Ann Arbor Ascension

Stair-climbing team for Hustle up the Hancock -- 2007 Feb 25


Welcome to the web page of Ann Arbor Ascension -- 2006 team winner of the Hustle up the Hancock in Chicago, a 94-story race, attracting 3000 competitors, that raises money for the American Lung Association. This year we are competing for the 5th time in a row. The ALA funds cancer and asthma research and supports environmental and anti-smoking efforts. If you'd like to contribute to our fundraising, either use the donation button below or go to our Official Hancock Team Page and then click on one of our names or "general team donation".

Daniel Reeves (Team Captain)

Easiest way to donate:

2006 Hancock Team Fundraising Page

Hustle up the Hancock site


If you're on our team, you're probably looking for our whiteboard which is not publicly linked to, but email me ( and I'll point you to it.


Daniel Reeves