Job Search (version 118 -- 2006-05-16 16:10:19)

Job Search - scratch notes, brainstorming, etc

Nice things about New York City:
  1. Help Yahoo achieve critical mass for the NYC Lab
  2. Be in the same lab as ecommerce peops (Dave P in particular)
  3. Don't need to own a car
  4. Speedskating team
  5. Everyone should live in NYC at some point

Nice things about Silicon Valley:
  1. Geek culture
  2. Close drive to Yosemite and Tahoe
  3. A 1.5 hour drive to Camelot (and Camelina, my new niece)
  4. Clean
  5. Not in Dave P's shadow
  6. Stanford and Berkeley profs and students to collaborate with
  7. Advantages of being at HQ

Recommendation Letters to be sent: 
  (cf. "glowing blurbs" below if need ideas for nice things to say about me)

 1. UT Austin  [due Jan 15 for full consideration]
    [online system will contact rec letter writers]
 2. UMass [asap]
    email to by asap
 3. UC Boulder [by Jan 31 given priority consideration]
    email to Patricia.Warrick@Colorado.EDU
 4. Berkeley [review began dec 15, closes feb 15]
    email to
 5. University of Washington, CSE [by jan 31 given priority]
    [online system will contact rec letter writers]
 6. UCLA, CS                                                 
    [online system will contact rec letter writers]
 7. Cornell [due Jan 15]                                       
    [they will contact rec letter writers]


* jmm suggests talking to paul resnick about google interviewing.

The following books have a lot of potential job interview questions:
    (Terence Kelly owns copies)
  * Expert C Programming by Van Der Linden
  * Programming Pearls by Bentley
  * Another book explicitly about job interviews that i can't recall

 From Colin: My abbreviated advice is to bone up on recursive programming,
optimization methods, and search algorithms (duh).

Industry Jobs ************************************************************

 1. IBM Goldstine Postdoc  [application sent dec 31]  REJECT
 2. Google [job talk on Jan 17]
 3. Yahoo Research  [job talk on Jan 24]
 4. HP Labs  [talking Jaap et al] TBD
 5. ITA  [talking with Justin et al; need to do puzzle]

Faculty Jobs *******************************************************

 1. UMass [asap]                                                     REJECT
    email materials to by asap
 2. UC Boulder [by Jan 31 given priority consideration]              REJECT
    email materials to Patricia.Warrick@Colorado.EDU
 3. UT Austin  [due Jan 15 for full consideration]                     SENT
    [online system will contact rec letter writers]
 4. Berkeley [review began dec 15, closes feb 15]                    REJECT
    email rec letters to
 5. Cornell [due Jan 15]                                            SNAILED
    [snail mail vita and email addresses of rec letter writers]
 6. UCLA, CS                                                         REJECT
    [provide email addresses of rec letter writers on online form]
 7. University of Washington, CSE [by jan 31 given priority]         REJECT
    [provide email addresses of rec letter writers on online form]

Other people who know my research:
 DMG students and alum (Junling Hu, Pete Wurman, Bill Walsh, Kevin Lochner,
Shih-Fen Cheng, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Chris Kiekintveld, Julian Schvartzman,
Yagil Engel), Kate Larson, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Ioannis Vetsikas, David Reiley 

TODO list:
1. bound thesis distribution

People curious about my job search progress (add or remove yourself): {SPM}

OLD STUFF FOR POSTERITY FOLLOWS *****************************************

Industry Jobs I Decided Not To Apply To:
 6. ISI 
 7. Thede's company
 8. MSR 
 9. CombineNet
10. DRW Trading in Chicago
11. RAND
12. Argonne
13. Lehman Bros
14. Amazon
15. Ebay
16. GPA's friend's company
17. Wolfram Research

Faculty Positions I Applied To But That Can't Compete With Yahoo Offer:

 1. U of Vermont [apps by Jan 23 fully considered]                     SENT
    email to

 5. U of Maryland College Park [due Jan 16]                          REJECT
    [online system will prompt rec letter writers]

10. Duke University, CS, AI                                          REJECT                                                    
11. Lehman College (CUNY), math & CS [review begins Jan 20]            SENT
    email material to

13. University of Utah, school of computing                            SENT
    AI, theory, systems
    email materials to Mr Chris Coleman -

15. University of Wisconsin, Madison, CS [no later than Jan 23]      REJECT
    email materials to (though they say snail)
16. Utah State University, CS                  conf number 554495      SENT
    sw engin, database systems, bioinformatics, AI, parallel etc
    [provided email addresses of rec letter writers on online form]
17. University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA [open till filled]         SENT
    (they don't ask for research and teaching statements, strangely)
    email materials to Dr. William Ford -
18. UT San Antonio, preference for software engineering                SENT
    email materials to

Faculty Positions I Decided Not To Apply To:

 1. NC State [looking for new CS dept head, but otherwise no fac pos listed]
 2. Northwestern [no faculty openings listed on cs website]
 3. Arcadia,, PA, pref to networking candidates, 
    teach night classes
 4. Boston University [due jan 15]
    building of systems (ie os, distributed), mgmt & analysis of data
 5. Drexel University, software engineering
 6. Eastern Washington University
    School of Computing and Engineering Sciences
 7. George Mason University, CS
    analysis of algorithms & interest in interdicsiplinary areas
 8. williams college, CS, Jan 1
 9. University of Oregon, CIS
    networking, programming languages, distributed informatics.
10. Grinnell College, Math & Comp Sci
11. Hofstra University, Dept of Engineering
12. Florida Atlantic University, Comp Sci & Engin
13. Indiana University at South Bend, CS/Informatics
    network security, algorithms, compilers, and health care informatics.
14. John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY), Math & CS
    Ai, data mining, computer/ntwk security, discrete math, etc
15. Mary Washington College, CS - teach 12 credits per sem
16. Mississippi State University, Comp Sci or Softwware [sic] Engineering
    AI, scientific computing, networking, high performance computing,
17. Montana State University, CS
    ..., modeling & simulation, distr computing, programming langs, ...
18. Nova Southeastern University, Information Systems
19. Oberlin College
20. Presbyterian College, CS, one year full-time faculty pos
    MIS, Visualization & Animation, GIS, ..., game theory and AI.
21. Purdue University at West Lafayette, CS
    all areas, in particular: sw engin, operating systems, hci
22. Tennessee Technological University, CS, 
    sw engin, information assurance and security
23. University of Denver, CS
    entertainment computing, interactive simulations & games,
    bioinformatics, trustworthy computing, spatial data, sw engin
25. Union College, CS
    computer architecture, graphics, robotics, os
26. U illinois @ springfield, CS
27. University of Iowa, CS
    algorithms, AI, datamining, graphics/HCI, informatics, security, etc
28. University of NTexas, Computer Engineering
    VLSI, embedded systems, secure arch, machine learning & visualization
29. University of Southern Mississippi, School of Computing
30. UT Pan-American, CS
31. University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, CS, information systems
32. Univ NC at Charlotte, SW & IS
    HCI, sw engin, trusted sw devo
33. Univ NC Wilmington, CS, SW Engin, Jan 9
34. University of West Georgia
35. Indiana State U, math & CS
36. Penn State Harrisburg, CS
    sw engin, compilers, prog langs, arch. Others may also be considered

Postdocs -- None of Which I Decided To Apply To:

 1. Southampton with Nick Jennings  (due Jan 31 presumably)
    send CV and cover letter to Nick.
 2. Berkeley with Russell on Kriegspiel?
 3. Cornell with Halpern on Networks of Strategic Agents?

 4. Harvard Postdoc [due Jan 31] current focus more on privacy and security
 5. Portland postdoc
 6. Connecticut College, Trinity College, & Wesleyan U  [jan 23+]
    2-year post-doc, teach 2 classes a year
 7. UCLA, Math [Jan 9]
    postdocs in computational applied math, and other stuff
 8. UT Dallas, Engin & CS
    research scientist positions; one-year appts
 9. University of Washington, CSE, feb 28


* Bill Walsh blurb:
  "Dan, I just wanted to congratulate you on your wisdom and thoughtfulness 
in the redesign of the API last fall.  I am preparing a talk here about 
the AuctionBot, and it is much easier to understand and talk about the API 
in its current state."  -- email from Bill Walsh

* Jaap Suermondt blurb:
  ... Daniel's summer has been extremely successful in terms of
both planned objectives and unexpected synergies.
  Daniel designed and implemented an algorithm to compute optimal
strategies in a general class of economic games.  He has obtained
results showing that his algorithm is better than existing approaches
in the field.
  Daniel set clear goals at the beginning of the summer, and worked with
a number of HPL researchers towards those goals.  He accomplished a
substantial amount of work ... and he made progress towards a paper about 
his work (to be finished after his return to school).
  Daniel's primary project and his broader research are relevant to multiple
departments in STL and his work here has spawned many oppportunities for
continued collaboration.
  Daniel is a pleasure to work with and is eager to absorb ideas from
others. He is highly self-motivated, discovers others with similar
interests, and effectively forms a community around his work.
  In addition, Daniel forms other communities as well. He quickly became
the center of the SEED community at Labs, and organized numerous
social activities for his peers.  The staffing reps who coordinate the
SEED program expressed strong appreciation for his activities and

* Bill Walsh thesis acknowledgments blurbs:
  "For these chapters, Dan was instrumental in helping derive the analytic
results, and also performed some of the experimental analysis."
  "Dan Reeves has always been willing to drop everything else to lend a 
hand with whatever problem I bring to his attention."

* Terence Kelly thesis acknowledgments blurbs:
  "Daniel Reeves first demonstrated that efficient single-pass simulation of
stack algorithms is possible, thereby inspiring much of my work on the topic
and making possible the results of Section 4.5."

* Scott Page and John Miller: 
  'Most Helpful' Award at the Computational Economics Workshop at Santa Fe

* Peter Honeyman blurb:
  "i observed dan's work this past semester on his 582 project and was 
impressed with the scope and thoroughness of his accomplishments.  the 
project was quite successful and is likely to lead to external 
publication.  (citi is preparing a technical report describing the 

* Prof McAsey blurbs from undergrad:
  "... 1) he is very clever and tenacious when attacking problems; 2) he can
work both independently and cooperatively; 3) he is enthusiastic and
hard-working. ... His interactions with the other memebers of the problems
group are very professional.  He will never attack another student but instead
uses just the right tone of 'I'm not sure this will work, but have you
tried...?'   He definitely has his own mind but will listen and even be
persuaded by good arguments that oppose his own ideas.  ... He is curious 
about much of mathematics and computer science."

Job search resources:

Advantages of HP and of Yahoo:

 1. huge diversity of projects and researchers
 2. large, stable research lab
 3. many good people (eg, 3 economists from caltech, 1 turing award
    winner, etc)
 4. interned there and liked the environment and people -- no doubt
    I could be happy and productive there
 5. tiered system of rewarding publication

 1. more dynamic, exciting research environment
    (I'm not putting this into words well but it's key)
 2. young lab, getting in on the ground floor, potential to influence the
    direction of the lab
 3. the technology transfer process seems like it is a joy at Yahoo
    and more of a frustration at HP
 4. ability to create something (say Yahoo Group Decisions) and put it
    out there for the world in short order
 5. more excited about the projects I've chatted about with people at
    Yahoo (eg, sponsored search, prediction markets at Yahoo vs Tycoon, 
    econometrics stuff, research quagmires involving business processes 
    at HP) (not that I wouldn't find exciting research to do at either 


Daniel Reeves