

Package: javatools.jlinker

This variable is typically defined in the file jl-config.cl. It is used when Java is started from Lisp. The definition may need to be modified to fit the configuration of a particular site and Java version. If Java is not started from Lisp, then this variable is ignored.

The value of this variable must be the name of a function of five or more optional arguments -- (&optional debug lport lhost jport jhost &rest more). The result of the function should be to start the JVM with a command line such as

       java com.franz.jlinker.JavaLinkCommon [-debug] [-lport lport]
            [-lhost lhost] [-jport jport] [-jhost jhost] [more]


should be present if the first argument is non-nil, and so on.

The value of this variable, as defined in the jl-config.cl file, is the symbol javatools.jlinker::run-java.

See jlinker.htm for more information on the jLinker facility.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.