
Generic Function

Package: common-graphics

Arguments: frame-window

Returns the menubar of frame-window. The menubar is displayed along the top of the frame-window.

A menubar is structured the same way as a pop-up menu, except that each of its menu-items denotes one of the pull-down menus of the menubar, with the title of the menu-item being a pull-down menu title that is displayed along the menubar, and the value of the menu-item being a menu containing the pull-down menu's items.

If you use the IDE, you can add a menubar to a form (and thus to the window associated to the form in the application) by clicking on the extended editor button of the menu property of the form. Doing so displays the menu editor. See that entry for code which would generate the default menus used by the menu editor.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.