
Generic Function

Package: common-graphics

Arguments: configuration

Returns the default-height of configuration. The current configuration (and so the default-height currently in force) is (configuration*system*). The default-height is used as described below when a window is created with make-window but neither the :exterior nor :interior arguments are specified.

The default-height is called after the Lisp object for the window has been created but before the actual window has been created by the operating system. It returns an integer denoting the height to use for the new window.

The default version of these methods (for simple-streams) work as follows. The height is determined by:

1. If a method is supplied for the class of the window argument, and that method returns an integer (rather than nil), that value is sued for the height. Otherwise:

2. If the value of (default-height (configuration*system*)) is true, use that value for the height. (It is nil initially though.)

3. If (default-height (configuration*system*)) is nil, multiply the height of the screen, (height (screen *system*)), by (default-height-factor (configuration*system*)) and use the result as the height.

default-height methods may be added for window subclasses of an application in lieu of passing the equivalent initargs for each window instance.

You can pass the :exterior-top-left argument to make-window in order to specify a particular position for the top-left corner of a window without overriding these default size methods. The top-left position will otherwise default to being offset somewhat from the position at which the previous window was created.

default-height is a property of the configuration class. See also default-width and default-top-left.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.