I said I'd take this off the whiteboard and archive it. That's what this
email is doing. The improvetheworld archives (including this message) are
available at
which is useless for web-browsing but you could import that file into your
mail client and browse it that way (it's a standard unix/pine mail
folder). Now that I work for Yahoo maybe I can come up with a better
solution than that!
From the whiteboard:
Feminism Debate [this will be taken off the whiteboard and archived soon]
Last Straw Poll: What label do you use for yourself with respect to the
feminist movement?
Radical feminist: Victoria, Michelle, Augie, Danny (insomuch as I try to
subvert the dominant gender paradigm)
Liberal feminist: Danny, Clare, Angela
Feminist: Kapoo, Lisa, Bethany, Victoria, Michelle, Augie, Danny,
Josh, Clare
Pro-feminist: Ian (I feel all alone in the category)
Sex-positive feminist: Kevin L, Danny
Not a feminist but not *not* feminist: Martin (Danny's dad), Rachel,
John (Kapoo's dad)
Depends: Eugene, Dave(I want definitions before I commit)
Other: Monica, Melanie, James, Laurie
(really, I think if you share the goals of the feminist movement you
should have the labia to identify yourself with it --anonymous coward)
For the ERA: Danny, Victoria, the state of michigan, Laurie, Michelle,
Rachel, Clare, Rob
Against the ERA: jerry falwell, george bush, the state of illinois (!)
Things we can do:
1. ratify the ERA
2. subvert the dominant gender paradigm
3. get more females in the sciences through affirmative action
4. speak out against unfair gender stereotypes and discrimination
5. insist on Ms. instead of Mrs. or Miss
6. fight against the catholic church
7. elect a female president
8. use nonsexist language (singular they, shun "you guys", shun
gender-specific labels)
9. increase daycare options and/or minimum wage
10. rebel against chivalry (males: don't do it. females: react to it by
actively reciprocating)
11. Emily's List (http://www.emilyslist.org)
Why you might shy away from the label "feminist":
4. The best way to eliminate the oppression of women and insure social
fairness and equality of the sexes is for the whole world to be
'gender blind', just as the best way to eliminate racism is for the
whole world to be 'color blind'. [Who said that? I (Danny) agree but
I think it's a pretty radical idea! In any case I don't remotely see
it as a reason to not call oneself a feminist since feminism describes
the movement that has gotten us the progress we've seen so far.]
5. worry that it alienates potential recruits from the political center
6. it sounds radical
7. people might think you advocate raising only test tube babies
8. don't want anyone to think you're a lesbian
9. Pat Robertson might blame you for terrorist attacks
10. believe that labels are categorically bad
Feminism: the radical notion that women are people
Liberal Feminism: make women equal, focus on changing laws and
Radical Feminism: turn social institutions upside down
http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/dreeves - - search://"Daniel Reeves"