Biking Whiteboard -- email addresses for automatic updates at very bottom. Contents: - well wishes from you all - copies of email with details of Bethany's accident - the original contents of the cycling whiteboard (which you all should feel free to update) **** WELL WISHES (not counting dozens upon dozens of individual emails -- thanks everyone!) **** I wanted to say Congrats to Bee for getting into Columbia University for Computer Science recently! Bravo! Encore! Yay! Kapoodle I heard the news, and have been thinking about you. I'm so glad to hear you are doing better. It's a crazy world, but please don't become crazy. Always wishing you well, Peter W. Bethany, I am so glad to hear that you are doing better and are up and around. Chris and I send our best wishes and want you to know that you are one brave woman! Take care and let us know if we can do anything to help make your recovery a little easier. Sincerely, Ashley B. All SoarTech hopes you are rapidly healing, can soon laugh without it hurting somewhere, and looks forward to your return when you are really ready. take care! Jim R. Hey, Bethany...your Portland family sends love and good wishes, sweet heart!! We're plugging for ya out here and hoping that the surgery went well. We love you. Mary, Tillay and Amanda Bee! Bee! Bee! I wish only the best for thee, thee, thee! I was in hysterics when I first got the email from Danny. You are such a trooper. See you soon and all the best, darlin'! Kapoo, poo, poo! Bethany- Glad to hear your surgery went well. I hope that your recovery is speedy. Love, Clare and Rob Bravo, brave Bethany!! It's been heartening to hear your voice, both on the phone and via email. You are indeed a trooper. All I have to think of is the "thigh bagel" on Tour to Tanglewood and I'm reminded of your indomitable spirit! :) Love from Laurie and Martin I've seen Danny and my Dad bounce back from these unfortunate events so many times ... I know you'll kick their butt at it! Bouncing back from this, you'll have already reached your Human Machine goal! Love CaMeLina of CaMeLot Bethany, Polina and I were stunned to find out what happened, but we are very happy to hear the good news that recovery should be complete. We are very impressed at your courage in dealing with this (based on what I heard from the above sources) and wish you speedy recovery. Polina and Eugene **** UPDATES ************************************************************** 2006.08.07 Got the wires cut today, I can open my mouth again, but just barely -- the joint is really stiff. Also, it turns out that chewing is a more complex skill than I'm sure most of us have ever given it credit for, so it's actually going to take some re-learning. Thursday I go in, and provided my jaw hasn't fallen off in the intervening time, they take the screws out. Life is approaching a state of normalcy once more. 2006.07.17 Doc apt today: took the sutures out of my left eye (still goopy and swollen, but getting more useful by the day), sentenced to three more weeks with the jaw wired shut. Guard change this week: Danny arrived yesterday, and my parents headed home this afternoon. Oh, and I've graduated from the syringe to a straw! Infinitely more dignified. 2006.07.14 This from Lisa - Bethany looking excellent. She's tooling around the apartment at normal paced walking, eating cream of asparagus soup and smoothies and boost through a syringe/hose. She's cracking jokes and progressing well! I have to go out of town today so the more visitors the better! 2006.07.13 Visitors encouraged. 316 Beakes, Apartment 1. Kapoo visit - B lookin' damn good and about to smell better too (shower)! :D 2006.07.12 18:00ish Bethany is home! 2006.07.12 07:18 -- B looking much better and docs say can go home if eating 2006.07.11 21:40 -- drank some Boost/Ensure. hard to talk. collarbone doing better today. 2006.07.11 12:30 -- B groggy, hit of morphine this morning; can't articulate lips enough to use straw yet, IV nourishment. 2006.07.10 24:30 -- surgery went great; half as long as expected. she looks a little worse, beat up around the eye etc. 2006.07.10 16:30 -- Bethany went in for surgery for her jaw and cheekbone, broken in several places. Surgery should take about 5 hours. I think she'll go home tomorrow. --Danny 2006.07.10 02:00 -- Email with subject "Bethany escapes collision with car with only broken bones" (see below for original email from Saturday 2006.07.08) Sorry I haven't returned most of your calls. I've been really touched by the flood of support. Bethany seconds that. I read her some of the deluge of email from you all, which was really wonderful. Pardon the quick brain dump here with all the updates I can think of, and sorry again for not responding individually! Bethany's parents arrived this evening and I'll resume my trip to California in the morning. Erica O and Valerie have been with her pretty much nonstop. Shana and Alexis have spent big chunks of yesterday and today with her. Thanks to Kevin L and Cyrus for spending hours with her too. They are keeping her one more night in the hospital, but I'm 99% sure she'll go home tomorrow, with surgeries scheduled this week. Phone numbers: her parents (Bob and Judy): 703-298-9147 which can receive text messages. the hospital room: 734-936-5415. and of course I'm PEG-ARM-PAUL. They had her motionless for 30some hours which got to be pretty uncomfortable to say the least but they finally signed off on her spine and neck being fine and a couple hours ago she was able to stand up and walk across the room. There's no question that the recovery will be 100%. Her jaw is broken in two places (in front and near the joint) but the joint itself is ok so the surgery will be straightforward (though will involve plates). Several bones in her face are also broken, in the cheekbone area, but a little reconstructive surgery there will straighten all that out. Her collarbone is fractured in two places but will heal fine with no surgery. Oh, and her thumb I think is fractured but probably not too bad. (Hmm, those may have been my exact words about my wrist -- that was one year ago today, incidentally.) Road rash and bruising are both pretty minor. And all damage is on her left side only, so that'll be handy. Oh, wait, except the thumb. Damn. More details about the accident itself: No one interacted with the driver so can't say much about him. The police gave him a ticket and all that. He did stop and his insurance I'm sure will cover everything. (If you've dealt with anything like this before, do let us know.) Her bike -- the shiny new Lemond titanium bike she just got -- is an impressive sight. The front wheel is utterly pringled and may have been literally run over. Both the fork and the handlebars are snapped in pieces. Et cetera. A piece of the truck's front bumper was torn off and it was probably the side mirror (this was a very big pick-up truck) that Bethany's face impacted with. Also, it was a stop sign, not a red light that the driver blew through. 2-way stop and no question at all that it was 100% the driver's fault. They cut off her jersey, which has an impressive bloody hole, and her watch is smeared with red paint from the truck. (Ha, love the apropos random quote at the bottom of this email.) Anyway, Bethany is absolutely herself, irrepressible spirit and all. Prepare to be amazed at the rapidity of the bounce-back! Thanks again, everyone! Danny --- \/ FROM Daniel Reeves AT 06.07.08 12:30 (Yesterday) \/ --- > Sorry for email; quickest way I can get this to everyone, particularly those > in ann arbor who can visit her fastest if she's going to be held at the > hospital which I don't know yet. Erica O'Connor is with her now. > > Everything I know (from talking to Erica): > They were on the Helluva Ride bike tour. > Elderly-ish man in big pick-up truck flew through red light, hit her. > Wearing helmet. > Never lost consciousness or lucidity or anything. > No one else hurt. > In ambulance with Erica (who was skating it) arriving at UM hospital now. > Likely injuries: collarbone and jaw broken, possibly lost teeth; i wasn't > clear on that. > Police have her bike, tons of witnesses. -- - - search://"Daniel Reeves" "Helmet laws are bad for the gene pool." -- Bicycling Magazine *** ORIGINAL CYCLING WHITEBOARD FOLLOWS -- EMAIL LIST AT BOTTOM **************************** Hi, welcome to the biking whiteboard. This is a place to share info about upcoming bike trips of interest. Feel free to add others who might be interested, or to remove your email address if you don't want to receive these updates. Anybody interested in learning bike repair? Any mechanics out there interested in swapping information? Email All: add your speed by your name below to help find similar-ability riding partners... Add ideas for bike trips and such here: ----------------------------------- 2005 7/9 One Helluva Ride (click on OHR) They have lengths that are good for beginners and century-riders alike. 15, 30, 39, 54, 63, 76, 100 mile rides Starting in Chelsea (right down the road--I would be willing to drive) All of the routes have the same lunch area. The two longest go through Hell, MI. Registration through the day of the ride (but you save money if you sign up early). If you are interested in carpooling or joining up for lunch, email me 2005 7/9-7/10 STP (Seattle to Portland, registration open) Email Danny ( for more information Signed up: Danny, Bethany, Kapoo, Danny's Mom, Danny's Dad, Bethany's Mom, Bethany's Dad, Melanie, Cameron, Nate(?), Amity(?), Jake(?), Steven(?) 7/24-7/30 RAGBRAI XXXIII (Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) AID=/99999999/LIFE04/50218014 One of the first cross-state bike rides...33 years old and counting. Great food, great people, always a great route. About 10,000 riders every year. This year, it is 485 miles long (without the usual century loop). The second link above is the route map. Deadline for registration is April 1st, but that is when your waiver must be in, so I would decide soon. I usually ride with the Grinnell Bike Charter, run by the lovely Craig Cooper, owner of the local bike shop. Email me ( if you have any questions about the ride. My mom rode last year and had so much fun, she's joining me again this year! 2005 8/31-9/4 DALMAC (all routes now full) Signed up for quint route: Karen, Danny, Bethany, Kapoo, Kevin McGowan People interested in updates (SPAM list): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {SPM} ALL FAMILY: Sarah Michelle Brian ----------------- People above get updates -- people below don't --------------- {NSPM} Danny 16+mph skating, 20+mph biking Martin 20+mph Bethany 17+mph Kapoo 17+mph Erica (officially faster than Danny) Karen 20+mph Markus 20+mph Kate 16+mph or 18+mph depending on my mood Andrew Amity Nate 20+mph Rebecca Lisa Vicki 17+mph Kevin 20+mph Bill 18+mph Chris 19+mph Michael Kevin McGowan 20+mph Ashley Expenses: o hospital bill (billed to insurance) o bike (need receipt from paypal) o helmet (submit receipt for new one?) o bob&judy hotel o bob&judy gas + wear&tear on car (standard per mile rate?) o danny plane ticket o danny taxi ($60 with tip; have receipt) o danny rental car (have receipt o missed work o general loss of productivity o future dental costs o
Daniel Reeves