

Package: common-graphics

Arguments: pathname-or-namestring &key compile

Loads all of the files of a project without making it the current project for editing. This may be useful for loading utility projects for use in the IDE while working on another project, or simply for running multiple projects in the IDE rather than making standalone executables from them.

pathname-or-namestring should name a .lpr project definition file.

If compile is true, then each source code file is first compiled unless it already has an up-to-date fasl file, and then the fasl file is loaded; if compile is nil, then source code files are loaded rather than fasl files.

load-project returns the project that was loaded, or else errors informatively.

A project may also be loaded interactively by using the File | Load command. Note that the .lpr file type may be selected from the drop-down list on the file selection dialog invoked by the File | Load command to make it easy to browse all project definition files. When a .lpr file is chosen with the File | Load command, load-project is called internally to load the project.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.