Edit Menu

IDE Menu

The Edit Menu contains commands that mostly deal with editing text although some commands are appropriate for non-text objects (Cut and Copy work on components on a form, e.g.) The commands on the menu are:

Undo --

Undoes the last edit-like operation, if possible.

Cut --

Delete the current selection and place it on the clipboard so it can be pasted.

Copy --

Copy the current selection to the clipboard so it can be pasted.

Paste --

Pastes from the clipboard to the current location in the currently-selected window. Usually, text is pasted but controls on a form can also be copied or cut and pasted.

Delete --

Delete the current selection without placing it on the clipboard (so it cannot be pasted).

Select All --

Select all text in a text buffer.

Change Case --

Displays a submenu with UPCASE, downcase, and Capitalize as the commands. Choosing one changes the selected text as desired. Only alphabetic characters are affected.

Comment In/Out --

Comment in indents any selected text and puts semicolons at the line beginning making the text into a comment. Comment out uncomments text which was commented in. This is a rote command so commenting out text which was not first commented in has undefined effect.

Reindent --

Rearranges the selected code in a text buffer with traditional Lisp indentation. The pretty-printer configuration property, set directly or with the Pretty Print field on the Editor tab on the Options dialog, affects this command. If the value of that field is :reindent, reindenting will change the indentation of each line but not move things between lines. If the value is :pretty-print, the number of lines and their contents may change to provide the optimal result. The reindenting is simply for appearance. No syntactic changes are made to the code, of course.

Macro Expand --

Macroexpand the currently-selected form as if with macroexpand.

Macro Expand Once --

Macroexpand the currently-selected form as if with macroexpand-1.

Set Mark --

Set the mark to be the current location in a text buffer.

Swap with Mark --

Swaps the mark and the current position in a text buffer.

Select to Mark --

Select all text from the current location to the mark in a text buffer.

Display Selection --

Scroll the current text-edit buffer so selected text is visible.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.