jLinker - A Dynamic Link between Lisp and Java

The index for the Allegro CL Documentation is in index.htm. The documentation is described in introduction.htm.

This document contains the following sections:

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Creating a Dynamically Linked Lisp/Java Application
   2.1 Calling Java
   2.2 Dynamic Linkage Lisp Reference - The Funcall Model
   2.3 Dynamic Linkage Lisp Reference - The Class Model
   2.4 Dynamic Linkage Java Reference
   2.5 Initialization Functions and Variables
   2.6 Event Handling
      2.6.1 Lightweight Callback to Lisp Methods
      2.6.2 Lisp Functions to Dispatch Java Events
      2.6.3 Implemented Sub-Classes of AWT Event Handlers
   2.7 I18N Issues
   2.8 Java Applets and Servlets
   2.9 Rentrancy
   2.10 jLinker Connect Issues
3.0 Installation
   3.1 Files Involved in Installing jLinker
4.0 Dedicated Java Server
   4.1 Peer-to-Peer Interaction
   4.2 One Lisp and Several Java Client/Server connections
5.0 A Complete Code Example

1.0 Introduction

The purpose of this tool is to automate the interfacing of Lisp programs to Java class libraries. We have accomplished this goal with the use of remote interfaces supported by a proprietary socket connection.

jLinker allows dynamic, un-pre-mediated access to Java objects and methods from the Lisp runtime environment.

The end result is that the Lisp application may call Java methods as if they were Lisp functions. The documentation of the Java class is all that the Lisp programmer needs to know to use the Java library effectively. For example, the Java statements

	java.awt.Canvas canvas = new java.awt.Canvas();
	canvas.java.awt.setSize( new java.awt.Dimension(12, 17) );

have the Lisp equivalent

	(setf canvas (jnew "java.awt.Canvas"))
	(jcall "setSize" canvas (jnew "java.awt.Dimension" 12 17))

Remote objects are retained as long as a reference exists in the calling environment. When a Lisp reference to a remote Java object is discarded and garbage collected, a reference to the Java object is eventually eliminated. The retention of the Java object is then controlled by Java rules.

To improve the efficiency of the interface, we allow values returned by methods to be ignored or copied. This prevents the construction of a remote object on the Java side. Ignored values are applicable to values that are already known or irrelevant to the Lisp application. Copied objects are applicable when the Java object is used only for the values of its fields and not for any method invocations.

General callbacks from Java to Lisp are accomplished through the invokeInLispmethod in class jLinkerDist. To facilitate some commonly used callbacks from Java to Lisp we provide a framework that includes an object index, lightweight scalar messages, and a dispatcher on the Lisp side. This framework has been suitable for all the callbacks used in the java.awt library.

We have tested the concept with several Lisp applications that use the java.awt library for the gui component of the application. The performance of the gui is comparable to a native Java application in most cases. We have demonstrated portability by running the same application on Microsoft Windows NT and Sun Solaris.

Symbols naming Lisp operators and variables associated with jLinker are in the javatools.jlinker package, which has th nickname jl

2.0 Creating a Dynamically Linked Lisp/Java Application

2.1 Calling Java

Once the client-server interfaces have been established, Java constructors and methods are called by name.

All the following examples are shown in a :case-sensitive-lower ACL lisp notation. In a standard (:case-insensitive-upper ACL) all Java names would need to be enclosed in string quotes.

The form

   (jcons java.util.StringTokenizer 
          java.lang.String java.lang.String)

returns a reference to a constructor, and the form

   (jcall (jcons java.util.StringTokenizer 
                 java.lang.String java.lang.String)
          "ABC DEF GHI " " ")

returns a reference to an instance created by the constructor. These references are ordinary Lisp objects that may be bound to variables and stored in data structures.

   (jcall (jmeth java.util.StringTokenizer countTokens)

The operator lookup functions maintain a cache so that only the first mention of a class, constructor, method or field requires a remote call.

We provide a set of heuristic functions that allow Java constructors and methods to be specified with partial signatures.

2.2 Dynamic Linkage Lisp Reference - The Funcall Model

We use the following meta notations:

When the operator is a macro:

     class-ref  -> string or quoted symbol that names a Java class
                -> a form (cons) that evaluates to a class reference

     method-ref -> a string or quoted symbol that names a Java method member
                -> a form (cons) that evaluates to a method reference

When the operator is a function:
     class-ref  -> an expression that evaluates to a string, a
                   symbol or a class reference

     method-ref -> an expression that evaluates to a string, a
                   symbol or a method reference

When a definition shows a macro and a function form, the macro form allows compile-time collection of java class names and method signatures. This information is used to generate a file of class and method definitions that may be loaded to initialize an application, and avoid the class and method lookup overhead in the body of the application.

2.3 Dynamic Linkage Lisp Reference - The Class Model

The macro def-java-class can be used to define a Lisp class which corresponds to a Java class.

The macro def-java-constructor allows defining constructor functions to create instances of the classes defined with def-java-class. The macro def-java-method can be used to define methods. def-java-static defines static methods.

2.4 Dynamic Linkage Java Reference

All the following classes and methods are defined in Java package com.franz.jlinker and supplied in the file jlinker.jar.

public class TranStruct

This class represents remote references passed between Java and Lisp.

All the methods below are defined in class JavaLinkDist.

public static TranStruct newDistOb (boolean x)
public static TranStruct newDistOb ( Object x )

These methods are used to create a remote reference to a Java value or object so that it may be passed to Lisp.

There is one method for each primitive Java type, for int[], for String[], and for Object.

public static TranStruct nullDistOb ()

This method is needed to create a remote reference to Java null or to Lisp nil.

static public boolean nullP (TranStruct str)
static public boolean integerP (TranStruct str)
static public boolean realP (TranStruct str)
static public boolean stringP (TranStruct str)
static public boolean errorP (TranStruct str)
static public boolean pointerP (TranStruct str)

static public int intValue (TranStruct str)
static public double doubleValue (TranStruct str)
static public char charValue (TranStruct str)
static public char charValue (TranStruct str, int j)
static public char charValue (TranStruct str, int j, int i)
static public String stringValue (TranStruct str)
static public String stringValue (TranStruct str, int i)

These predicates and accessors are used to test and extract primitive Java values from remote references. The TranStruct class acts as a tagged wrapper for values passed between Lisp and Java. The predicates determine the type of the primitive data in the wrapper and the other functions are accessors for the value.

Thus, if integerP(x) is true, intValue(x) returns the integer value inside the wrapper. Similarly for realP and stringP.

If pointerP(x) or errorP(x) is true, then stringValue(x) is the symbol-name of the Lisp type of the object.

stringValue(x, 0) is equivalent to stringValue(x) stringValue(x, 1) is defined only when errorP(x) is true in that case, it returns the "~A" representation of the Lisp error. pointerP is true for remote ref objects.

public static TranStruct[] invokeInLisp
            ( int style, TranStruct op, TranStruct args[] )

public static TranStruct[] invokeInLisp( int style, String op )
public static TranStruct[] invokeInLisp( int style, String op, int arg )
public static TranStruct[] invokeInLisp
            ( int style, String op, String arg )

This method is used to invoke a lisp function.

The second argument may be a remote reference to a string containing a fully qualified name of a symbol that represents a Lisp function. It may also be a remote reference to a symbol or a function obtained in a previous call to Lisp. The third argument is an array of argument references.

The first argument indicates the style of call:

The array of values represents the list of values returned by the Lisp function.

If the array size is 1, and the array element is an immediate string reference, the Lisp function signalled an error and the string contains a description of the error.

If array element 0 is not an immediate string reference, it is an immediate integer reference, and represents the number of values returned by the Lisp function.

public static void discardInLisp (TranStruct str)

The purpose of this method is to indicate to Java and to Lisp that a remote reference is no longer in use. Any further use of the argument will result in an error signal.

public static boolean query()
public static boolean query(boolean verify)

public static void disconnect()

The query fuction returns true if the interface is available. The verify argument, if true, requests a round-trip message to Lisp to verify that Lisp is actually there.

public static boolean connect(String j2l, String javaHost, int javaPort,
                              int pollInterval, int pollCount)

public static boolean connect(String lispHost, int lispPort,
                              String javaHost, int javaPort,
                              int pollInterval, int pollCount)

The connect method attempts to connect to a Lisp server. The first form looks for Lisp advertising in the file specified in the j2l argument. The second form attempts to connect to a Lisp server listening at the specified host and port.

If pollInterval is -1, only one attempt is made. Otherwise pollCount attempts are made pollInterval milliseconds apart.

j2l        "" -> "JavaToLisp.trp" 
javaHost   "" -> "localhost"
javaPort   0  -> system assigned
lispHost   "" -> "localhost"
lispPort   0  -> error, must be >0
public static boolean advertise(String l2j, String host, int port, 
                                int timeoutSeconds)

public static boolean advertise(int port, int timeoutSeconds)

The first form of the advertise method advertises Java in the file JavaToLisp.trp or the one specified in the l2j argument, and waits until Lisp makes a connection. The second form does not write a file, but simply listens at the specified port which must be greater than zero. If timeoutSeconds is -1, wait forever.

2.5 Initialization Functions and Variables

The functions described in this section are used to setup and query the interface between Lisp and Java.

If the file jlinker.jar is not visible in the current directory, a continuable error is signalled.

The functions and variables are:

The following functions and variables are typically defined in the file jl-config.cl. They are used when Java is started from Lisp. The definitions may need to be modified to fit the configuration of a particular site and Java version. If Java is not started from Lisp, then these variables and functions are ignored.

2.6 Event Handling

Many Java classes customize their behavior by allowing the programmer to extend them with custom implementations of selected methods. The java.awt package make extensive use of this facility to handle the events associated with the use of a GUI.

In a distributed computing environment, the question arises of where the custom implementations of the methods should be executed. There is a range of answers to this question and some of the possibilities are discussed in the following sections.

If the custom behavior of an extended method does not require any data from the Lisp side of the application, the method can be implemented in a pure Jave extension of the class in question. The extended method may be linked to the application from Lisp.

----- Java ----------

public class MyWindowAdapter extends WindowAdapter {

  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

----- Lisp ----------

(jcall "addWindowListener" frame (jnew "MyWindowAdapter"))

The Java method may also call back to Lisp with invokeInLisp.

2.6.1 Lightweight Callback to Lisp Methods

When callback methods follow a common pattern, it may be possible to implement a general function that passes enough information from Java to Lisp through a common interface.

In the case of java.awt events, this is a very reasonable approach, and we have subclassed many of the event handlers to transmit event information to Lisp in a common form where it is dispatched by Lisp functions.

(jcall (jmeth "com.franz.jlinker.JLWindowAdapter" "addTo") frame)
(jregister-handler frame :windowClosing #'(lambda (data frame &rest x)
                                            (jcall "dispose" frame)))

This approach can be extended or modified to handle a wide range of callback situations.

2.6.2 Lisp Functions to Dispatch Java Events


2.6.3 Implemented Sub-Classes of AWT Event Handlers


   class com.franz.jlinker.JLActionListener implements ActionListener


   Handler arguments:
     object is argument to addTo
     event=   :actionPerformed
     longs=   { event.getModifiers() }
     strings= { event.paramString(), event.getActionCommand() }


   class com.franz.jlinker.JLComponentAdapter extends ComponentAdapter


   Handler arguments:
     object is argument to addTo
     event=   :componentResized   :componentMoved
              :componentShown     :componentHidden
     longs=   { }
     strings= { event.paramString() }


   class com.franz.jlinker.JLItemListener implements ItemListener


   Handler arguments:
     object is argument to addTo
     event=   :itemStateChanged
     longs=   { (event.getStateChange()==event.SELECTED)?1:0 }
     strings= { event.paramString(), (event.getItem()).toString() }


   class com.franz.jlinker.JLKeyAdapter extends KeyAdapter


   Handler arguments:
     object is argument to addTo
     event=   :keyTyped   :keyPressed   :keyReleased
     longs=   { event.getModifiers(), (event.isActionKey()?1:0), 
                event.getKeyCode() }
     strings= { event.paramString() }


   class com.franz.jlinker.JLMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter


   Handler arguments:
     object is argument to addTo
     event= :mouseClicked  :mousePressed  :mouseReleased
                           :mouseEntered  :mouseExited
     longs=   { event.getModifiers(), (event.isPopupTrigger()?1:0), 
                event.getClickCount(), event.getX(), event.getY() }
     strings= { event.paramString() }


   class com.franz.jlinker.JLMouseMotionAdapter extends MouseMotionAdapter


   Handler arguments:
     object is argument to addTo
     event= :mouseDragged   :mouseMoved
     longs=   { event.getModifiers(), (event.isPopupTrigger()?1:0), 
                event.getClickCount(), event.getX(), event.getY() }
     strings= { event.paramString() }


   class com.franz.jlinker.JLWindowAdapter extends WindowAdapter


   Handler arguments:
     object is argument to addTo
     event=   :windowOpened  :windowClosing    :windowClosed
                             :windowIconified  :windowDeiconified
	                     :windowActivated  :windowDeactivated
     longs=   { }  
     strings= { }

Generic Event Handler

The following code examples show parts of some of the above adapter implementations. The examples illustrate how to add a new event handler that propagates the Java event to the Lisp jregister-handler interface.

When the Java object supplied with the event is also the object registered in Lisp:

package com.franz.jlinker;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class JLKeyAdapter extends KeyAdapter {

  // One addTo method is needed for ech argument type.
  public static synchronized void addTo( Component comp ) {
    comp.addKeyListener( (KeyListener)(new JLKeyAdapter()) );

  // One event method is needed for each event defined in the 
  // listener or adapter interface.
  public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
    int[] l = { e.getModifiers(), (e.isActionKey()?1:0), e.getKeyCode() };
      ("keyTyped", (Object)(e.getComponent()), e.paramString(), l);

When the Java object associated with the event is not the object registered in Lisp:

package com.franz.jlinker;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class JLActionListener implements ActionListener {

  private Object handle;

  // One addTo method is needed for ech argument type.
  public static synchronized void addTo( Button comp ) {
    JLActionListener l = new JLActionListener();
    l.handle = (Object)comp;
    comp.addActionListener( (ActionListener)l );

  // One event method is needed for each event defined in the 
  // listener or adapter interface.
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    String[] s = { e.paramString(), e.getActionCommand() };
    int[]    l = { e.getModifiers() };
      ("actionPerformed", handle, s, l);


2.7 I18N Issues

Characters are converted to 16-bit positive integers for transmission and then converted back to characters using the following primitive sequences. This should yield consistent results when client and host are on the same machine.

                  Lisp                     Java

Start String      s                        s
Extraction     c<-(char s i)            c<-s.charAt(i)

Conversion     n<-(char-code c)         n<-(int)c

Transmit          16-bit n                 16-bit n
Conversion     c<-(code-char n)         c<-(char)n

Construction   s<-(make-string len)     sb<-new StringBuffer(len)
	          (setf (char s i) c)       sb.append(c)
	                                s <-sb.toString()

Result String     s                         s

2.8 Java Applets and Servlets

When calling Lisp from a Java Applet, the normal mode is to advertise in Lisp and use connect() in Java.

NOTE: The behavior of the plain APPLET tag in Netscape is not reliable. The plug-in style of applet activation seems to work without problems. In Netscape this is invoked with the EMBED html tag; in Internet Explorer, the OBJECThtml tag.

When a jLinker application is running as an applet in a browser, the security measures in the browser prevent the use of run-time method lookup in the Lisp application. All methods and constructors must be named with a complete signature in the Lisp code.


The Enterprise Edition of jLinker will include support for Java Servlets. The Java support consists of Java classes that implement communication between a Java HttpServlet and a Lisp image. The Lisp support consists of classes and functions that implement the Lisp side of the interface. We also include examples of simple servlets where the work of the servlet is performed in Lisp.

We will also include Java classes and Lisp code that allow Lisp components to be treated as Java Beans or Enterprise Java Beans.

The code and documentation for these feature will be released later.

2.9 Rentrancy

One Java VM can support exactly one connection to Lisp (because static variables are used extensively).

If Lisp calls Java then Java may call back to Lisp before returning from the initial call, but a call to Java from the callback will block until the initial call returns. This will typically lead to to a deadlock.

If Java calls Lisp then Lisp may call back to Java, but a call to Lisp from the callback will block until the initial call to Lisp returns. This will typically lead to to a deadlock also.

On the Lisp side, the variable javatools.jlinker::*transport-timeout* may be set to an positive number. This will trigger an error when a call to Java blocks for more than the specified number of seconds. If the number is larger than most reasonable delays in Java, this should detect most deadlock situations in the Lisp code. There is no corresponding timeout feature in Java.

2.10 jLinker Connect Issues

jLinker requires two open socket connections between Lisp and Java:

By default, Lisp listens for a connection from Java and that becomes the connection for calls from Java to Lisp; Java listens for a connection from Lisp and that becomes the connection for calls from Lisp to Java.

It is also possible for Lisp to listen and accept both connections.

How do Lisp and Java find eachother?


Lisp and dedicated Java VM (Lisp starts the JVM)

Lisp and separate Java application

Lisp and applet must use EMBED or OBJECT tag to run Java plugin (APPLET tag signals random errors)


The only secure connection is to connect to Lisp from a servlet. Servlet connection to Lisp is an intranet situation.

The other forms of connection will run into firewall problems.

Connecting from the Java side:

 // sample variable settings:
 String lispFile     = "";
 String lispHost     = "";
 int    lispPort     = 4321;
 int    pollInterval = 1000;
 int    pollCount    = 300;

 int    javaTimeout   = -1;
 String javaFile      = "";
 String javaHost      = "";
 int    javaPort      = 0;

 // use this to emit progress messages in Java
 com.franz.jlinker.JavaLinkCommon.sdebug = true;

Mode->		Lisp		Lisp		Java		Java
		advertises	advertises	advertises	advertises
		in file		at port		in file		at port

lispFile	A1		--		--		--
lispHost	--		B2		--		--
lispPort	--		C2		--		--
pollInterval	D1		D1		--		--
pollCount	E1		E1		--		--

javaFile	--		--		F3		--
javaHost	G1		G1		G3		--
javaPort	H1		H1		H3		H4
javaTimeout	--		--		I3		I3

Java call:	connect(lispFile, javaHost, javaPort, pollInterval, pollCount);

	--	ignored
	A1	The pathanme for the file where Lisp advertises host:port
		"" denotes default value "JavaToLisp.trp"
	D1	If Lisp advertises, then java will poll every pollInterval
		If pollInterval<0, look for Lisp exactly once
	E1	If pollInterval>=0 count down this value and stop
		polling when negative
	G1	This is the host name transmitted to Lisp when a connection 
		is made to the advertising Lisp
		"" denotes the default host "localhost"
	H1	If this is 0, Java allocates a port and transmits the 
			port number to Lisp
		If this is >0, Java listens at that port and transmits
			the port number to Lisp
		If this is <0, Java assumes the absval is the port number 
			where lisp is listening to connect to the Java server

		Meanwhile back in Lisp:
		(jlinker-init :lisp-advertises	:lisp-file non-nil
						[:lisp-host hh :lisp-port pp]
						[:java-port neg])
			Lisp writes the effective host:port into the file

Java call:	connect(lispHost, lispPort, javaHost, javaPort, 
			pollInterval, pollCount)

	B2	The hostname where Lisp is advertising 
	C2	The port number where Lisp is advertising

		Meanwhile back in Lisp:
		(jlinker-init :lisp-advertises	:lisp-file nil
						:lisp-port non-zero-non-neg
						[:lisp-host hh])

Java call:	advertise(javaFile, javaHost, javaPort, javaTimeout)

	F3	The pathname for the file where Java advertises host:port
		"" denotes default value "LispToJava.trp"
	G3	This is the host name transmitted to Lisp in the advert file
		"" denotes the default host "localhost"
	H3	This is the port number transmitted to Lisp in the advert file
		If this is 0, Java allocates a port and transmits the 
			port number to Lisp
		If this is >0, Java listens at that port and transmits
			the port number to Lisp
	I3	the number of milliseconds that Java will advertise
		-1 denotes forever

		Meanwhile back in Lisp:
		(jlinker-init :java-advertises ...)

Java call:	advertise(javaPort, javaTimeout)

	H4	This is the port number where Java will advertise,
		it must be >0 (since otherwise, Lisp would not know
		where to listen)
	I3	the number of milliseconds that Java will advertise
		-1 denotes forever

		Meanwhile back in Lisp:
		(jlinker-init :java-advertises	:lisp-file nil
						[:lisp-host hh :lisp-port pp]
						:java-file nil
						:java-host "hh"
						:java-port pp)

4.0 Installation

3.1 Files Involved in Installing jLinker

4.0 Dedicated Java Server

When the interface is to a dedicated Java server, the interface is setup and controlled entirely from the Lisp application.

To Prepare the Environment

To Prepare the Application

  1. Start ACL, and make sure that jLinker are loaded.
  2. Compile application files with preload instructions. This will start the jLinker interfaces with a call to jlinker-init and update the preload file.
  3. Optionally, start the application and exercize it to uncover dynamic class and method references.
  4. Create a class and method preload file, with a call to (jlookup :gen-preload).

To Run the Application

  1. Start ACL, and make sure that jLinker is loaded.
  2. Make sure the application is loaded.
  3. Start the jLinker interfaces with a call to jlinker-init.
  4. Start the application.

4.1 Peer-to-Peer Interaction

If the jLinker interface is to an independently running Java application, the steps needed to establish the interface need to be modified.

Lisp advertises, THEN, Java connects

Advertise in (default) file:
     Lisp: (jlinker-init :lisp-advertises [:lisp-file path] [:timeout n] ...)

     Java: com.franz.jlinker.JavaLinkDist.connect(j2l, "", 0, -1, -1);

Lisp must advertise before Java issues the connect() call; otherwise the connect() call will fail (return false). Lisp advertises the port in the specified file.

To advertise for a limited time, call jlinker-init with :timeout n where n is the number of seconds to advertise.

Java keeps looking for Lisp to advertise

     Java: com.franz.jlinker.JavaLinkDist.connect(j2l, "", 0, 
                                                   pollInterval, pollCount);

     Lisp: (jlinker-init :lisp-advertises [:lisp-file path] [:timeout n] ...)

If java makes the call first, then the Java program will keep checking every pollInterval (milliseconds) until Lisp starts or the count runs out.

If Lisp has made the call first, Java will connect immediately.

Java advertises, THEN, Lisp connects

     Java: com.franz.jlinker.JavaLinkDist.advertise(l2j, "", 0, -1)

     Lisp: (jlinker-init :java-advertises [:java-file l2j] ...)

Java must make the call first, otherwise, the call to jlinker-init will fail (return a list). Java advertises a port number in the given file that defaults to "LispToJava.trp", or Java may simply advertise at a pre-determined port known to the Lisp application.

4.2 One Lisp and Several Java Client/Server connections

The function jlinker-listen sets up a process that creates a new listener every time Java makes a new connection, so that it is always possible for Java to connect to Lisp, except for a narrow time slots when Lisp is processing a new connection. In this case, the style is always for Lisp to advertise and Java to connect.

When multiple connections are active, the code for each must run in a separate Lisp process, and in the scope of a separate binding of *jlinker-connection*.

5.0 A Complete Code Example

We include here a complete example of a simple program.

(in-package :user)

;;(set-case-mode :case-sensitive-lower)

(require :jlinker)

(use-package :javatools.jlinker)
(defpackage :javatools.jlinker (:nicknames :jl))

;; Make sure the required files are locally visible
;; customized copy of [Allegro directory]/jlinker/jl-config.cl
;;                    [Allegro directory]/jlinker/jlinker.jar

(load "jl-config")

(defun new-tokenizer (&optional (string "A B C D ")
				(delimiters " "))
  (jnew (jcons "java.util.StringTokenizer" 
	       "java.lang.String" "java.lang.String") 
	string delimiters))

(defun next-token (inst)
  (jcall (jmeth "java.util.StringTokenizer" "nextToken")

(defun run-tokenizer (&optional (string "A B C D ")
				(delimiters " "))

  (or (jlinker-query) (jlinker-init))
  (let ((inst (new-tokenizer string delimiters))
    (dotimes (i (jcall (jmeth "java.util.StringTokenizer" "countTokens") 
      (push (next-token inst)
    (values inst (reverse res))))

------------------- console log: ---------------------
cl-user(4): :ld example
; Loading C:\mmWork\java\fi\java-cur\example.cl
;   Loading C:\mmWork\java\fi\java-cur\jl-config.cl
cl-user(5): (run-tokenizer)
; Fast loading from bundle code\acldns.fasl.
#<tran-struct Java IP 1004,118185548 java.util.StringTokenizer>
("A" "B" "C" "D")

	;; the following example shows how a Java error
	;; is mapped to a Lisp error

cl-user(6): (next-token *)
Error: Java error: java.util.NoSuchElementException
result= "java.util.NoSuchElementException"

Restart actions (select using :continue):
 0: Supply another value.
 1: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart)
 2: Abort #<process Initial Lisp Listener(6d8)>
[1c] cl-user(7): :pop

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved. Created 2000.10.5.