Message Number: 570
From: Robert Felty <robfelty Æ>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2006 11:54:54 -0500
Subject: Fwd: Judicial candidates on Tuesday (michigan only)
A message from a friend of mine with information about judges for  
Michigan supreme court on the ballot tomorrow

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "chuck warpehoski"  
> Date: November 6, 2006 10:49:33 AM GMT-05:00
> To: chuck Æ
> Subject: Judicial candidates on Tuesday
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
> I've been hearing a lot of folks now know who to vote for for  
> Supreme Court on Tuesday.  Here are picks from Michael Steinberg, a  
> well respected civil rights lawyer.  It might help you in the polls  
> on Tuesday--I know it helped me.
> -Chuck
> ----------
>	   It is very difficult for non-lawyers to differentiate  
> between candidates in judicial elections because the judicial races  
> are allegedly "nonpartisan" and therefore the candidates' party  
> affiliations do not appear on the ballot.  Additionally, the media  
> rarely provides in depth coverage of the judicial races and this  
> year is no exception.
>	   As requested, I have again prepared a list of my  
> endorsements for the contested judicial elections on November 7.   
> As usual, I am picking the candidates who, in my opinion, are the  
> most progressive.  Please note that I am endorsing candidates in my  
> individual capacity, not as a representative of the organization  
> for which I work.
>	   This year the only contested judicial election on the  
> Washtenaw County ballot is for the Michigan Supreme Court.  There  
> are five people running for two spots.  For me, the choice is  
> easy.  I will be voting for JANE BECKERING and MICHAEL CAVANAGH ñ  
> who, coincidentally, are also the top two candidates alphabetically.
>	 Although no party affiliation is listed on the ballot for  
> candidates in judicial races, political parties actually nominate  
> candidates for the Michigan Supreme Court (strange but true).  This  
> year my choices were both nominated by the Democrats.
>	  JANE BECKERING, has been voted by fellow attorneys and  
> justices as one of the Best Lawyers in America.  An example of her  
> commitment to social justice is her service on the Board of the  
> Michigan Migrant Legal Assistance Program.  She would truly be a  
> breath of fresh air on what is perhaps the most conservative state  
> supreme court in the country.  For more information see http:// 
>	 MICHAEL CAVANAGH has served on the Michigan Supreme Court  
> since 1983 where he has consistently fought for civil rights and  
> civil liberties.  Currently, he is only one of two liberal voices  
> on the Michigan Supreme Court and he deserves to be re-elected. See  
>	 The Republicans have nominated incumbent Maura Corrigan, who  
> has been hostile to civil rights and civil liberties, and Marc  
> Shulman, a former Republican member of the state House of  
> Representative.  The Libertarian Party nominated Kerry Morgan who  
> has worked to strip women of the right to reproductive choice.  See  
>	 The only chance we have of putting both Beckering and	
> Cavanagh on the Supreme Court is if we get the word out.  Feel free  
> to print, clip and save the handy reminder below.  Or, if you  
> happen to forget to bring this reminder to the polls, just remember  
> that if the five candidates are placed in alphabetical order,  
> Beckering and Cavanaugh are at the top of the list.
>			_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
>			\_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/
>	 And please share these Judicial Picks with other like-minded  
> friends.  The result of the Michigan Supreme Court election will  
> help determine the future of civil rights, civil liberties and  
> consumer law in Michigan.  Please feel free to contact me for more  
> information.
>	   -Mike Steinberg  -- msteinberg Æ
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