- 2003 Mexican
Riviera Cruise
- Part-VI:
Puerto Vallerta
- by Lynn Conway
- Copyright @ 2003
Lynn Conway
- All Rights
- Street scene in the old town area of Puerto Vallerto
- Marketplace scene, Puerto Vallerta, Mexico
- An artist at work in Puerto Vallerta
- Our tour guide, Raoul, explains the workings of
a tequila distiller at the Porfidio
- Charlie makes a friend at the Tequila distillery
- A small church in a village outside Puerto Vallerta
- Preparing tortillas in a rural village outside
Puerto Vallerta
- A pitiful little half-starved kitty, near the
tortilla stand
- (This little kitty loved attention,
and Charlie fed her some meat from his lunch)
- Flowers in the country-side near Puerto Vallerta
- Back in the marketplace, Puerto Vallerta
- Links to other sets of photos
from this trip: