Thanks James. You changed my mind. My stance is now No on MCRI.
Speaking my malleable mind, Eugene changed my mind about abusing Focus on
the Family's trusting donation system [1]. I rescind my recommendation to
order stuff from them for a donation of $0. Let's not pursue, as Eugene
put it, justice by unjust means. And really it's just not a tactic that
reflects well on us to stoop to. But Focus on the Family are still
dangerous, small-minded bigots.
Btw, I hear the movie Jesus Camp is a must-see. The clips I've seen are
pretty mind-blowing.
[1] Maybe not so trusting -- I never received my books on how to force my
children to not be gay.
--- \/ FROM James W Mickens AT 06.10.12 00:19 (Today) \/ ---
> If you care about diversity, I think that you should vote against MCRI. Prior
> experience with similar measures suggests that if MCRI passes, the diversity
> levels in our schools and workplaces will suffer. For example, in the year
> after California passed a similar measure (Proposition 209), minority
> admissions dropped by 61% at Berkeley and 36% at UCLA, and they still have
> not returned to pre-209 levels. A study from Princeton found that affirmative
> action plays a crucial national role in promoting diverse classrooms, finding
> that "without affirmative action the acceptance rate for African-American
> candidates likely would fall nearly two-thirds, from 33.7 percent to 12.2
> percent, while the acceptance rate for Hispanic applicants likely would be
> cut in half, from 26.8 percent to 12.9 percent . . . removing consideration
> of race would have little effect on white students [as] their acceptance rate
> would rise by merely 0.5 percentage points . . . but Asian students would
> fill nearly four out of every five places in the admitted class not taken by
> African-American and Hispanic students" [1]. A report from the University of
> Michigan [2] says the following about MCRI and Proposition 209:
> "Although described by its supporters as a civil rights effort, the MCRI,
> like Prop. 209, appears to confer no additional civil rights on the basis of
> race, gender, ethnicity or national origin. Prop. 209 has resulted in the
> elimination of services such as college preparation programs for students of
> color, summer science programs for girls, outreach to notify minority and
> women-owned businesses of government contracting opportunities, and funding
> for training of minority doctors and nurses. It has ended the requirement
> that state boards reflect the population of the state and resulted in the end
> of numerous voluntary K-12 school integration efforts. It has also led to
> significant decreases in:
> -government contracts awarded to minority
> and women-owned businesses
> -the percentage of women working in the
> construction trades
> -hiring of minority and female university
> professors in the University of California
> system . . ." [2]
> When you think about voting for MCRI, ask yourself, "are these the things
> that I want to happen in Michigan?"
> After California, Florida, and Texas banned affirmative action, they turned
> to "Top 10%" or "Top 20%" programs to bolster drops in diversity. These
> programs guarantee all high school students in the top N% of their graduating
> classes automatic admission to a state university. Unfortunately, as
> described in this article:
> these programs have not been successful in returning diversity levels to
> their previous levels. According to a law professor quoted in the article, a
> percentage program is "better than nothing, but it's much worse than
> considering race . . . everybody wants a magic bullet that increases
> diversity without considering race. Well, there isn't any magic bullet."
> I do believe that socioeconomic status should be a primary determinant of
> preferential treatment. However, as the University of Michigan report states,
> "socioeconomic status is a highly problematic proxy for race [since] even
> those who are affluent may still experience bias and discrimination.
> Socioeconomic status is [also] ineffective as a proxy for gender" [2]. Thus,
> effective diversity policies cannot be totally blind to race and gender.
> Improving diversity is not just about helping people who grew up poor or went
> to bad schools. It's about helping people who have encountered or will
> encounter difficulties to personal success that will not be based on their
> intrinsic merit.
>> My work on Yootles is turning me into a
>> libertarian and for the sake of consistency,
>> if nothing else, I think I'm going to go
>> with Yes on MCRI. (I suppose a hardcore
>> libertarian would say No -- no legislation
>> concerning race at all. But since I think anti-discrimination laws are
>> important I'd
>> prefer the simplest, fairest, most consistent form of such laws possible,
>> ie, "no racial
>> discrimination for any reason ever".)
> What exactly do you mean by discrimination? When you say "no racial
> discrimination for any reason," you seem to invoke a pejorative sense of
> discrimination, i.e., you are against discrimination because it represents an
> intrinsically unfair bias against a racial or gender group. But do you really
> think that eliminating affirmative action will result in a net *decrease* in
> unfair discrimination? To correct social inequalities, don't we have to
> accept that the inequalities exist and then take positive discriminative
> actions to address them?
> Without affirmative action, do you think that people in male-dominated fields
> will become *more* inclined to admit women? If the answer is no, does it
> bother you that female representation will suffer without affirmative action?
> You are against "racial discrimination." But isn't it racial discrimination
> to tell a black kid who attends a crappy inner-city school and can't afford
> Kaplan classes that we won't take these priors into account? Isn't it
> discriminatory to tell that black kid that even though he may have equivalent
> raw intelligence to a privileged white kid who went to private school, we'll
> evaluate their SAT scores in the same way? Isn't it discriminatory to reward
> the white kid and punish the black kid for the accidental circumstances of
> their birth?
> Affirmative action based solely on race is not optimal. However, race-based
> metrics do serve as a crude approximation of one's disenfranchisement. The
> Princeton study indicates that banning affirmative action will do little to
> help whites but a lot to hurt ethnic minorities. Banning affirmative action
> will also hurt gender integration. So, if you're in favor of diversity, and
> the Michigan ballot contains no alternative diversity plan to affirmative
> action, why would you vote for MCRI?
> ~j
> [1] This quote is taken from a summary of the actual report:
> The report itself can be found here:
> [2] An executive summary of the report can be found here:
> This is the full thing:
-- - - search://"Daniel Reeves"
"In the last 10 years, we have come to realize that humans are more
like worms than we ever imagined." -- Bruce Alberts, president of
the National Academy of Sciences, after mapping the DNA of a
microscopic roundworm.