Editor tab on Options dialog

IDE Dialog Tab

This tab of the Options dialog displays options associated with editing.

Mode: the current comtab used in the system.

Pretty Printer: choose the style in which Lisp code rearranged when Edit | Reindent is clicked. The choices are Reindent and Pretty Print. Reindent simply reindents each line appropriately while Pretty Print may move things from one line to another to produce a more pleasing final result (just as the function pprint does).

Comment Indent: the indentation of comments when the comment gesture, Control-;, in the host and emacs comtabs, which inserts a semi-colon after the number of spaces specified by this value.

Incremental Search: sets the value of the incremental-search configuration property. If true (checked), emacs-like text searching in text windows is used, displaying a small window (like the emacs minibuffer). As you type characters, they appear in the small window and corresponding characters in the text window are highlighted. If false (unchecked), searching is done with a Find dialog.

Open Files in Gnu Emacs: If checked and the Emacs-Lisp interface is running, files will be opened in an Emacs buffer rather than in the Editor Workbook. See also open-files-in-gnu-emacs.

Parenthesis Matching: unless :off is selected, as you type a closing parenthesis, the corresponding open parenthesis is indicated in the manner chosen. Clicking on the Color bar displays a color choice dialog allowing you to specify the color of the indicator.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.