Message Number: 502
From: "bethany soule" <bsoule Æ>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 14:38:11 -0400
Subject: helmet usage
I wanted to send out a counter argument to this article claiming that
cycling (and we can probably infer skating too, though I guess drivers
are often so surprised to see you on the road, they're likely to give
you a pretty wide berth) with a helmet is actually "more dangerous":

Check out this report from the NYC DOT on bicycle accidents in the
city over the past 10 years. Of 225 fatalities, 97% of the riders were
not wearing helmets, and 74% involved a head injury. Drivers may be
more reckless around you if you're wearing a helmet (because you look
more competent or something) -- but you're still at a much higher risk
of serious injury and death without the helmet.

(One could also conclude from the nycdot's data that nyc is actually a
pretty safe place to bike comparatively. The accident rate per million
is the same as 'elsewhere' in the country, while there are twice as
many cyclists per million out there. (#2 under the 'key findings'
