoughts on “Transsexual and Trans
Feminine Perspectives on Sexism.”"
Pink News (UK): "Handbook on transgender children released" - "A new
book published in the US tackles the issues "thousands of families face
raising children who step outside of the pink or blue box."" (more)
5-21-08: Toronto Sun (Canada): "Advocate: Hundreds wait for sex
change" - "Ontario has a backlog of 100 to 200 people waiting for sex
change surgery, says an advocate for the transgendered." (more)
5-21-08: Daily Mail (UK): "Muslim man threatens to sue driving school
for sending transsexual instructor to teach his wife" (more)
5-20-08: CNN News video: "Sex change for kids offered" - "A clinic
at Children's Hospital in Boston offers sex-change procedures to patients as
young as 7" NEW
Fox News: "Critics Slam Boston Doctor Who Offers Sex Change Treatment to
Kids" - "“Treating these children with hormones does considerable harm
and it compounds their confusion,” said Dr. Paul McHugh, University
Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at John Hopkins University.
“Trying to delay puberty or change someone’s gender is a rejection of the
lawfulness of nature.” McHugh said gender reassignment for children harkens
back to the dark ages, when choir boys were castrated to retain their
high-pitched voices. "It’s barbaric,” he said"
With this article, right-wing Fox News launched a vicious smear-attack by
Catholic ideologue
Paul McHugh against the work of
Norman Spack, M.D., in another bold move by the trans-reparatist clique
McHugh, et al)
to stop early gender transitions.
5-19-08: PFLAG Press Release: "PFLAG Launches New Ad Campaign With
Calpernia Addams, Highlighting Organization's Commitment to the Transgender
Community" - Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
announced today that it will debut a new ad campaign this summer featuring
transgender actress and activist Calpernia Addams. The campaign, titled
This Is Our Love Story, highlights PFLAG's long-time commitment to the
transgender community and urges supporters to help "transform the movement"
by joining the organization's work for transgender rights.
Medical News Today (re Latin America): "Latin American Countries Launch
Programs To Improve Health Care For Sexual Minorities"
5-19-08: "Fierce Man With Close Shave Wants No Labels"
(Link to a cool Philips TV advertisement that's unlikely to run in the US).
5-19-08: Cleis Press Press Release: "New Book: The Transgender Child:
A Handbook for Families and Professionals", by Stephanie Brill and Rachel
Pepper - "Another antidote to the problematic and harsh
reparative therapy which
Ken Zucker performs on trans youth
in Toronto’s notorious Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH Clarke
Institute)" (Link
to book information on Cleis Press site)
5-19-08: Myspace Essay: "Why Kenneth J. Zucker Should Resign as Sexual
and Gender Identity Disorders Chair", By Shelley Janiczek Woodson, Ph.D.
5-19-08: OneIndia (India): "Two trans-genders to play lead roles in
Tamil films"
5-19-08: (Philippines): "Sex change not valid basis for
new name, gender--CA" - "“Sex reassignment” or sex change is not a valid
ground to change the name and gender of a person, the Court of Appeals has
5-19-08: The Times of India (India): "Cops bust sex racket of desi
Russians" - "The stereotype image of hijras—sari clad woman, with hairy
arms, hands clapping and gruff voice—has changed. The new age transsexuals
or eunuchs, who have gone in for sex change operations, even silicon
transplants, pose as sexy ladies and offer their services"
5-18-08: The Canadian Press (Canada): "Montreal sex change clinic
attracting patients from around the world"
5-17-09: Reuters (re Mexico): "Mexico transgender couple ties the
knot, pushes law"
5-17-08: Seattle Times: "Logging town welcomes transgender group"
American Chronicles: "A Gay Man Discusses Homosexuality and Transgenderism -
Are They Related Behaviors?"
CBC News (Canada): "Ontario to resume coverage of sex-change operations"
5-16-08: Los Angeles Times: "California Supreme Court overturns gay
marriage ban" - "In a 4-3 decision, the justices rule that people have a
fundamental 'right to marry' the person of their choice and that gender
restrictions violate the state Constitution's equal protection guarantee"
5-15-08: Gay City News: "Flap Flares Over Gender Diagnosis"
5-15-08: Associated Press: "California's top court legalizes gay
marriage" (more)
Pink News (UK): "British activist becomes President of Transgender Europe"
- "Dr Stephen Whittle, one of the UK's leading trans activists, has become
President of Transgender Europe (TGEU) at an international conference in
5-14-08: The Times of India (India): "Third gender option in TN
college forms" - "After providing ration cards and welfare board for
transsexuals, the Tamil Nadu government, for the first time in the country,
has officially opened the Arts and Science colleges to the third gender" (more)
5-14-08: The New York Times: "Woman Wins a Settlement Over Her
Bathroom Ouster " (more)
Chicago Maroon (Univ. of Chicago): "Transgender students navigate campus
attitudes and resources"
5-12-08: "Gay rights groups launch hospital rating system" -
"Called the Healthcare Equality Index, the ratings were designed by the
Human Rights Campaign and the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association" - ""Too
many times, a gay man has been unable to comfort his partner, a transgender
person has been ridiculed instead of treated, or a lesbian mom has been
barred from seeing her child at the hospital," the groups said."
5-13-08: Reuters (re Bhutan): "Teen transvestite gets Bhutan thinking
about sex" - "Seldon resumed his education in another school last week
after the education department intervened and allowed him to wear a girl's
5-12-08: "Objection to DSM-V Committee Members on
Gender Identity Disorders" - A petition seeking the removal of Ken
Zucker and Ray Blanchard from the APA's DSM-V work group on sexual and
gender identity 'disorders'. (Please add your voice
to this protest, and sign this petition)
Helen's Soapbox: "Re-pathologizing Gender the APA way…" (commentary by
therapist Helen Hill regarding the
selection of
reparatist Ken Zucker to Chair of the APA group revising the DSM's
pronouncements on "sexual and gender identity disorders").
Out and About Newspaper (TN): "Vanderbilt’s Faculty Senate calls for
transgender protection" - "University moves closer to becoming first
College in Tennessee to add gender identity protection"
5-11-08: Delco Times (PA; article of 5-5-08):
"Haverford school counsels transgender’s classmates"
- "Third-graders get help in dealing with new identity of their schoolmate"
- "Two weeks after parents of Haverford School District third-graders
learned that a guidance counselor would be talking to their children about a
male classmate who is now living as a female, the transgender classmate is
reportedly doing fine"
Global Politician (re India): "Tamil Nadu Shows the Way to Transgenders in
5-09-08: The Torontoist"(Canada): "But For Today I Am A Boy"
(This very important article exposes
Ken Zucker's
reparatist treatment of gender-variant children at CAMH)
"There is little
more dreadful for a parent than unintentionally hurting one's own child.
There is little more traumatic for a child than having something they dearly
want taken away from them. A Toronto psychologist is under fire for
recommending controversial treatments which some believe cause just that.
heartbreaking NPR documentary released this week
tells the story of two families struggling with the
gender identities of their children. "Bradley" is a
young Toronto boy under the care of CAMH head
Dr. Ken Zucker, while Jonah lives on the U.S. West
Coast, and has been studied by
Dr. Diane
Ehrensaft. Both children were born biological males
but are likely transgendered, yet the message being sent
by the children's therapists couldn't be more
different—Jonah is being allowed to live as a little
girl in accordance with his wishes, whereas Bradley is
being forced to reject everything even remotely feminine
in an attempt to suppress his impulses."
"Dr. Zucker's suggested treatment for GID
is problematic and harsh: Bradley, now almost six, would
not only be denied access to girls' toys or be allowed
to pretend he was female, but wouldn't even be allowed
to play with girls. His favourite toys were dolls, which
his mother was instructed to confiscate. When he drew
rainbow-coloured pictures of princesses, he was told to
draw boys instead. Dr. Zucker warned Bradley's mother
that her son would be rejected by both male and female
peer groups as he grew older if he wasn't made to feel
comfortable with his born biological gender."
5-09-08: "Atlanta Pride turns away HRC sponsorship over trans fight"
- "Festival says HRC not ‘inclusive’ enough"
5-09-08: Times of India (India): "Govt gives software training to
transsexuals" - "“No group has ever scored such high marks,'' said ELCOT
managing director C Umashankar"
5-09-08: Aftenposten (Norway): "Surprising transsexual aid" - "Norway's
Christian Democrat Party continues their support for transsexuals, in
contrast to the conservative image of party leader Dagfinn Høybråten"
5-08-08: Catholic Online: "‘Sex-change’ treatment for ‘transgender’
kids? Hospital clinic draw moral criticism" - "“This is cooperating with
psychosis,” commented moral theologian Father Anthony Mastroeni" - "The
Vatican’s Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith in 2000 issued a
document that authoritatively concluded “sex-change” operations are invalid
— they do not change a person’s sex, according to a Catholic News Service
report reprinted in"
5-08-08: The Journal News (Hudson Valley, NY): "Transgender teen says
he has support at Brewster school" - "Brewster High School student
Michael Loscalzo said he was scared to go to school yesterday, given all the
attention he's received for his recent decision to start dressing as a girl"
5-08-08: (New Zealand): "Study tackles gender development" -
"Jaimie Veale says she first realised that she was inside the wrong body
when she was just five years old"
5-08-08: "Parents Consider Treatment to Delay Son's Puberty"
- "New Therapy Would Buy Time to Resolve Gender Crisis"
5-08-08: "Q&A: Doctors on Puberty-Delaying Treatments" -
"A small group of doctors around the world have introduced a controversial
approach to the treatment of preteens and teenagers who believe they are the
opposite sex"
5-07-08: "Two Families Grapple with Sons' Gender Preferences"
- "Psychologists Take Radically Different Approaches in Therapy"
5-07-08: "Q&A: Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids"
- "Psychologist Ken Zucker is a gender identity specialist who works at the
Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada. His treatment
approach is to try to make kids with gender identity issues feel more
comfortable with their biological sex" (i.e., Zucker is a 'reparatist')
5-07-08: The Donna Blog:
"Zucker revisited: The lunatics rule the asylum" - "Yesterday I
mentioned that Dr. Ken Zucker has been named as the leader of the group that
would be recommending/making changes to appear in the next updates to the
DSM. This is horrible news for trans people, their families, and those who
care about them", by Donna Rose
PamsHouseBlend: "Gender-Variant Children And Transsexuals Will Likely Still
Be Disordered In DSM-V"
5-07-08: (re Brazil): "Brazil: Footballer's transgender sex scandal"
Southern Voice: "HRC president apologizes for ‘misspeaking’ at transgender
conference" - "Solmonese talks with Atlanta activists in private
Catholic World News: "Massachusetts hospital offers sex-change treatment for
children" - ""This is cooperating with psychosis," Father Anthony
Mastroeni, a New Jersey priest who has studied sex-change surgery, told the
5-05-08: "Uh-oh" - Another alert on Zucker's and Blanchard's
selection for the APA's DSM-V revision group.
5-03-08: American Psychiatric Association Press Release (of 5-01-08):
"APA Names DSM-V Work Group Members - Experts to Revise Manual for Diagnosis
of Mental Disorders".
Ken Zucker,
who heads
a reparatist clinic for gender-variant youth in Toronto, was named as
Chair of the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Work Group for DSM
Revision. Ray
Blanchard, widely known for pronouncing that transitioned women are "men
without penises", was appointed as a member of that Work Group. Any bets on
how this is going to turn out?
5-03-08: The Plain Dealer (Cleveland): "United Methodists decline to
act against transgender clergy"
Star-Telegram (Forth Worth): "Protesters at Methodist conference in Fort
Worth decry take on gays"
5-03-08: Philadelphia Inquirer: "School challenge: Transgender student
is age 9" - "Some medical experts think parents should not let a child
change gender roles at a young age. Paul McHugh, a psychiatrist and
professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health who studied
sexual reassignment surgery in the 1970s, said a school's decision to
support a student's transition could have long-term psychological
consequences. - - - There is no evidence that the transition ultimately
helps the person, he added. McHugh said he reached his conclusions after
studying the issue for 30 years, especially in the 1970s, when Hopkins was
pioneering sexual-reassignment surgery."
5-02-08: SFGate: "AsiaSF gender-bending club goes Hollywood"
Associated Press: "Doc Theorizes Pharoah Had Feminine Attributes"
5-02-08: Stanford Daily: "Performance Review: Meet Jin Xing: Crosses
her legs, comfortable with contrasts" - "Meet Jin Xing, China’s most
famous modern dancer/choreographer. "
New York Times Movie Review: "XXY (2007)" - "How must the world appear
to someone who has been treated as an exotic clinical specimen from birth?"
5-02-08: Daily Mail (UK): "Transsexual husband annuls marriage and
enters into civil partnership with wife to keep pension benefits"
GayWired: "The 'Naked' Playwright’s Transgender Jesus" - "“I’ve always
been interested in the strange relationship that exists between
transgendered people and the medical and therapist community,” says the
award-winning trans playwright Tobias K. Davis. He explores those issues in
his latest play, Standards of Care, which examines the relationships
between a therapist and a transgender patient."
5-01-08: Bay Area Reporter: "Mother of slain trans teen backs judge
April 2008:
4-30-08: Tucson Observer: "Amanda Simpson Elected Delegate To DNC
Convention" - "Amanda Simpson, Transgender activist, former member of
the City of Tucson Commission on GLBT Issues and candidate for the Arizona
House of Representative was elected as an at-large delegate to the upcoming
Democratic National Convention to take place in Denver, Colorado"
4-30-08: Thaindian News (re Pakistan): "Pakistan court allows woman to
change sex" (more)
4-30-08: Citizen-Times (Ashville, NC): "Asheville's transgender
community speaks"
ACLU Press Release: "ACLU Takes On High School Principal For Discriminating
Against Male Couple" - "A public high school principal who posted the
names of two boys on a list of students believed to be couples, revealing
their relationship to their parents as well as other students and teachers,
violated the students' constitutional right to freedom of association, the
American Civil Liberties Union charged today" (see the details of this
incredible situation in the
demand letter (3mb pdf ))
Pink News (UK): "Report reveals disturbing divide in treatment of
transexuals in the EU" (more)
4-29-08: Chronicle Live (UK): "Pain of daring to be different"
NGLTF Press Release: "Opening the Door to the Inclusion of Transgender
People" - "New publication provides invaluable ‘how-to’ advice to
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organizations seeking to become fully
transgender-inclusive" (more;
link to the new report (3mb pdf ))
4-28-08: Women's e-News: "Transgender Rights Run Into Bathroom
Politics" - "A county ordinance in Maryland that protects transgender
rights is facing a public referendum challenge in November. One transgender
advocate says it looks like a test case for national opposition to the
antidiscrimination push."
4-28-08: The Post (Ohio University): "Beyond black and white" -
"Transgendered students speak out"
Pink News (UK re Kyrgyzstan): "Police storm international meeting for gay
rights in Kyrgyzstan" - "Human rights groups have highlighted the plight
of the LGBT community in Kyrgyzstan after a police raid on a leading gay
rights group"
4-27-08: New York Times: "Through Sickness, Health and Sex Change"
4-26-08: Associated Press: "Business is personal for satellite radio,
drug entrepreneur" - " Martine Rothblatt founded Sirius Satellite Radio
from a desire to link people together. She founded United Therapeutics from
a desperation to save her daughter's life. . . And she accomplished much of
this during a time of personal transformation, undergoing a sex change in
the early '90s."
4-26-08: LGBT History Month (UK): "Calpernia Addams: Widowed by Hate"
(originally posted 4-10-08)
4-26-08: Ottawa Sun (Canada): "Coming out the hardest part for
4-25-08: Ottawa Sun (Canada): "Ottawa's one-man health care sector"
- "Dr. Norman Barwin the only MD specializing in transgender care issues"
4-25-08: Reuters: "TV has never seen more transgender characters"
4-24-08: The Times of India (India): "Transsexuals tormented by drunk
4-24-08: The Independent (UK): "Lonely road: Why school is hell for
transgender pupils" - "When 'Lauren' decided she wanted to be recognised
as a girl, life at school became a nightmare. Should teachers be doing more
for transgender pupils?" (an important story from the UK)
4-24-08: United
Methodist News Service: "UMNS GC17 - Transgender United Methodists share
PrideSource (re Lithuania): "Euro court trans decision on Lithuania is
final" - "Lithuania must implement a process for allowing and funding
sex-change operations or pay 40,000 euros ($63,600) to transsexuals who seek
the surgery so they can go to another country to get it, the European Court
of Human Rights said April 9."
American Family News Network: "Sex-change therapies on children 'beyond the
pale'" (yet another religious group attacks the work of
Norman Spack, M.D.; see also 4-21-08 and 4-19-08)
4-22-08: Times of India (India): "Tamil Nadu to create transgender
4-21-08: "Children's Hospital Boston Offers "Sex Change" to
Adolescents" (another religious group attacks the work of
Norman Spack, M.D.)
4-21-08: Isle of Man Today (IOM): "Transsexual to be recognised under
new Manx law" - "Transsexual people will have their acquired gender
recognised in law under draft legislation"
4-21-08: The Asian Age (India re Germany): "German 1st man to give
birth 10 yrs ago"
4-21-08: The Telegraph (India): "A pageant for the third sex"
4-20-08: Inside
Vandy (Vanderbilt Univ.): "University moves forward in creating GLBT
equality" - "Vanderbilt is moving forward in making the campus more
welcoming for all students regardless of their gender identity"
4-20-08: San Jose Mercury News: "The China connection - Stanford's
Pan-Asian Festival focuses spotlight on best of Chinese Music, dance and
arts" - Among the many performances will be the
Jin Xing Dance
"Originally a
dancer in the Chinese military,
Jin Xing founded the first contemporary dance troupe in Beijing and made
her reputation as a thrilling choreographer and envelope-pushing,
transgender personality: Jin Xing was born a he. This is the American debut
of her world-famous company, performing original works and (with the
Stanford Symphony Orchestra and Symphonic Chorus) Carl Orff's "Carmina
Burana." 8 p.m. Saturday April 26 and 2:30 p.m. Sunday April 27, Memorial
Auditorium, $12-$50. Tickets:
WorldNetDaily: "Children's hospital launches sex change for kids program -
'This isn't conjecture, it's happening now'" (religious group attacks
the work of
Norman Spack, M.D.)
CampKC (Kansas City): "A Great Moment for K.C. Transgender Community"
Pink News (UK): "Isle of Man drafts gender recognition legislation" -
"Transsexual people on the Isle of Man will have their new gender recognised
by law under draft legislation"
4-18-08: Washington Blade: "200 trans rights advocates lobby Congress"
- "Visitors from 29 states ask lawmakers to oppose gay-only ENDA"
4-17-08: Washington Post: "Lawyers Maneuver Against Transgender
Referendum" - "Lawyers involved in a challenge to the referendum on
overturning the (Montgomery, MD) county's new protections for transgender
people were in court last week to talk about the scope and timing of the
4-17-08: "Detroit undergoes trans-formation" - "City
Council passes gender identity discrimination ordinance"
Sydney Star Observer (Australia): "Show Some Bloody Respect" - "Being
accepted by everyone has to start with your own community. The courage it
takes that person to walk down the street as who they really are should be
applauded, not used to ridicule"
4-16-08: SX (Australia): "Trans interests excluded from 2020 Summit"
- "GLBT advocates have slammed the apparent non-inclusion of trans
representatives in the 2020 Summit this weekend."
4-16-08: Xinhua News Agency (China): "Tianjin transsexual gets new
Chinese ID card as a woman "
4-14-08: Southeast Texas Record: "Transgender refinery worker sues
employer for sex discrimination"
Organization Intersex Internationale (OII): "Homochromosexuality: A new
psychiatric disorder" - ". . . these people stubbornly cling to the idea
that there is a marker somewhere for the “true” sex of an individual and
that there are only two sexes. Whereas the general population often shares
this delusion, it is not a psychosis in most people because they are not
obsessed with the delusion to the degree that many researchers, religious
leaders and certain radical feminists are, who often spend a large part of
their lives in useless research and polemics to defend their delusional
4-14-08: Crain's Detroit Business: "Eaton Corp. helped transgender
employee" - "Audrey Hopkins, 47, became the first transgender individual
hired into Eaton Corp.'s 100-member information-technology group in October
4-14-08: The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyala Marymount Univ): "Celebrate
Transgenders", by Jennifer Beckwith - Note: It took a lot of courage for
Jennifer to write this article. After all, Loyola Marymount is a Catholic
University in the Jesuit Tradition, and it's leaders must follow
official Vatican proclamations derived from
Paul McHugh's teachings that transgender people are mentally ill sexual
4-13-08: The Bilerico Project: "Equality Through Intimidation?
The Houston HRC Dinner Protest" (more)
4-13-08: The San Francisco Chronicle: "GENDER IDENTITY AND PHANTOM
GENITALIA" - "This suggests that an intact body image - the maps of the
body laid down in the brain before and after birth - can develop without
actual limbs . . . For transgender men and women, he (Ramachandran) says,
the body image laid down prenatally could similarly differ from the external
body anatomy."
"I expect a lot of
criticism," Ramachandran says. "Those who study transsexuality tend to be
territorial because they themselves have made so little progress. There is
no literature that illuminates the underlying mechanisms, other than
psychological mumbo jumbo."
4-12-08: Victoria Times Colonist (Canada): "Mountie disciplined after
looking for transsexual love in uniform" - "A B.C. Mountie has received
informal discipline for posting a dating profile online using a picture of
himself in his red serge uniform to find transgendered and transsexual
4-12-08: National Health Service (UK): Health Encyclopedia: "Gender
Dysphoria" - The UK NHS has just added a new section on gender dysphoria
to its online Health Encyclopedia, to bring it in line with recent changes
in policies and services.
4-12-08: Tehelka (India): "The Rationing of Rights" - "Tamil
Nadu’s recent addition of a third gender column on ration card applications
is one of a series of much needed, progressive reforms that benefit hijras"
4-12-08: Taipei Times (Taiwan): "Pregnant man points way to new
Houston Voice: "Transgender Lobby Day is next week"
4-11-08: PRNewswire: "GED Program Launches for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
Transgender Youth"
4-11-08: (Philipinnes): "Pregnant man"
4-10-08: Gay City News: "Trans Woman Can Sue" - "US District Judge
Nancy F. Atlas in Houston has ruled that a transsexual Texan, Izza Lopez,
can pursue a sex discrimination employment claim against River Oaks Imaging
& Diagnostic Group" (see
also story of 4-08-08)
4-10-08: Daily
Herald (suburban Chicago): "Colleges reaching out to recruit gay, lesbian
and transgender students"
4-10-08: Just Plain Sense (UK): " Gender Dysphoria: A Mother’s Tale"
- "What do you do when your child exhibits markedly gender-atypical play
behaviour almost as soon as they can walk and tells you, by the time they
are four years old, that there’s been a mistake? (Podcast of Christine Burns
interview of the child's mother)
Out In Detroit: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force applauds passage of
transgender nondiscrimination laws in Detroit and Kansas City"
4-10-08: Bay Windows: "ENDA again"
4-09-08: "Detroit Bans Transgender Discrimination"
4-09-08: Vietnam News (Vietnam): "Transsexual’s marriage opens
societal discussion" - "Singer
Cat Tuyen, who had a sex change, created a huge media buzz by marrying
another artist on Monday at the Quoc Thanh Restaurant in HCM City."
4-08-08: Telegraph (UK re Thailand): "Thai surgeons reject cosmetic
castration ban"
4-08-08: Catholic Online: "Commentary: Pregnant 'Man' is Really a
Pregnant Woman" - "What we need to understand is how this story fits
into the sweeping agenda of the forces gathered to destroy the family."
4-08-08: Houston Chronicle: "Plaintiff wins round in transgender case"
4-08-08: Agave Clinic
(Marbella, Spain): Maxillofacial surgeons Dr. Bart van de Ven and Dr. Daniel
Simon have opened a new clinic in Marbella, Spain. Both trained and worked
with Dr Noorman van der Dussen of Belgium, and one of their specialties is
Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS).
4-08-08: The
Baltic Times (re Lithuania): "Transgender victory" - "after losing the
case in Strasbourg, the Baltic state will have to adopt a sex change law or
pay compensation."
Daily Yomiuri (Japan): "Gender registration rules may be relaxed with bill"
- "The ruling parties likely will relax the legal requirements for people
with gender identity disorder to alter their officially registered sex,
ministry sources said Saturday"
4-06-08: Just Plain Sense (UK): "Half an Hour with Calpernia Addams"
(Podcast of an interview of Calpernia by Christine Burns)
Merinews (India): "The plight of the Transgenders"
4-06-08: New Straights Times (Malaysia): "Spotlight: Speaking up for
their gender" - For the estimated 30,000 transgenders in the country,
dealing with rejections from the "normal" members of society is a daily
preoccupation. And the first rejection is almost always from family members.
4-06-08: New Straights Times (Malaysia): "Spotlight: Mak nyahs have
not abandoned God"
Uptown (Canada): "Identity issues Clik for singer - Lucas Silveira is
comfortable in his own skin - and sounds like it"
LifeSiteNews: "Media Deception: "Miraculous" Pregnant "Man" is Really a
Woman" - "Paving the way for the next wave in the battle against the
family - an attack on gender itself . . . it has been turned into a giant
media deception to forward the homosexual and transsexual agenda" (the
Catholic theory of the Thomas Beatie story)
4-04-08: This Is London (UK): "Amazing pictures of pregnant man as he
tells Oprah 'people may try to kill my baby' "
4-04-08: The Nation (Thailand): "A more open, informed attitude to
sexual identity" - "Castration of young boys is now a controversial
issue being closely watched by society as a whole and debated by different
The Advocate: "Kansas City Passes Transgender Protections "
4-03-08: Daily India (India): "Shelter for ostracised transgenders in
Kolkata" - "There are plans to set up more such shelters across the
country with the hope that the society will accept them and be more tolerant
towards the transgenders"
4-03-08: Metro
Weekly: "Uncommon decency - Transgender women prepare to file lawsuit in
response to treatment in D.C. jails"
4-03-08: Bangkok Post (Thailand): "Castration conundrum" - "Yolada
Suanyot, leader of the Transsexuals Group of Thailand, insists the removal
of testicles is an option for ladyboys and any medical ruling must take into
account their needs and concerns. Since transsexualism is a gender identity
disorder which can be medically corrected, the government should make sex
reassignment operations part of the national medical welfare scheme, she
insists. Also, patients' age should not be a primary requisite for
treatment, but their needs. As expected, her plea fell on deaf ears. Which
is why the top-down ruling on castration surgery will not serve the
transsexuals but the medical profession itself." (more,
4-03-08: Michigan Daily: "Bridging the gap between art and activism"
4-02-08: The Martlett (Univ. of Victoria, Canada): "Reconciling gender
and sex - One UVic student’s journey to live life outside the box — even if
it’s built by society"
The Advocate: "In Response to "Labor of Love"" - "An FTM activist
responds to the media coverage of Thomas Beatie after his article appeared
in The Advocate."
4-02-08: Reuters (re Thailand): "Thailand bans cosmetic castration"
4-02-08: Associated Press: "Kennedy jumps into controversy over
transgender exclusion" (more)
Yale Daily News: "Gender-neutral housing explored" - "Committee will
spend next year drafting report after LGBTQ students pressed administration"
4-01-08: (Canada): "'It wasn't my choice to be a
transgender' - "William, born female, has always known he was really
March 2008:
3-31-08: Human Rights Watch (re Kuwait): "Kuwait: Halt Dress-Code
Crackdown - Authorities Should Repeal Repressive Law, Free Detainees" –
New arrests show that Kuwait has resumed enforcing a repressive dress code
that criminalizes “imitating the appearance of the opposite sex” "
3-30-08: The Sunday Times (UK): "Best of Times, Worst of Times: Kate
Craig-Wood" - "Kate Craig-Wood, 31, is a finalist in the BlackBerry
Women in Technology Awards and managing director of her own IT company. Born
Robert Hardy Craig-Wood, she underwent gender reassignment and officially
became a woman in 2006"
3-30-08: Arizon
Daily Star: Tucson Region: "Transgender forum here Tuesday - Region viewed
as accepting of gender variance"
3-30-08: The Boston Globe: "Q&A with Norman Spack - A doctor helps
children change their gender" - "My philosophy is, "Who am I to say what
it's like to be transgendered when I have people who are living with it
every day?" These kids won over the hospital, one department at a time"
3-30-08: The Province (Vancouver, Canada): "Sex-change tourists -
Critics say B.C. is wasting thousands of dollars by sending transgendered
patients to Quebec for specialized surgery we could do here"
3-30-08: The Province (Vancouver, Canada): "'It wasn't my choice to be
a transgender'" - "William, born female, has always known he was really
3-30-08: The Canadian (Canada): "Transgender Dating: Breaking the Ice
in the First E-mail"
3-30-08: Nashua Telegraph (NH): "Surgery can take more than year of
3-29-08: (UK): "The Men with Baby Bellies"
- "The problem with debate on a topic like this is that, whilst people are
often quick to voice an opinion, based on the immediate gut reaction they
feel, very few of them have much clue about the background facts." (podcast)
3-29-08: The Mirror (UK): "Is the pregnant man Thomas Beatie a hoax
for April Fool's Day?" (more)
3-29-08: Trinidad and Tobago Express (Carribean): "I am a sex worker:
Regional sex workers speak up" - A fascinating report that raises
many questions.
3-29-08: "Julie reflects on past year"
ABC News: "'My Mommy Is a Boy' - Young Children More Easily Adapt to News
That a Parent is Transgender" - "It might take me a while to get used to
my mommy being a boy, but she seems happier now" NEW
The Spoof (UK): "Transsexuals Banned From City" - "A small city in
Arkansas has banned transsexual men from entering its city limits after
complaints from women of the city that the gender confused drag queens were
better looking than them" (a pretty cool spoof)
Bangkok Post (Thailand): "THIRD GENDER - Young boys warned not to seek early
castration" - "Mr Natee said he received many complaints from the
parents of ladyboys who were keen to have their testes removed, possibly due
to the influence of widespread advertisements on the internet which claimed
it was inexpensive and the result was similar to a sex-change operation." (more)
Pink News (UK re Lithuania): "Mayor "not ready" to support gay rights" -
"Lithuania is a member of the EU but remains one of the most socially
backward nations in Europe. The vast majority of the population are Roman
Catholics, and the church is openly hostile the rights of sexual
3-28-08: The Guardian (UK re the US): "'Being a pregnant man? It's
incredible'" - "Is it a miracle? A hoax? Or just tragedy in the making?
Patrick Barkham on the frenzy surrounding the US transgender man reported to
be expecting a baby girl"
See also the
Village Voice story from June 20, 2000:
"Family Values: Two Dads With a Difference—Neither of Us Was Born Male"
3-28-08: The Blackpool Gazette (UK): "Support floods in for sex change
3-27-08: UTNE Daily: "The Evolution of Transgender Media Coverage"
3-27-08: Nashville Scene: "Sex, Document Style - A new bill in the
state legislature would entitle sex-change recipients to revised Tennessee
birth certificates"
3-27-08: "Andre Wilson: Winning 'Equity and Access' "
- "A union activist in Ann Arbor, Mich., since the late 1970s, Wilson was
the first openly transgender person to head a contract negotiating team for
a local union—the American Federation of Teachers Local 3550, better known
as the Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO) at the University of
3-27-08: SABC News (South Africa): "Transsexual plans to take access
case to court"
3-27-08: The Oregonian: "Sex-change law questions arise after Bend man
says he's pregnant - Oregon's statute doesn't detail procedures needed for a
legal gender change"
3-27-08: Washington Blade: "In first, black trans woman headed to Dem
convention" - "Richmond, a Clinton delegate, would be happy with Obama
as nominee" (more)
3-27-08: BBC
News (UK re CUBA): "Castro champions gay rights in Cuba - There is a Castro
who is fighting to introduce radical changes in Cuba." - "It is Raul's
daughter, Mariela Castro. . . Mariela's mother, the late Vilma Espin, was an
internationally recognised champion of women's rights. For Mariela, it is
the rights of homosexuals and transsexuals that need fighting for."
3-26-08: SX (Australia): "Across the divide" - "GLB and T – do we
really all belong together? Katrina Fox reports"
3-25-08: Foster's Daily Democrat (NH): "Colby College author emerges
as public face for the transgendered"
Bangkok Post (Thailand): "Up in the air as a woman - A transsexual,
physically a woman but legally a man, opens her female heart" (original
link broken)
3-24-08: Premier Magazine: "Writer-Director Olaf de Fleur on 'The
Amazing Truth About Queen Raquela' -
The Icelandic filmmaker discusses his 'visiomentary'" - "Queen
Raquela is not about sex-change operations or
identity quests, but the touching, dreamlike, quasi-autobiographical tale of
Raquela Rios, a transsexual Cebu City prostitute who longs to leave the
Philippines, meet a nice straight man and visit Paris."
3-23-08: The Canadian (Canada): "American author explores
crossdressers and transsexuals in Get Dressed!"
3-21-08: Discover: "The Unusual Story of the Pregnant, Bearded Man"
- See also Thomas Beatie's essay in the Advocate:
The Advocate: "Labor of Love - Is society ready for this pregnant husband?"
- "To our neighbors, my wife, Nancy, and I don’t appear in the least
unusual. To those in the quiet Oregon community where we live, we are viewed
just as we are -- a happy couple deeply in love. Our desire to work hard,
buy our first home, and start a family was nothing out of the ordinary. That
is, until we decided that I would carry our child." (originally
published on 3-14-08). (more)
3-20-08: AAAS 'Eureka Alert' Press Release: "Counselors should target
discrimination and be advocates for transgender clients" - "University
of Oregon doctoral students address workplace and psychological issues for
overlooked population" - News of an interesting report in the March issue of
the Journal of Career Development (link
to abstract).
3-20-08: Bay Area Reporter: "Slain transgender woman to be
remembered" - A demonstration will be held in San Francisco on Friday,
March 21, in remembrance of Ruby Ordenana, 24, who was murdered last year.
The event begins at 6 p.m. at the 24th Street BART station on Mission
3-20-08: Express India (India): "Life on the Fringes" - "Solidarity
bound them together, Reema, Kajol, Pritambar, Suman and hundreds of other
“sisters”, who thronged the south Kolkata park last week to participate in a
candlelight vigil."
3-19-08: Sarah
Brown's Journal (UK): "Charing Cross GIC in Breath of Fresh Air Shocker!"
- Fascinating report of a Translondon Support Group meeting with Drs Stuart
Lorimer and Leighton Seal of the Charing Cross Gender Clinic.
3-19-08: The Guardian (UK): "New 'trans guidance' for universities"
- "The Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) has put out guidance for universities
to follow when dealing with "trans people" who are changing their gender" (ECU
Report PDF (3.4 mb);
ECU Report text (82 kb))
3-19-08: Windy City Times: "UIC Holds First LGBT Research Forum"
3-19-08: Ottumwa Courier (Iowa): "Ottumwa City Council amends proposed
ordinance — ‘gender identity’ deleted; law moves back to first reading"
- "Citizens who spoke against it said the ordinance would enable a man to
put on a dress, enter a women’s restroom and molest or kidnap a female
Florida Baptist Witness: "Not my shower: Breaking biological barriers"
3-19-08: Charlestown City Paper (NC): "North Charleston murder
highlights absence of state hate crime law"
3-19-08: AFP (re Thailand): "Thai army to introduce 'third category'
for transsexuals"
3-17-08: "The ICRME Board of Directors unanimously votes to
accept the resignation of Benjamin Paige" -
a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rocky Mtn. Court System
on Sunday, March 16, 2008, the Board has unanimously voted to accept the
resignation of Benjamin Paige from the Board of Directors" (for more on this
case, see the
investigative report re Paige's hideously transphobic column in the
Gayzette Denver)
3-17-08: PageOneQ: "Transgender rights org praises changes in federal
REAL ID regulations, opposes overall bill"
3-17-08: Daily Mail (UK): "The 6ft ex-soldier who has won a personal war -
by becoming a woman" (more,
3-17-08: Daily Record (UK): "Sex-Change Ex-Paratrooper Wants To Become
A Mum" - "SEX swap soldier Jan Hamilton has revealed she would like to
adopt a child now she is finally a woman."
3-17-08: Inter
Press Service (re Cuba): "CUBA: Transvestites and Crossdressers Key Workers
Against AIDS" - "Activism against AIDS is uniting a group of
transvestites and crossdressers in western Cuba in a project that is going
beyond peer education and making inroads into the world of culture."
3-16-08: "An update from Jazmine James regarding the
climate within the ICRME" - Jazmine reports that she and her husband
received deafening applause at a major ICRME event Saturday night - in
support of her
stance against Benjamin Paige's column.
3-16-08: "Benjamin Paige remains on ICRME board, issues
statement" - "ICRME has stated that Benjamin Paige remains as a member
at large of the Board of Directors despite submitting his resignation as
Corporate Development Officer. ICRME plans to make a determination on his
board position soon."
3-16-08: Times of India (India): "Response to TN govt scheme
'overwhelming'" - "Tamil
Nadu government's decision to include the third gender in ration cards also
paves the way for transsexuals, who have fallen off the state welfare nets
because there is no official space for them to exist, to eventually write
'T' against the sex column while applying for admission to educational
institutions or government hospitals."
3-16-08: Times of India (India): "Third sex gets official status in
Tamil Nadu" - "In Tamil Nadu alone, where transsexuals like Pooja
started getting ration cards on Thursday, it would allow the estimated
40,000 members of the community to identify themselves as a third gender"
3-16-08: The New York Times Magazine: "When Girls Will Be Boys"
- A feature article about young transmen in women's colleges, and the
issues thereby raised.
3-16-08: Dayton Daily News: "Transgender people step out, risk
ridicule, worse" - "Jobs, friends, families at risk, but transgender
people take chance to understand themselves and be understood." (more)
3-15-08: Femtastic (UK): "Patricia Arquette admits uncertainty over
sibling’s sex change" - "“I always imagined myself to be a very
open-minded person. So when I was feeling a level of judgement… I really had
to think about myself.”"
Imperial Court of the Rocky Mountain Empire: The ICRME releases a "Formal
Statement" regarding the transphobic article by Benjamin Paige - In this
interim report, the ICRME Board whitewashes the Paige situation. It goes on
to claim that the organization welcomes all, even though that claim has been
exposed as untrue by recent reports from
Dana Yost and
Jazmine James.
3-14-08: Dayton Daily News: "Finally Herself: Transgender life in
Dayton" - "Jennette "Jenny" Caden has been been very active in educating
the community, including businesses, about transgender issues. Caden, born
male, has been living and working as a woman for the past six months"
3-14-08: "Nearly 400 Activists Gather to Strengthen Transgender Civil
Rights, Equality Movement in California"
3-14-08: "Open letter to the Leaders of the Imperial
Court System regarding the anti-transgender climate within the ICS"
3-14-08: Express India (India): "Citizens show solidarity with the
transgender community" - "In a show of solidarity, around 300 citizens
joined a candle light procession to condemn the violence on March 9, in
which three members of the transgender community were beaten up by locals of
the Rabindra Sarovar area."
ABC News: "Politicians 'Anti-Gay' Speech Sparks Outrage"
3-14-08: Dallas Voice: "Homophobic official may have gay son" -
"OKC legislator’s tirade saying ‘homosexual agenda’ poses bigger threat than
terrorism heard by over 700,000 since being posted on YouTube"
3-13-08: "Transgender Teen Tells Her Story" - "In
her own words, a transgender teen talks candidly about acceptance and
3-13-08: "An open letter by Jazmine James regarding the
anti-transgender climate within the Imperial Court of the Rocky Mountain
Empire" - Another report re the ICRME
in the wake of the
hideous article by Benjamin Paige.
3-13-08: YouTube:
"Ellen calls Sally Kern" - Pretty cool video re the hatemongering
politician in Oklahoma.
3-13-08: Tulsa World (Oklahoma): "Local gay organization denounces
Kern's comments against homosexuality" - "Community leaders Thursday
denounced state Rep. Sally Kern's recent comments against homosexuality and
asked legislators to respond by passing hate crimes legislation that
encompasses sexual orientation and gender identity." (more)
3-13-08: The Sun (UK): "Sweet on some Candis Cayne?" - "IF only
all we girls could look as good as curvaceous Candis Cayne, the star of new
Channel 4 show Dirty Sexy Money"
3-13-08: The Telegraph (UK): "Female RAF pilot tells of sex change
operation" - "Now she has remarried, to a man. She said of her husband:
"He is as straight as they come and I had to tell him about my past." - Sqdn
Ldr Jones was in charge of all air movements out of Basra in southern Iraq
last year after she was posted there for a six-month tour in June"
Bay Area Reporter: "Helping Trans Kids Out of the Shadows" -
"Dedicated to preventing another causalty, the founder and executive
director of TransActive Education & Advocacy (,
a Portland, Oregon based organization, works with parents and schools to
support transgender and gender variant children."
3-13-08: Bay Area Reporter: "Trans women get ready for 'Catwalk'
event" - "Tita Aida, who has hosted numerous charitable benefits over
the years, has something new this month – "Catwalk '08," which is billed as
an "elite modeling competition and beauty pageant for the transgender
3-13-08: SUU News (Southern Utah Univ.): "OP-ED: Consider gender-blind
3-12-08: The BG News (Bowling Green State Univ.): "Campus community
tries to increase transgender support" - "Joelle
Ruby Ryan, founder of Transcendence, said the Bowling Green community
and the country as a whole need to realize the bigotry that leads to
violence against particular groups in society"
3-12-08: The
Charlotte Observer: "Voices for, against Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
measure" - "CMS board approves anti-bullying policy - Critics worry
wording promotes homosexuality" (update)
3-12-08: The Age (Australia): "Street prostitutes given 'green light'
by police" - "The Office of Police Integrity has uncovered evidence that
appears to support claims a group of police have protected transsexual
prostitutes in exchange for sexual favours"
3-12-08: The Sun (UK): "Chopper Ace; My sex change" - "An RAF squadron
leader yesterday told of her amazing transformation – from a man to a woman"
- "Sue, based in London, was posted to Iraq last June and was responsible
for all air movements in and out of Basra" - Note: The UK the military does
not discriminate against GLBT individuals, and welcomes all into the ranks.
3-11-08: "An open letter by Dana Yost regarding the anti-transgender
climate within the Imperial Court of the Rocky Mountain Empire"
BBSnews: "Anti-gay Tirade by OK State Rep. Sally Kern Sparks National
Firestorm" - "Rep. Kern said "the homosexual agenda is destroying this
nation" and the threat was larger than international terrorism"
3-11-08: "UPS expands supplier diversity" - "UPS
Inc., the world's largest shipping carrier, is stepping up its supplier
diversity efforts to include gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender-owned
Kansas City Star: "Handling the transgender issue" - "How might a
progressive employer handle a transgender employee who, for example, goes
from female to male, or male to female? How does one address those in
transition? — Concerned About Change That Makes Sense"
3-10-08: The Edge (Boston): "Advocates turn out en masse for
transgender civil rights bill"
American Family News Network: "UMC officials expected to address issue of
'transgendered' clergy at upcoming meeting"
3-09-08: Washington Post: "Transgender Law Opponents Put Measure on
Ballot" - Opponents of the anti-discrimination measure, who contend it
could lead to indecent exposure in locker rooms, have collected enough valid
signatures to place a referendum on the November ballot"
3-08-08: Notes from Eden (Blogspot): "An Open letter to a community
service organization" - "Today I am terribly sad to report that a
wonderful community service organization I once worked with has come under
negative attention due to the published writings of a current Board member.
The Imperial Court of the Rocky
Mountain Empire. The Publisher has published a retraction already, I
hope this organization also takes a public stand" -
Eden Lane
3-08-08: "Update on Benjamin Paige's hideously transphobic column"
- Paige is
an up-and-coming member of Denver's gay community. Could this explain why
he's being let off the hook, even though he's never apologized?
We've identified
Paige as a member of the Board of Directors of "The Imperial Court of the
Rocky Mountain Empire" (a major drag organization) and a recipient of one of
their "White Rose Scholarships". Paige's exposure as a raving transphobe is
a terrible stain on the image of that organization, raising disturbing
questions such as whether he is "representative of the culture of the
Imperial Courts?"
Could it be that
the Imperial Court also intends to whitewash this situation, and retain
Paige on their Board? If so, they're going to have some serious explaining
to do. (The update includes contacts at ICRME you can e-mail to ask about
3-08-08: The Edge (Boston): "Trans conference debates merits of
anti-discrimination laws"
3-08-08: (MD): "Transgender opponents collect enough
signatures for referendum" - "Voters will vote county law up or down in
3-07-08: "A “Bailey Controversy” Follow-Up" by Julia Serano -
" . . . last week there was yet another development in the ongoing Bailey
saga. The
Northwestern University school newspaper (where Bailey and Dreger are
professors) reported that psychologist Robin Mathy, a research fellow at the
University of Minnesota's Medical School, filed ethics charges against both
Dreger and Bailey."
3-07-08: PageOneQ: "Gay publication apologizes to community for
article about transgender Colorado student" - Note: This article
deliberately avoids naming Benjamin Paige as the author of the hideous
article that appeared in the March issue of GayZette Denver. Paige
himself has not apologized for the article, and yet the gay community is
letting him off the hook. What's wrong with this picture?
3-07-08: China Daily (China): "Wife finally fulfills dream by becoming
a woman" - "A man from a poor rural family in Heilongjiang province who
had been living as another man's wife for 11 years recently fulfilled his
dream of becoming a woman by having a sex change operation in Tianjin
3-07-08: The Edge (Boston): "Heavy hitters go to bat for transgender
civil rights bill"
3-06-08: Huffington Post: "Former GOP State Rep And Obama Backer
Discusses Switching Party, Gender
3-06-08: The Sun (UK): "C4's sex change soldier" - "The story of
the first ever Para to have a sex change is to be told in a Channel 4
Bay Windows: TransNation: "Activist Creates Compelling PR",
by Jacob
3-06-08: "Media Alert: GayZette Denver publishes a hideous rhetorical
attack on seven year old trans child and her family"
In this alert,
Kelley Winters says: "As most of you know, a young affirmed girl, her family
and her school district were cruelly attacked in the national press
following a sensational and defamatory report by Denver NBC affiliate
KUSA-TV on Feb 7. Sadly, the worst of all, the most hateful, the most
sickening attack on this innocent child has come not from the religious
right but from within our own GLBT community in Denver."
Note: Following
the initial alerts about this article, the publisher of the GayZette quickly
pulled the online version of the article by Benjamin Paige,
and issued a retraction
and an apology. For further commentary on the article and the
see this page in Andrea James' site.
3-06-08: The Campus Press (Univ. of Colorado): "Transforming
perceptions - Transgender awareness combats society's preconceptions"
The Phoenix (Swarthmore College): "Expansion of gender-neutral housing
3-06-08: Enkidu Magazine (Mexico, re Japan): "Trans Man Sues Employer
for Discriminatory Cancellation of Employment Contract"
3-05-06: The News Record (Univ. of Cincinnatti): "Transgender issue
needs attention - UC should be more accepting of students with gender
3-05-08: The Boston Globe: "Patrick backs bill to protect rights of
transgendered" - "Governor Deval Patrick said yesterday he supports a
bill protecting transgendered people from discrimination, legislation
similar to laws already enacted in more than a dozen states"
PC World: "Your Virtual Sex Change" - "Everybody's doing it, according to a
new study in the journal Cyberpsychology and Behaviour, so why not
BBC News (re India): "India's transgender talk show host - A controversial
new talk show has hit TV screens in southern India"
3-05-08: Long
Beach Press Telegram: "Council supports LGBT measure - Gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender students have a right to attend school and live
without harassment, the City Council made clear at its Tuesday night
3-04-08: South Florida Sun-Sentinal: "Transexual teen has faith in
self, others"
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC): "IGLHRC
Announces 2008 Felipa de Souza Award Winners" - "The International Gay
and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) announced today that it would
award its 2008 Felipa de Souza Award to two outstanding nominees - the
Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO) and
Chilean trans activist
Andrés Ignacio Rivera Duarte.
IGLHRC's Felipa Award recognizes the courage and effectiveness of groups or
leaders dedicated to improving the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, intersex (LGBTI) and other individuals stigmatized and abused
because of their sexuality or HIV status. Each award winner will receive a
$5,000 stipend. The awards will be presented at a special ceremony in New
York on April 28, 2008." (in
3-04-08: Duke Chronicle (Duke Univ.): "LGBT Task Force catalyzes
change - Despite low profile, group pushes progressive gender policies for
3-04-08: The Justice (Brandeis Univ.): "Editorial: Gender-blind
housing needed"
Catholic News Agency: "Catholic hospital to allow transgender surgery after
being sued" - "In 2006 a doctor told Charlene Hastings, 57, that
Seton Medical Center in Daly City would not allow him to perform
breast-enhancement surgery on a transsexual. Hastings claimed that upon
further inquiry a surgical coordinator at the hospital said to him, “It’s
not God’s will” and “God made you a man.”" - "Hastings will not undergo
surgery at Seton, saying he would not be comfortable because he would feel
the hospital would be “doing it under duress.” " (note how the Catholic News
continues to defame Charlene by using male pronouns)
3-04-07: Bay Windows: "Attorney General Martha Coakley comes out for
civil rights protections for transgender community"
3-03-08: The Salem News (MA): "My View: For some, a job well done
isn't enough", by Nancy Nangeroni
The Tartan (CMU): "Students discuss transgender issues - Toilet Training
sparks discussion and debate"
3-03-08: The Guardian (UCSD): "Blurring the Gender Line" - "UCSD
takes initiative to create a friendlier climate for those on campus who
break the boundaries between male and female"
The Chronicle Herald (Nova Scotia): "Grits pass sex-change proposal but it’s
low priority, McNeil says" (more)
3-02-08: "Advocates, opponents of trans rights bill to have their say
on Beacon Hill" - see also related article:
"Contrada warns of trans apocalypse"
Human Resource Executive: "How's Your Inclusiveness Rating? - The
Corporate Equality Index has emerged as the scorecard of choice for
measuring GLBT-friendliness"
3-01-08: Feministe: "It’s ain’t easy being television’s most eligible
transsexual bachelorette…" - Cool article about
Transamerican Love Story, starring
Calpernia Addams and eight bachelors who "vie for her heart" - Be sure
to watch the video at the included link, where Calpernia discusses "Questions
Never to Ask a Transsexual Person".
3-01-08: Turkish Daily News (Turkey): "Revenge of the oppressed sexual
identity!" - "Transsexuals and transvestites are condemned to work as
prostitutes since there is no other option available for them to survive."
Pam's House Blend (online magazine): "History - Christine Jorgensen's Woman
of the Year Award 1953" - "On March 7, 1953 Christine Jorgensen receives
the Scandinavian Societies Woman of the Year Award in New York City.
Ms. Jorgensen's transition story was the most reported upon story in all
media upon her return to the US that year. Thirteen years before Stonewall,
Ms. Jorgensen handled her unwanted fame with such grace and received
acceptance to such a degree that this honor from a mainstream group was
bestowed prior to there even being LGBT groups awarding such honors"
3-01-08: California Catholic Daily: "“Moral victory against Catholics”
- Seton Medical Center does about-face, will allow transsexual to get
breast-enhancement surgery"
3-01-08: Rocky Mountain News (CO): "'It's me in a different way'"
- "On the first day of eighth grade, Melaina Marquez wore a polo shirt,
wedge shoes and denim skirt with ruffles. The year before, that outfit would
have been out of the question. At that point, Melaina was a boy known as
Manuel. Melaina, now 15, is considered to be transgender: a person who does
not identify with the sex based on his or her genitalia. She decided to tell
her story after news reports last month about a 7-year-old Douglas County
girl who attended school last year as a boy."
February 2008:
Organization Intersex Internationale (OII): "Alice Dreger: The unethical
ethicist?", by Curtis Hinkle - "After controlling intersex activism for
over a decade and leaving it in shambles, she decided to move on to
transgender activism. And already she is becoming the same divisive
“activist” in the transgender movement that she was in the intersex
movement. She has begun by taking sides with the gatekeepers of the trans
movement, just as she placed herself with the gatekeepers of the intersex
community and then left us with a more pathological terminology and set of
protocols based on intersex being a genetic defect." (further commentary by
the intersex community on the activities of Catholic 'ethicist'
Alice Dreger).
2-29-08: Time Magazine (re Turkey): "Turkey's Anti-War Diva" (more,
2-29-08: Boston Herald: "Judge grants hearing for killer seeking
better sex change care in prison"
2-28-08: Colorado Community Newspapers: "Becoming Jamie - Family,
friends, school support a transgirl "
2-28-08: Colorado Community Newspapers: "Explain gender simply to kids"
- "For neighbors, classmates and children in activities with transgender
children and teens, one haunting question for parents is how to explain what
is going on, often when they don't know. "Make it age appropriate," said Kim
Pearson, executive director of TransYouth Family Allies. "And don't give
more than the child needs."" (more)
2-28-08: Bay Area Reporter: "Pride nominates HRC for Pink Brick" -
"For the first time, an LGBT organization has been nominated for San
Francisco Pride's Pink Brick award – an award meant to recognize groups and
individuals who've run afoul of the community or pushed for antigay
2-28-08: Trans Group Blog: "RIP Steve Dain - FTM Pioneer" - ""It
was nearly a ritual, a rite of passage to meet with Steve. There were no
trans men that we knew of who had come before him, Mario Martino was on the
east coat, living in a safe obscurity, although some were in communication
with him, and Rupert Raj was in Canada. Steve was nearby and our most
visible example, and someone who each one of us hoped would confer wisdom,
and a kind of blessing or validation. I think we all were a bit awestruck.
And, Steve didn't let us down. I know he didn't let me down. I still
remember meeting him in Union City, he picked me up from BART and I was
taken with his easy and total masculinity. He was hirsute, and handsome,
confident and kind. He was sensitive to each question I asked and his
answers would influence me for the entirety of my transition." - "I am so
sorry that he is gone; time goes by quickly. He was about my age when I met
him, and now, was 68 when he died -- of cancer recently on Oct. 10, 2007." -
Max Wolf Valerio
2-28-08: YouTube
video clips of FtM pioneer Steve Dain, from the 1985 documentary film, What
Sex Am I? - "Steve Dain speaks very candidly about his sexual
change from female to male and prejudice against his continuing as a school
teacher after transition."
2-28-08: Ventura County Star (CA): "Tolerance is stressed at high
school assembly - In Oxnard talk, transgender speaker calls for acceptance
of differences"
The Lincoln County News (Maine): "MHRC Report Alleges Transgender
Discrimination By Camp Kieve" - "An investigator for the Maine Human
Rights Commission has determined that Camp Kieve employees in Nobleboro
discriminated against a transgender Pennsylvania man" (case involves a young
transman who lost his camp counseling job due to discrimination.
2-27-08: The Daily Northwestern: "Debate resumes on methods of psych
professor's research".
An excerpt from this important
breaking story:
"Last month, Robin Mathy filed ethics
complaints against both Dreger and Bailey with the American Psychological
Association, which accredits NU's psychology department. Unlike the most
vocal opponents of Dreger and Bailey's work, Mathy is an accredited
psychologist and a clinical research fellow at the University of Minnesota's
Medical School. She also filed a charge with the Illinois Board of Examiners
of Psychology for Bailey's alleged misrepresentation of himself as
Mathy's charges focus on the
professional connections between the board of the Archives of Sexual
Behavior and Bailey. In the article, Bailey and Dreger both expressed that
having sex with a research subject is not inherently wrong."
Mathy said Dreger was wrong to submit
her article to the ASB, which is edited by Kenneth Zucker, who has had
contact with Bailey and has similar views on transsexuality. By doing this,
she said Dreger sought to bypass the peer review process, which ensures
research remains unbiased.
"This is a blatant conflict of interest," Mathy said. "(Dreger) exploited a
key network friendship with Michael Bailey to get a truly horrible paper
2-27-08: Transgender Europe
(TGEU): "The Steering Committee of Transgender Europe and the Transgender
Network Berlin (TGNB) are most happy to announce that the Second Transgender
Council will take place from May 2nd – 4th in Berlin, Germany."
2-27-08: Bianet News in English (Turkey): "Nationalist Uproar at
Singer’s Anti-War Stance" - "Bülent Ersoy, a colourful transsexual
singer, banned from performing on stage after the military coup in the
1980s, and now mostly in the magazine headlines for her outfits, young
husbands and cosmetic surgery, expressed her opposition to the current
cross-border operations in Northern Iraq on live TV on Sunday night (24
February)" (more)
2-25-08: Queerty: "New York Politicos Avoid HRC Dinner" - "Human
Rights Campaign got little love at its annual New York dinner this weekend"
- "Dozens of protesters gathered outside the Midtown Hilton to protect HRC’s
wavering position during the ENDA debacle of last year"
2-25-08: Norwich Evening News (UK): "Sex change woman wins op" -
"As revealed by the Evening News, Penny Blake has been waiting for nearly
three years to have the operation"
2-25-08: World Net Daily: "Coed shower petition collectors allege
harassment - 'This conduct is highly unethical and violates civil rights
statutes'" (more on the Montgomery County, MD situation)
2-25-08: The Hilltop (Howard Univ.): "Maryland Transgender Rights Law
In Jeopardy, Petition Puts New Rules on Hold"
ABC7News (DC): "Transgender Law Faces Stiff Opposition"
UK Gay News (re Ireland): "Students Slam Health Service Executive Over
Services for Transgender People"
2-25-08: Greenway Court Theatre (Los Angeles): “Announcing the
much-anticipated second installment of “Trans Sister Tales”” – “The
all-star cast includes Gina Grahame, Aleshia Brevard, Rosalyne Blumenstein,
Dee Dee Flores, Leslie Townsend, Christina Quinonez, Victoria Ortega and a
special musical performance by Veronica Klaus” - Thursday February 28 at 8
2-25-08: 5280 - Denver's Magazine (March issue): "Second Nature
- In an exclusive preview from our March issue, meet a local family that is
raising a little girl born in the wrong body", by Maximillian Potter - A
wonderful magazine article about the Boulder family who are supporting their
child's transition (click on picture for larger photo).

Massachusetts Medical Society event announcement: “Managing the Health of
Transgendered Patients: What Every Clinician and Health Care” -
Wednesday, April 9, 2008, 6:00 – 9:00pm, at the Conference Center at Waltham
Woods - An evening program sponsored by the Massachusetts Medical Society
and its Medical Student Section.
BBC News: "Iran's 'diagnosed transsexuals' - Homosexual relationships
are banned in Iran, but the country allows sex change operations and
hundreds of men have elected for surgery to change their lives" (link
to audio of the broadcasts) (link
to the film "Be Like Others")
2-24-08: Ventura County Star: "Atmosphere of hate fuels horrific
2-24-08: Gainsville Sun (FL): "Finding one's self: What is life like
for the transgendered?"
2-24-08: Gainsville Sun (FL): "Leaders: Gainesville's reaction to
transgender laws not the norm"
2-23-08: (FL): "Gay teen shot dead while dressed as
woman in Fort Lauderdale" - "The shooting death of a gay teenage
boy who was dressed in women's clothing is being investigated as a possible
hate crime, while detectives try to determine whether he was targeted
because of his sexual orientation."
2-23-08: ACD "Another Teen Murder Investigated as Hate
Crime" - "Williams, who died from a gunshot wound, was found in woman's
clothing, meaning he might have identified as transgendered rather than gay"
2-22-08: The Chronicle of Higher Education: "Love v. Morehouse College
(2007)" - "Should Colleges Be Sued for Harboring Intolerance?" -
"Although the Georgia court's opinion arguably creates a new legal duty, the
boundaries of that duty — and exactly what colleges must do to fulfill it —
remain unclear. If courts in other states find the reasoning of Love
persuasive, it could mean that teaching tolerance and combating harassment —
long seen as vital to campus health and civility — become legal imperatives
as well."
2-22-08: TYFA: "TransYouth Family
Allies (TYFA) unveils new name, look, mission, vision and materials"–
TransYouth Family Allies (formerly TransYouth Family Advocates/TYFA)
announced the first phase of its new communications project today with the
unveiling of a new logo and publication of updated mission and vision
KUSA - Channel 9 Colorado: "Parents talk about transgender child's
2-22-08: " offline, intersex activists
respond" - "Intersex activists have alerted me that within days of
linking to
Alice Dreger’s “partial history” of Denise Tree, the hoax site has gone offline. This may be a temporary
situation, but
activists are monitoring this development closely." - Andrea James
Note: In this
posting of 2-17-08, Andrea reported that the hoax website ""
so widely cited, promoted and defended by
J. Michael
Alice Dreger has been taken down - in what appears to be a panicked
effort by the hoaxers to eliminate incriminating evidence.
Novisti (Russia): "Moscow register office reports rise in sex change
Newswise Medical News: "Female-to-Male Transsexuals Have Higher Androgen
Levels, Not PCOS"
2-21-08: Saginaw News: "Transgendered cross-dresser to visit Saginaw "
- "A former Spring Arbor University professor who gained national attention
by getting fired . . . Nemecek came out as a transgendered cross-dresser --
she is married to a woman, has had no gender-altering surgeries but wears
women's attire -- and legally changed her name three days before college
administrators fired her in February 2007 after 16 years of teaching there"
2-21-08: (Philippines): "Let’s hear it from the ‘queen’
of Cebu"
2-21-08: Bay Area Reporter: "SF vigil for slain Oxnard student"
2-21-08: Baltimore Sun: "Transgender law at risk - Petition may send
Montgomery County measure to referendum" - "A Montgomery County measure
intended to protect transgender people appears headed to a voter referendum,
setting up a potentially divisive debate over how far anti-discrimination
laws should extend"
2-21-08: The Muse
(Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada): "Defining a woman - Academics
discuss sports rules for transsexuals, intersexed people"
2-20-08: (MA): "Northampton plans its first transgender
"Group Seeks to Overturn Transgender Law"
2-20-08: The New York Times (re India): "Chennai Journal - Tackling a
Society’s Boundaries, on TV and in a Family"
2-20-08: The Saginaw News(MI): "Fired transgender professor speaking
in Saginaw"
2-20-08: The Daily Telegraph (Australia): "Transsexual Brigitte Fell
in angry shop outburst"
2-19-08: FOX Business: "Four Steps Schools Can Take to Address
Anti-LGBT Bullying and Harassment"
Organisation Intersex International (OII): "Double Standards and semi famous
names", by Sophie Seidlberg - "One question worth asking about ISNA, the
Intersex Society of North America, and the main players within it has been
the issue of Medical History. To simplify this, two of the stated founders
Cheryl Chase and Kiira Trea (Denise Tree) have often been very strict about
membership policies; in particular, they excluded anyone they considered may
have a male to female transsexual history. At the same time there are often
allegations aimed at these two in particular about whether or not they
themselves have such a history. The responses have been vague at best."
In this report, intersex advocate Sophie Seidlberg of OII reveals evidence
of factual errors, misrepresentations and hoaxes in the work of
Treia and her colleagues and defenders
J. Michael
Alice Dreger. Seidlberg then contrasts the sloppy, devious,
error-prone work of those three transphobes with the carefully-documented
evidence-based reporting of Andrea
James and Lynn Conway.
2-19-08: Wired News (re Africa): "Wired News - Raelians Rocket From
Clones to Clitorises" - "the Raelian Movement has resolved to build a
hospital in the West African country of Burkina Faso, where women could come
to have their clitorises "reconstructed."" - "The Raelians have recruited
Marci Bowers, who runs a thriving sex-change clinic in Trinidad, Colorado" -
"Bowers flew to Paris last April (on her own dime) to train with Pierre
Foldes, an Ob-Gyn in Paris who reportedly invented the technique of clitoris
reconstruction after many years of treating women in Africa"
2-19-08: The Oregonian: "Transsexual inmate loses sex-change surgery
OneWorld South Asia (re India): "First ever welfare board for transgenders"
- "In a recent progressive step, the Tamil Nadu government is set to become
a model for protecting rights of sexual minorities. And has given succor to
people on the margins of society that their voices can be heard in the
corridors of power"
2-19-08: Daily News: "Transgender rider gets OK from Brooklyn
judge to sue NYC Transit"
2-19-08: Huffington Post: "Death at the Beach: What Did America
Learn in School Last Tuesday?", by Tom Gregory - Commentary on a
socially-induced hate-crime: the assassination of 15 year-old Lawrence King.
2-18-08: California Catholic Daily: "No escape from sexual
indoctrination" - "Pull your children out of public schools, say two
family protection leaders" - "Thomasson says that unless parents pull their
kids out of the public schools, there will be no escape from sexual
indoctrination. “You have to get them out. You have to rescue them,” he told
California Catholic Daily."
2-17-08: Feministe: "A saner era? Myths about trans kids in schools,
courtesy of FOX News" - Commentary on Neil Cavuto's ridiculing of a
trans child on national television. See also
CALL TO ACTION about Cavuto's remarks (GLAAD's page links to the FOX
News videos).
2-17-08: Concord Monitor (NH): "My Turn: I kept an open mind, and
hoped readers would too - This woman's story was unlike any other" (see
also earlier story of 2-10-08)
2-17-08: Boston Herald: "When Judge Roberta goes a-courting" -
Judge arrested for DUI while crossdressing (more)
Organisation Intersex International (OII): "Treestumps and Broomsticks", by
Sophie Seidlberg - "In the debate involving Dreger who is now defending
Tree from various accusations, it is Tree’s medical history that is open to
In this report Sophie Seidlberg of OII deconstructs
Alice Dreger's strange and
hilarious attempt to defend internet hoaxer
Treia against
incriminating facts recently exposed by Andrea James. For more on this,
see also Andrea's report
"No matter how you slice it: parsing Alice Dreger’s self-defense".
2-16-08: National Health Service (UK): "Medical care for gender
variant children and young people: answering families’ questions" -
"This publication provides answers to the questions typically asked by
parents of gender variant children and young people (up to the age of 17).
It helps families to understand about gender variance and gives some
suggestions about how to respond" (posted 2-13-08) (PDF
See also
"A guide for young trans people in the UK" (PDF
751K), and additional trans-support resources listed in the
UK NHS's "Sexual Equality Services" page.
2-16-08: Thai News
Agency (Thailand): "Medical Council drafting regulations for sex change
2-15-08: The Star (UK): "Gender torment of 10-year-old" - "A Boy
of 10 has been found hanged at his South Yorkshire home after telling his
mum he wanted to be a girl"
2-15-08: LOGO Channel: "Transamerican Love Story: Episode 1" - Now
online: The complete first episode.
GLAAD CALL TO ACTION: "Problematic Coverage of Transgender Student in
Colorado" - "GLAAD urges you to write to Neil Cavuto and Fox News
Channel and voice your concerns. Tell them it is unacceptable to use viewer
commentary and the Fox News platform to ridicule a child on national
television" (orig. posted 2-13-08)
International Herald Tribune (re India): "First transsexual celebrity, Rose,
makes a TV debut"
2-15-08: Independent (Ireland): "Birth registration laws facing repeal
after transgender ruling" - "The Government may be forced to repeal
parts of Ireland's birth registration laws following a landmark legal
challenge by a dentist who underwent a sex change to become a woman"
2-15-08: Los Angeles Times: "Oxnard school shooting called a hate
crime" - "Ventura County prosecutors charged a 14-year-old boy with the
shooting death of a classmate Thursday and said the killing in an Oxnard
classroom was a premeditated hate crime."
2-14-08: Los Angeles Times: "Oxnard student declared brain dead -
Lawrence King, 15, was shot at a junior high school Tuesday. A classmate
faces murder charge" - "The teenager sometimes wore feminine clothing
and makeup, and proclaimed he was gay, students said. "He would come to
school in high-heeled boots, makeup, jewelry and painted nails -- the whole
thing," said Michael Sweeney, 13, an eighth-grader. "That was freaking the
guys out.""
Bangkok Post (Thailand): "Motherly LOVE - A mother's support and love gives
her transsexual child the strength and confidence to fight prejudice"
2-14-08: PageOneQ: "NGLTF's Foreman: Barney Frank is 'squeamish' on
transgender issues"
2-14-08: The Vanguard (Portland State Univ.): "New transgender group
focuses on activism" - "Group to educate PSU about transgender issues,
increase health care access"
2-14-08: Christian Post: "Christian Groups Rebuke School for Promoting
Gender Confusion" - "Conservative family group Americans for Truth
rejected the school officials framing the case as an issue of "diversity,"
arguing that such labeling shows "the elasticity of that term to include
extremely disordered behavioral choices among even the youngest students.""
The Edge: "Transgendered Colo. Child Inspires Support, Condemnation"
2-12-08: CNN
Headline News: "Kim Pearson Interview On CNN Concerning Transgender Student"
- "Kim Pearson of Trans Youth Family
Advocates was interviewed on CNN Headline News on 2/12/2008"
NBC6-TV (South Florida): "S. Fla. Business Owner Makes Gender Transition"
- "Only recently has Kirchoff started feeling truly comfortable in his own
skin. Jan was born Janet 52 year ago"
2-12-08: Christianity Today: "The Transgender Moment - Evangelicals
hope to respond with both moral authority and biblical compassion to gender
identity disorder" - ""Transgender impulses are strong, but they don't
match up with the Christian sexual ethic," says Warren Throckmorton,
associate professor of psychology at Grove City College in Pennsylvania.
"Desires must be brought into alignment with biblical teachings, but it will
be inconvenient and distressful." - "The challenge before conservative
evangelicals is persuading transgendered people, their families, and
faith-based advocates that gender identity disorder is not beyond the reach
of God's grace, compassionate church-based care, and professional help"
2-12-08: Frontline, India's National Magazine, Feb. 2008 (India): "From the
shadows: Transgender persons are finally getting their due with the Tamil
Nadu government announcing a welfare board for them." - An important
article about the situation of transwomen in India.
2-12-08: Frontline, India's National Magazine, Feb. 2008
(India): "Gender Issues: Sex-reassignment surgery" - An important
article contrasting SRS with the traditional Hijra surgeries in India - with
commentary about the story of
Tista Das, who was able to undergo the modern form of SRS there.
2-11-08: Screen Daily (re Iran): "Be Like Others" - "Be Like
Others , a documentary on a topic that seems almost like the start of a joke
-- did you know that in Iran, homosexuality is punishable by death, but
sex-change operations are not only sanctioned by the governing clerics but
almost actively encouraged? -- turns out to be a thoughtful, touching, and
at times even wrenching study of sexual and religious hypocrisy in that
troubled land"
AlterNet: "Becoming a Black Man" - "As more people of color transition
between genders, the ways that racism is different for men and women come to
the surface" - "London Dexter Ward, an LAPD cop who transitioned in 2004,
sums it up this way: a white person who transitions to a male body “just
became a man.” By contrast, he says, “I became a Black man. I became the
enemy. “"
2-10-08: The Concord Monitor: "I'm here - It took many years and many
struggles before Arwen Mitton showed her face" (see also
later story of 2-17-08)
2-10-08: Open
Letter from Kelley Winters: "Unprofessional Journalism at KUSA-TV Denver"
- On February 7, Denver NBC
affiliate KUSA-TV
and ridiculed the Douglas County School District for enrolling a third
grade girl who was born different than most children but dared to seek an
education in the same schools"
2-10-08: Daily News: "Cops: Ex-con slays Bronx transsexual 'hooker' "
- "A transgendered prostitute was stabbed to death in the Bronx Saturday by
a customer who was apparently surprised by the hooker's true sex, police
sources said Saturday" (more)
2-10-08: The Sun (UK): "North teenager takes banned hormone-blocking
drugs ready for sex-change operation" - He is one of three British
youngsters who have flown to the States for the hormone- blocking treatment
which is banned in the UK."
2-10-08: Nashua Telegraph: "In transition - Group a place to be open"
- Another article in this excellent series, with more to come (see
also the four articles on 1-20-08)
2-10-08: Nashua Telegraph: "Theories, controversy surround community -
Reparative therapy highly controversial"
2-10-08: Nashua Telegraph: "Studies on gender identity disorder"
2-10-08: (New Zealand): "Beyer wins fans at Melbourne
2-09-08: Daily Mail (UK): "Fury as firms asked: Are your staff LGBTs?"
(see related PFC page re Trans
Equality Monitoring issues)
2-08-08: "Some thoughts regarding the WPATH name change" - As
with past threats of lawsuits (such as those against transpeople by
Zucker et al
at CAMH), many saw
Green's actions as intimidation and worse, and it seems unlikely he'll
get his way by making such threats. Meantime, WPATH's e-mail server is alive
with messages about this issue - including a message Femke Olyslager
forwarded to members
from me, regarding how Dr. Benjamin might have reacted to these events.
2-08-08: "Richard Green threatens to sue WPATH over the recent change
of name" - "During recent months, the old guard in HBIGDA mounted an
attack on the new leadership of WPATH regarding the recent change in the
association’s name. This reached a climax on February 6, 2008 when Richard
Green threatened WPATH with a lawsuit if they didn’t stop the balloting to
confirm the change of name" (See
also comments by Christine Burns,
former VP of PFC).
2-08-08: World Science: "A function for “gay genes” after all? -
Samoan lovers hint at evolutionary mechanisms, scientists claim"
Out & About Newspaper: "Richmond becomes first openly transgender person to
win Tennessee election" - "Represents District 23 as Davidson County
Democratic Committeewoman - seeks to be delegate to DNC"
Southern Voice: "Trans reality - Logo taps Addams and Mapa for new dating
show" - "“I just hope some people can see that trans women are
more than just the clichés that they normally see in film and television,”
Addams says, “that we’re worthy of love and we’re fully formed, interesting,
and cool individuals who would make a good best friend or a good
Nepal Times (Nepal): "Not just a pretty face - New employment opportunities
for Nepal’s sexual minorities" - "Transgender people in Nepal will now
have the opportunity to study to become hairdressers and beauticians under a
new scheme funded by the Norwegian government."
2-08-08: "Transsexual Prisoner Guilty Of Death Threats"
2-08-08: ACD "Crazed Tranny Threatens Pennsylvania
Authorities" - "Jail can't confine a transsexual woman serving time for
the castration death of her husband" - Comment: Unfortunately there are a
very tiny handful of transwomen - as in any group of humans - who fit the
worst of the horror-movie stereotypes.
2-07-08: Edge - Philadelphia: "Philly activists plan vigil outside HRC
2-07-08: (Michigan): "Details slow to emerge in apparent murder of
trans woman" - ""My guess is that this kid was on the street because her
family ejected her, which happens with a lot of our trans girls," said Grace
McClelland, executive director of the Ruth Ellis Center. "This is a
transgender young woman who, because of what she had to do survive, had to
place herself in that position and it cost her her life. "
Catholic News Agency (re Mexico): "Mexican lawmakers now debating sex-change
2-07-08: Reuters (re Germany): "German woman wins case over sex change
operation" - "A German woman who was mistakenly raised as a boy won a
lawsuit against the surgeon who turned her into a man as a teenager, a court
said on Thursday."
2-07-08: Dallas Voice: "The not-so-friendly skies - Transition from
man to woman cost pilot her job, now she is fighting to regain her FAA
medical certification"
Workers World: "Report on treatment of trans, gender-nonconforming prisoners
2-07-08: (Colorado): "Boy wants to return to school as a girl" (more)
2-07-08: Seattle Post-Intelligencer: "Baby Dee knows what moves people
the most, musically" (more,
2-07-08: Daily Californian (UC Berkeley): "Novel Re-Imagines Ancient
Transgender Myth"
2-07-08: Bay Windows: "A shot at love with Calpernia Addams -
Actress/activist breaks new ground with trans reality show"
San Francisco Bay Times: "Transgender Poet Slams Asian American Stereotypes"
2-97-08: Washington Post: "Fight Continues Over Transgender Anti-Bias
2-07-08: The Canadian (Canada): "T-girls enjoy growing acceptance in
today's society" - "In fact, based on internet and street surveys
conducted in Toronto during the years going back to about 1998, the
percentage of ‘straight males’ 18+ with an interest in, or a past experience
with a T-Girl, went from being the minority (30-40%) to the very large
majority (70% +)."
Comment: This is an odd article, with "interest in" apparently referring to
porn and/or sex workers. It also reports that "T-Girls" is "a general
blanket term for all transgendered males", in a manner reminiscent of Bailey
and Blanchard. Even so, the cited numbers are interesting.
2-06-08: "Unusual perks: Goldman Sachs covers sex
changes - The investment bank, No. 9 on the Best Companies to Work For
list, added the benefit last year as part of a push to recruit and retain a
more diverse workforce." (more)
2-06-08: Article alert: "Of Lady-killers and ‘Men Dressed As Women’:
Soap Opera, Scapegoats and the Mexico City Police Department", by Vek Lewis,
Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, vol. 5, no. 1,
January 2008.
"Examples of exaggeration are to be found in the way in which
alterity, cultural, religious, or any other sort of difference become
objects of fantasies and fears. The actors who are assumed to embody them
are likely to become scapegoats, to the extent that they are frequently
attributed a virtual violence that is almost natural or innate, whereas in
reality they are very far from any such thing, if such a thing were to
exist." (Wieviorka 2003: 111)
In this important report,
Vek Lewis explores "media representation and its real-life effects" (PDFof
complete article) (Link
to example video)
2-06-08: (UK): "When girls will be boys"
San Francisco Weekly: "Transgender Divas Battle for Stardom in Bay Area's
Ballroom Scene"
2-06-08: (re Iran): "Iran Sex Changes Get Mullahs' Money
as Regime Persecutes Gays"
2-06-08: Yahoo News (re Australia): "Australian transsexual sues
policemen for 'revealing her past'" - "An Australian transsexual is
suing two policemen for allegedly telling her unsuspecting boyfriend about
her gender switch, leading to a violent confrontation, it was reported
2-06-08: The Daily Telegraph (Australia): "Accused joked about
tranvestite lover he allegedly assaulted" (more,
2-06-08: Baltimore Sun: "Debate over marriage ignores the intersexed"
Press Release from Outfront! (PA): "Vigil to be held for LGBT Rights and to
protest the actions of the Human Rights Campaign at the HRC Annual Dinner in
Philidelphia on February 9, 2008" (link to
printable badge to
wear at the vigil - sized for Avery 5095 stick-on badges) (link to jpg of
trans-rights badge)
Upside Down World (re Argentina): "Argentina: Transvestites Find a
Voice" - "With the support of one of Argentina’s leading public
universities, a group of transvestites have launched a magazine aimed at
reaffirming their identity and giving them a voice" Note: In Latin
America, transitioned women are often called 'travesti'. That term is
often translated into English as 'transvestite', thus confusing the
transitioned women with crossdressers. This article makes sense if you
mentally substitute 'transitioned women' for 'transvestites' in each
2-05-08: The Florida Alligator (Univ. of Florida): Editorial:
"Transgender ordinance is necessary for equality"
2-04-08: Achives of Sexual Behavior: "The
lineup for Volume 37, Number 3 (June 2008)"
( Editor
Ken Zucker sends out the list of articles to be published in the June
2008 issue of the ASB. The entire issue of the journal is devoted to
Alice Dreger's defense of
J. Michael
2-04-04: "Petition for the lives of Hamzeh and Loghman: two young gay
men who are in love and who risk the death sentence in Iran. And let's not
forget Pegah: the United Kingdom could still hand her over to the
Ithaca College Media Relations: "Ithaca College's 'Out Of The Closet' Film
Series To Present V-Day Treat"
2-03-08: Gainsville Sun: "Transgender ordinance backlash" - "A
heated and vocal response to a new Gainesville ordinance that extends rights
to transgender individuals has garnered national attention"
2-03-08: Boston Globe: "Dean names three from Boston to Democratic
Convention roles" - "Sanchez, a longtime South End resident, will be the
first transgender member of a national convention committee. He is one of a
record-setting seven members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
community who were chosen"
2-03-08: The Canadian (Canada, re NY): "New York's Transsexual Star
Alannah Starr challenges gender boundaries"
2-02-08: Juventud Rebelde - The Newspaper of Cuban Youth (Cuba):
"Transexuality: The Right to Live the Way We Feel" - "Transsexuals are
ordinary people who only need society’s recognition of their gender
identity, even if their genitals have the opposite sex’s anatomy" (more)
2-02-08: IndiaGlitz (India): "Transgender and Tamil cinema" -
"Director V.V. Kathir has made Revathi, a transgender, act in his movie
('Thenvattu'). She has got such a strong role that everyone who sees the
movie would start looking at them with a new perception, says the director.
He is confident that the film will make the people treat transgender persons
as their own brothers or sisters or friends."
2-02-08: New York Times: "State Court Recognizes Gay Marriages From
Elsewhere" - "A New York appellate court ruled Friday that valid
out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples must be legally recognized in New
York, just as the law recognizes those of heterosexual couples solemnized
2-02-08: Toledo Blade: "Gay teens finding more acceptance - Less
discrimination seen in today's more open society"
January 2008:
1-31-08: News update re
Jahna Steele: Jahna’s friend Tara reports that Jahna's family
held a small private service on the 29th, and she is now at rest.
Tara is currently working with Norbert Aleman (Producer of "Crazy Girls,"
the show Jahna had worked in), to hold a memorial service. As of now it's
planned for February 11th in Las Vegas. Tara also reports that a celebration
of Jahna's life will be held in Las Vegas on February 29th (at a nightclub
to be announced).
Tara will keep us posted re the times and places for these events as the
plans are finalized. For more information, you can reach Tara at
this e-mail address. For more about Jahna, see
her website and
her Wikipedia biography.
ACLU Press Release: "ACLU Sues Florida High School for Suppressing Free
Speech - School Suggests Students Who Support Gay Rights Are an "Illegal
1-31-08: Dallas Voice: "Clinic’s transgender health services fill need
- GEAR leaders act as ‘guinea pigs’ for new program at Nelson-Tebedo that
provides hormone therapy" - "Since its inception, the clinic has been
booked solid, with an average of about eight patients coming in between 7
p.m. and 9 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. “I never in my wildest
dreams thought it would take off as well as it has,” O’Connor said. “I was
expecting maybe one or two people.” Cece Cox, associate executive director
for the Resource Center, said the clinic is one of only a handful of its
kind the country. While patients must purchase the prescribed hormones,
there is no charge for doctor’s visits, and bloodwork is reasonably priced."
1-31-08: Las Vegas Now: "Trial Begins For Transgender Woman Accused in
Waitress Slaying"
1-31-08: Bay Area Reporter: "Migden secures $300K for SF trans
1-31-08: The Guardian (UK): Comments: "Exclusive inclusiveness - Which
is better: to be ignored because of inertia or deliberately excluded? This
is what most transgendered people in the UK face"
1-29-08: "Giant Pension Plans To Fight For LGBT Worker Rights" -
"New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr. announced Tuesday that
he will use the massive clout of the NYC Pension Funds to press two-dozen of
America's largest companies to bar discrimination based on sexual
orientation and gender identity."
1-29-08: Miami Herald: "Gainesville Commission votes to protect
transgender rights"
1-29-08: Logo Channel: "Transamerican Love Story" (show website
now online) - "Alec Mapa hosts this groundbreaking and frolicsome
elimination dating show. Our transgender bachelorette, Calpernia Addams,
finds herself in a modern day fairytale as she's being wooed by eight
dashing men. With the help of her trans best friend, Andrea & a parade of
challenges and dates, Calpernia whittles down her group of suitors in hope
of finding her prince charming" (photos,
1-29-08: Gainesville Sun (FL): "Transgender debate draws crowd"
Star-Tribune (Minneapolis): "Transgender candidate runs for Republican
endorsement in Brainerd"
Pink News (UK): "MP calls for hormone block drugs for trans children" -
" "A US specialist has reported having seen three patients from Britain, all
aged 12 to 14, not treated satisfactorily in the UK," she told the Sunday
Mercury. "Two of the three British patients who have already travelled to
Boston had made serious suicide attempts after and during their treatment in
the UK."Neither have attempted self-harm since. By depriving youngsters this
treatment in Britain, we are depriving them relief from extreme suffering
and exposing them to the anguish and terror of growing in a body that is
experienced as alien."
1-27-08: Foster Daily Democrat (NH): "Transgender teens: Doctors
refine hormone, other therapies", by Chloe Johnson. (excellent article
about the work of Dr. Norman Spack of Children's Hospital in Boston, and Dr.
Edgardo Menvielle at the Children's National Medical Center in Washington,
1-27-08: Sunday Mirror (UK): "Stunning model has sex change - Stunning
Katherine has sex change to turn into Adrian"
1-27-08: Boston Herald: "Transgendered delegate makes DNC history
- When Diego Sanchez attends the Democratic National Convention in Denver
this August, he’ll be making history"
1-27-08: "This video is a memorial to the beautiful and talented
transsexual woman Jahna Steele, who passed suddenly on January 24th, 2008.
Hers will be a keenly felt loss in the transgender community. This clip was
taken from a 1993 talk show where I'd been a guest in another broadcast, and
it ends with her singing a song that ironically fits this sad occasion" - a
posting by ChristineGlamazon
1-27-08: The Many folks are placing sympathy notes in Jahna's guestbook,
where her parents and friends can read them:
1-26-08: "It is with a sad heart that I tell
everyone that Jahna Steele has died.
Details to come as they are revealed" - Brandi
1-26-08: The Advocate: “Life Without Puberty - Hormone blockers for
minors, the trans movement's new frontier”, by Andrea James
GayWired (re Kuwait): "Arrests in Kuwait Target Transgender People"
1-26-08: Joliet Herald-News (Illinois): “Transgender case goes to top
1-25-08: Southern Voice: “Step
by Step - Acclaimed Trans performer offers his guide to manhood”
(story about Atlanta-based writer-performer Scott Turner Schofield)
1-25-08: The Hindu (India): “Transgenders thank
government for setting up welfare board
1-25-08: The Chatham Daily News (Canada): “Creating
inclusive spaces; shelter workshop looks at gender issue”
1-25-08: (re Turkey): “Turk transsexuals take to
the stage to defend their rights”
1-24-08: Science Daily (re UK): “UK Doctors 'Failing'
Children Trapped In Gender Limbo, According To Experts”
1-24-08: New York Entertainment (re Iran): "‘Be Like Others’ Director
Tanaz Eshaghian on Sundance, Sex Changes, and the Ayatollah"
1-23-08: Personnel Today (UK): “Transsexual
truck driver tells employment tribunal she was ridiculed and forced out of
her job”
1-22-08: NPR Music: “Unclassifiable Musician Baby Dee
Is Now 'Safe'”
01-21-08 The University of Manchester (UK): "UK Doctors 'failing'
children trapped in gender limbo" - "Gender disordered children
as young as ten are being denied desperately needed hormonal drugs leading
to bullying, violence and even suicide according to new research"
01-21-08: Los Angeles Times: "Trapped inside the wrong body" - "I
have admiration for those who, as adults, decide and declare who they are --
even though I know that they probably will always be uneasy with themselves,
always a part of the lonely places we create in the world we know."
(Based on a sample of one, L.A.Times columnist Al Martinez paints himself as
ever so tolerant, and then generalizes that all gender transitioners are
lonely social outcasts - perpetuating a stereotype that causes family
rejection and social ostracism).
01-20-08: AFP (re Turkey): "Turkey: transsexuals take to the stage to
defend their rights" (more)
01-20-08: Forster's Daily Democrat (NH): "Transgender youth: Advocates
say students need more safeguards"
01-20-08: Nashua Telegraph (NH): "Editorial: Series sheds light on
hidden population"
01-20-08: Nashua Telegraph (NH): "Woman finding acceptance with
01-20-08: Nashua Telegraph (NH): "The people you’ll meet"
01-20-08: Nashua Telegraph (NH): "Taking a look at the transgender
community in N.H."
01-20-08: The Sunday Business Post (Ireland): "Transsexual equality
review needed "
01-19-08: Astra
Film Sibiu 2007: "Eunuchs, India's Third Gender" - A powerful 50 minute
documentary film about the lives of
the Hijra, the transgender women of traditional Indian culture -
focusing on their transition customs, their mutually-supportive community
life and their strong ritualistic bonding. Many universals of trans
experience are revealed in their stories. (Sadly, the film propagates the
old British colonial term "eunuch" for the Hijra, rather than referring to
them as transgender). (Many thanks to Wahida Banu for alerting us to this
01-19-08: The Guardian (UK): "Lost in transition" - If one of your
colleagues reassigned their gender, would you know how to react, what name
to use and how to explain the change to clients?"
01-18-08: "Transgender play's strictly personal"
01-18-08: (New Zealand): "Transgender report meets mixed
01-18-08: The New Zealand Herald (New Zealand): "New Zealanders may be
able to change their sex on passports" - "New Zealanders may soon be
able to change their sex on their passports and birth certificates without
having to have costly sex change surgery"
01-18-08: The New Zealand Herald (New Zealand): "Constable who changed
sex tells story"
01-18-08: The Chicago Tribune: "Transgender woman seeks name fee
01-18-08: AFP (re Kuwait): "Kuwait urged to free cross-dressers from
jail" - "Kuwaiti National Assembly approved in December a law
which criminalises people who "imitate the appearance of the opposite sex. .
. The new law targets namely "transgender people... (and) aims at further
restricting their rights and completely eliminating their public presence"
Pams House (re Kuwait): "Kuwait: Growing Crackdown on Transgender
People Kuwait: Repressive Dress-Code Law Encourages Police Abuse"
01-17-08: New Zealand Human Rights Commission (New Zealand): "Simple
law change would improve transgender New Zealanders lives"
City on a Hill Press: "Steps Toward Tolerance" - Story about Lee
Maranto, program manager and advisor at the Student Organization and
Advising Resource(SOAR)
office at UC Santa Cruz.
01-17-08: Gay City News: "Changing America, and Changing Itself "
- "Word of HRC's being caught blindsided by Barney Frank's sudden desire to
eliminate gender identity from ENDA - with "blindsided" being a generous
interpretation compared to other possibilities - has reached global
01-17-08: Bay Area Reporter: "Transgender woman sues hospital"
(See more on this story at 01-08-08 and
01-09-08 below). (more)
Pams House "This Story Smells A Little Foul", by Autumn Sandeen
(posted 1-16) - Commentary on the suspicious MD "locker-room crasher"
01-17-08: "Man uses women's facility at members-only health club - Trial
run' launched for law allowing coed locker rooms" (right-wing media
exploits news of possible staged-event, in which a man in drag crashed a
women's locker room in MD)
01-17-08: "Transgender bill facing new round of
01-17-08: SX (Australia): "Phoenix rising - Local trans author
Katherine Cummings, 73, has experienced highs and lows in her gender
01-16-08: Bay Windows: "Pilot columnist takes aim at LGBT youth
programs" (further commentary on the 01-04-08
article about trans youth in the Catholic Archidiocese of Boston's
"Pilot" magazine)
01-16-08: Bay Windows: "Blueprint for change"
01-16-08: Bay Windows: "Transgender movement at a crossroads"
01-16-08: (Isreal): "More Israeli women changing gender"
01-15-08: USA Today: "Women's bisexuality an 'identity,' not phase"
WJLA-TV (Washington, DC): "Controversial Law on Gender Identity Tested"
01-15-08: Salt Lake City
Tribune: Editorial: "Let's protect all groups from job discrimination"
01-14-08: "Max Von Essen: High-Notes in High-Heels" - "Max will
make his Carnegie Hall debut as Tremont, the exclamatory transsexual in
Jerry Springer – The Opera in Concert… pumps and potty mouth in-town" -
"I come out singing. My first phrase is "I'm a man!" and the song is called
"Talk To The Hand." The whole chorus is singing "Chick with a dick."
Incredible!" (from interview with Von Essen)
Note: If you
thought the Jerry Springer show was damaging to the public perceptions of
transitioned women, you ain't seen nothing yet. This thing takes it to a
whole new level - in front of high-paying audiences in Carnegie Hall.
01-14-08: Baltimore Sun: "Legal clinic for the 'ignored' - Gays,
lesbians and transgendered are focus of project"
01-13-08: California Catholic Daily: "Not peace, but a sword - Why we
are not civil" In this follow-on regarding a Catholic Hospital's
refusal of treatment to a transwoman, Christopher Zehnder (editor of "Los
Angeles Lay Catholic Mission" and "San Francisco Faith")
promotes a deepening of Catholic transphobia by pronouncing: "What’s
more, we think calling Hastings a she would be tantamount to a lie; and no
one should expect someone to speak what he thinks is a lie. In fact, it
would be disrespectful for us to refer to Hastings as if he were a woman. In
doing so, we would – by our own lights – be degrading Hastings by playing
along with his self-delusion."
Note: This new
article may have been posted to divert attention and comments away from the
original California Catholic Daily article,
"God made you a man", which has become a lightning rod for exposing the
escalation of Vatican defamation of transitioned women. For more on this
issue, see Monica Roberts' essay:
"Why Is The Catholic Church Hatin' On Transpeople?"
01-13-08: The Citizen of Laconia (NH): "Transgenedered Youth: School
children face unique difficulties" - "Anne Boedecker, a psychologist and
gender specialist in Bow, said peers are more understanding when a child
transitions at a young age. Still, sometimes teachers and older people find
it a challenge to accept, so parents need to work with schools when a change
01-13-08: The Boston Globe: "Student alleges bias over locker -
College confronts transgender issue"
01-13-08: The Edge (Boston): "She’s still here," by Ethan Jacobs
(interview with Jennifer Boylan)
01-13-08: The Edge (Boston): "New trans legal clinic kicks off Jan.
01-12-08: Press release from Dee Dee Flores and Leslie Townsend:
"The much-anticipated premiere of “Trans
Sister Tales”arrives in L.A. this month” - “Trans Sister Tales” is a
group of monologues written, performed, created, directed and produced by
trans women which will be performed by an all star cast. The event will be
held in a theater, and filmed for educational and entertainment purposes."
24th, 2008 @ 8:00pm-9: 30pm, reception following, at the
Lyric Theater - 520 N. La
Brea, Los Angeles, Ca. 90036.
Tickets are $20. For reservations call 323-939-9220. You can purchase
tickets online at the Lyric’s
01-12-08: Pink News (UM re Brazil): "Baby taken away from Brazilian
gay couple"
(On Monday 70 people gathered in San Jose do Rio Preto, a small town outside
of Sao Paulo, to protest against the baby being removed from the care of a
30-year-old transsexual hairdresser, Roberta Góes Luiz, and her partner.)
Soulforce Press Release: "LGBT Families Ask Six Mega-churches 'Can We Talk?'
- Rev. Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, to join "American
Family Outing" to create dialogue between evangelical Christians and
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender families." (link
to original Soulforce PR)
01-11-08: Washington Blade: "Transgender activists turn on one of
their own - Once lauded, Stanton denounced as traitor after interview with
Fla. newspaper"
Cheraq Magazine (re Iran): "Passing and Cross-dressing in Iranian Cinema",
by Dr.
Roshanak Kheshti - "When taken together, representations of gender
“passing” and “cross-dressing” in recent Iranian cinema and the widespread
media blitz on transsexuality and homosexuality in Iran create an
unprecedented scene for Iranian LGBTQ politics. . . . but what we need to be
suspicious of is the opportunistic appropriation of human rights discourses
by institutions and nations who have political ambitions for Iran that in
fact have little to do with an investment in LGBTQ civil rights."
01-11-08: "Why Is The Catholic Church Hatin'
On Transpeople?" (originally posted by Monica Roberts on 11-05-07):
". . . the Vatican was being advised by a 30 year enemy of the transgender
community: Dr.
Paul McHugh.. . . A man with a personal axe to grind against transgender
people . . . He has used that position to turn the Catholic Church into an
intolerant bastion of transphobia, at least at the leadership level. . . .
McHugh has ruined not only the lives of many transpeople in the United
States, but is now setting up the conditions to spread his hatred through an
institution that impacts people around the world." (During the past
month there has been an escalation in trans-bashing by official Catholic
media (link,
link), almost to the point of hysteria.
Monica's essay discusses how
Paul McHugh orchestrated the generation of all this hatred.)
The Jakarta Post (Indonesia): "Activists demand equal rights for
transvestites seeking work"
01-11-08: The Jakarta Post (Indonesia): "Transvestites fight an uphill
YouTube: "The Birthday" - A powerful one-hour documentary on trans life
in Iran [Part1,
Part7] (Column
Film, 2006, in Persian with English subtitles)
01-10-08: Bay Area Reporter: "Tense meeting with HRC over ENDA"
01-10-08: "Human Rights Campaign Highlights Best Places to Work for
2008" (see
01-10-08: Bay Windows (Boston): "New trans legal clinic kicks off
01-10-08: Bay Windows (Boston): "She’s
still here" (story
about Jennifer Boylan's new book)
01-10-08: Bay Windows (Boston): "28th First Event to take place
01-10-08: TV3 News (New Zealand): "First transsexual MP devotes her
energy to the silver screen" (more)
(story about Georgina Beyer)
The Advocate: "N.J. Legislature Strengthens Transgender Protections" -
"As a result, New Jersey's protections against transgender bias crimes will
be among the strongest in the nation, according to Garden State Equality
01-09-08: California Catholic Daily: "God made you a man" (another
major Catholic website promotes transphobia)
01-08-08: (Philadelphia): "Woman Says Workplace Gossip Ruined Her Life"
Lifesite: "Catholic Hospital Sued for Refusing Breast Surgery to Make Man
Look Like A Woman" - "A man named Charlene Hastings, referred to in the
media as a "transgender woman", has launched a suit against Seton Medical
Center, a Catholic hospital in San Mateo County, near San Francisco,
claiming officials had discriminated against him because of his "sex-change
Commentary: Here we see yet another Catholic national website
deliberately provoking mass hysteria among Catholics regarding transitioned
women. We now urge great caution if you should find yourself forced to seek
medical help of any kind at a Catholic hospital - especially if your trans
status cannot be concealed.
LoBoLance's Journal (entry of 1-06-08): "Notes from the Trans Leadership
meeting with HRC Joe Joe Solmonese 1/5/08 San Francisco"
01-08-08: Catholic Online: "EDITORIAL: Beware of the ‘Gender Identity’
Bullies" - "No longer content to keep their lifestyle “choices” private,
these activists have decided that the police power of the State must enforce
now their vision of a brave new world on everyone else" (Major U.S. Catholic
website ramps up the defamation of transpeople by the Catholic hierarchy)
(See also the link to The Pilot article at
01-04-08 and its quotes of
Kenneth Zucker and
Paul McHugh)
The Advocate: "Hospital Denies Breast-Enlargement Surgery to Trans Woman"
- "She kept saying, 'It's not God's will,'" Hastings said. "I could not
believe it. It's a blatant case of discrimination." (more)
NGLTF Press Release: "Task Force Action Fund Hails Passage of NJ Bill Making
Anti-Bullying and Hate Crimes Laws Two of The Strongest in The Nation - New
Jersey Makes Transgender-Inclusion Unequivocal In Its Hate Crimes and Safe
Schools Laws"
01-07-08: "Trans hate protections advance in N.J."
Associated Press: "Gays, transgenders fight for legal protections in Utah"
01-07-08: SUU Journal (Southern Utah University): "Transgender
student, SUU face dilemma - Appropriate housing debated; application remains
01-06-08: Trans Youth Family Associates
(TYFA): "Great Book Benefits TYFA Children" - "TYFA board member “Just
Evelyn” has just released the second edition of her amazing book “Mom
I Need to be a Girl”, which chronicles how she facilitated her teen
daughter’s transition more than 10 years ago" - "P.S. Evelyn, always anxious
to help others, worked with Lynn Conway to make this valuable resource
available online (in many languages) for anyone who needs it; “Mom I Need to
be a Girl” is, and will remain available at
Lynn’s website at no cost."
Please purchase
this wonderful book, and help get the new paperback edition into wide
circulation. All proceeds go to TYFA
to further their advocacy work!
01-06-08: "Concerning "Susan Stanton's Lonely
Transformation" - In her webpage, Susan Stanton responds to the trans
community's response to her statements in the
St. Petersburg Times article of 12-31-07.
San Jose Mercury News: "Transgender woman sues hospital - Catholic-owned
Seton won't let her get breast surgery" - Yet another signal of a
disturbing trend towards heightened social ostracism and defamation of
transpeople by the Catholic hierarchy (archived
copy) (more,
The Pilot (Official newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston):
"Educating our children" - "According to experts in the field
Dr. Kenneth Zucker and Susan Bradley, these children have many other
problems beside gender identity disorder. When gender identity disorder is
identified early and treated, it can be resolved. . . . "Dr.
Paul McHugh of Johns Hopkins University, where the so-called “sex
change” operations were promoted in the past, looked into the results of
such treatments when he took over. He found the claims unconvincing and
discontinued the practice. He wrote: “We have wasted scientific and
technical resources and damaged our professional credibility by
collaborating with madness rather than trying to study, cure, and ultimately
prevent it.”
01-04-08: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism: "Long-Term
Treatment of Transsexuals with Cross-Sex Hormones: Extensive Personal
Experience", by Louis J. Gooren, Erik J. Giltay and Mathijs C. Bunck
01-04-08: Washington Blade: "Kennedy favors ’08 Senate vote on
ENDA Gay - Leaked HRC memo suggests putting measure on hold until next year"
01-03-08: San Francisco Bay Times: "Looking Ahead to 2008: The Trans
Year to Come," by Jacob Anderson-Minshall - includes links to all of
Jacob's 2007 articles.
01-03-08: "Point Foundation Opens 2008 Application
Season." - "Point Foundation,
the nation's largest scholarship-granting organization for lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students of merit, announces the opening of
its 2008 application season. Students who will be enrolled in undergraduate
or graduate programs for the 2008-09 school year are eligible to
apply for the
prestigious, multi-year scholarships. The application deadline for this
year's scholarships is March 1, 2008"
01-03-08: "Dirty Sexy Money has 2007's Most Memorable
Transgender Character" (some interesting comments by Candis Cayne about
her acting comebzck)
01-03-08: Queerty: "Susan Stanton Doesn't Support Trans Rights?"
(interesting collection of comments re Stanton's
recent putdown of all other transwomen)
01-03-08: Bay Area Reporter: "Trans teacher changing lives in SF jail"
(story about Dana Rivers)
01-03-08: Bay Area Reporter: "Mixed reaction to NGLTF's name change"
01-03-08: The Santiago Times (Chile): "Transsexual Prostitute Murdered
in Chile Capital" - "In Chile the State is not guaranteeing a basic
human right for a certain sector of the population, and that’s the right to
life. Ultimately, that right isn’t guaranteed because the transgender
population, in this society, is forced to support itself in the sex trade.
For the people in that line of work, it’s a context that is absolutely
precarious and dangerous and in which they’re vulnerable."
01-02-08: Windy City Times: "TransNation: 2007 Trans Year In Review -
Extended Online Version," by Jacob Anderson-Minshall
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