Message Number: 676
From: Daniel Reeves <dreeves Æ>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:25:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: cat-burning and godhatesfags
We see a lot of hand-wringing over cultural and moral decay as evidenced 
by such supposed trends as increased violence in the world.

Westboro Babptist Church, host of, has a laughably 
extreme take on this, to the tune of We Are the World:

"God Hates the World":

I'm pretty sure they're quite serious.

Here's the oppositive perspective from Steven Pinker, author of The 
Language Instinct:

"We're Getting Nicer Every Day: A History of Violence":

Finally, a word from our sponsor:  (new rule: you're allowed to append 
spam to the bottom of a legit post!)

Bethany and I are about to move 75 blocks north, from times square to 
harlem.  Being 8 months pregnant, Bethany is not going to be much help 
hauling stuff up the 5 floors to our new place.  We were going to hire 
movers but it occurred to us that flying 2 of you all here this weekend 
would end up being cheaper and maybe something some of you would jump at.

Takers?  Note this is your last chance to see our old apartment and you 
can be first to see the new one!

--  - -  search://"Daniel Reeves"