Tools Menu

IDE Menu

The Tools Menu displays commands that control various tools in the system, or display dialogs that control or report on tools. The commands on the menu are:

Compile Project --

Compile any files of the current project that are out of date. (I.e. those which have no compiled version or those whose compiled version is earlier that the source version.)

Full Compile --

Compile all files associated with the current project.

Incremental Compile --

Compile and evaluate the selected form or forms. A form is selected if it is highlighted or if the cursor is within it or just after the final parenthesis.

Incremental Evaluation --

Evaluate the selected form or forms. A form is selected if it is highlighted or if the cursor is within it or just after the final parenthesis.

Evaluate Clipboard --

Evaluate the top item on the clipboard.

Browse Class --

Displays the Class Browser dialog. If the current selection is a symbol naming a class, that class is browsed but the dialog displays whether or not it can determine the class of interest.

Graph Subclasses --

Display a graph of subclasses of the class named by the currently-selected symbol. Displays nothing if the current selection does not name a class.

Graph Superclasses --

Display a graph of superclasses of the class named by the currently-selected symbol. Displays nothing if the current selection does not name a class.

Inspect Selected Object --

Inspect the currently-selected object.

Inspect Returned Object --

Inspect the value of *.

Inspect System Data --

Displays a submenu of things to inspect:

Configuration options: details of the Lisp environment.

Internal System Parameters: internal environment details.

Current Package

All Packages

Read Table

Character Names

Top-Level Development Windows

Selected Development Window

All Top-Level Windows

Selected Window

Allegro Menu Bar

Return Selected Object --

Returns (to the Debug window) and sets the value of * to the currently-selected object, usually text or a control on a form.

Get Component --

Changes the cursor to a cross. Returns to the Debug window and sets the value of * to the next object clicked over.

Options --

Displays the Options dialog.

Save Options Now --

This command, if chosen, saves the current options (the current values on the Options dialog and the current window positions and sizes and which windows are visible) to the file (in the Allegro directory). This command is useful if you wish to arrange things as you want them to come up, and then want to be free to make changes for the current session only (such as moving, resizing, or hiding windows). If you use this command, you may want to toggle the Save Options on Exit switch on the Tools menu to off (unchecked) so options are not again saved on exit, perhaps overwriting what you saved now.

Save Options On Exit --

This command displays whether options (the current values on the Options dialog and the current window positions and sizes and which windows are visible) will be saved to the file when Allegro CL exits. If this item in the menu is checked, options will be saved on exit; if it is unchecked, options will not be saved on exit.

If options are saved, the IDE will come up with all standard windows sized and position as they were on the last exit. Some users like this feature. Others prefer to have the IDE come up in a specific fashion, and to then be free to move and resize windows as desired during the current invocation without having such changes affect the next invocation.

To ensure that Save Options on Exit is toggled off when the IDE starts, toggle it off and choose Tools | Save Options Now.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.