Message Number: |
69 |
From: |
Dave morris <thecat Æ> |
Date: |
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 01:14:56 -0500 |
Subject: |
Fwd: A message from Robert Redford about the Arctic Refuge |
> Dear NRDC Action Fund Supporter,
> No one voted on Election Day to destroy the Arctic National Wildlife
> Refuge.
> But President Bush is now claiming a mandate to do exactly that.
> Congressional leaders are pushing for a quick vote that would turn
> America's
> greatest sanctuary for Arctic wildlife into a vast, polluted oil field.
> Even worse, they are planning to avoid public debate on this
> devastating
> measure by hiding it in a must-pass budget bill.
> Please go to
> right now and send a message telling your U.S. senators and
> representative to
> reject this sneak attack on the Arctic Refuge.
> And please forward my message to your friends, family and colleagues.
> We must
> mobilize millions of Americans in opposition as quickly as possible.
> Don't believe for a second that the president is targeting the Arctic
> Refuge
> for the sake of America's energy security or to lower gas prices at
> the pump.
> President Bush knows full well that oil drilled in the Arctic Refuge
> would take
> ten years to get to market and would never equal more than a paltry
> one or two
> percent of our nation's daily consumption. Simply put, sacrificing the
> crown
> jewel of our wildlife heritage would do nothing to reduce gas prices
> or break
> our addiction to Persian Gulf oil.
> But if the raid on the Arctic Refuge isn't really about gas prices or
> energy
> security, then what is it about?
> It's the symbolism.
> The Arctic Refuge represents everything spectacular and everything
> endangered
> about America's natural heritage. It embodies a million years of
> ecological
> serenity . . . a vast stretch of pristine wilderness . . . an
> irreplaceable
> birthing ground for polar bears, caribou and white wolves.
> It is the greatest living reminder that conserving nature in its wild
> state is
> a core American value. It stands for every remnant of wilderness that
> we, as a
> people, have wisely chosen to protect from the relentless march of
> bulldozers,
> chain saws and oil rigs.
> And that's why the Bush administration is dead set on destroying it.
> By unlocking the Arctic Refuge, they hope to open the door for oil,
> gas and
> coal giants to invade our last and best wild places: our western
> canyonlands,
> our ancient forests, our coastal waters, even our national monuments.
> This is the real agenda behind the raid on the Arctic Refuge and the
> entire
> Bush-Cheney energy plan: to transfer our public estate into corporate
> hands so
> it can be liquidated for a quick buck.
> House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) admitted as much when he said
> this
> battle over the Arctic Refuge is really a fight over whether energy
> exploration
> will be allowed in similarly sensitive areas in the future. "It's about
> precedent," Rep. DeLay said.
> I take him at his word. If we let the president and Congress plunder
> the Arctic
> National Wildlife Refuge for the sake of oil company profits, then no
> piece of
> our natural heritage will be safe from wholesale destruction.
> Please go to
> and tell your senators and representative they have no mandate to
> destroy the
> Arctic Refuge. Then please be sure to forward this message to as many
> people as
> you can.
> And thank you for speaking out at this critical time.
> Sincerely,
> Robert Redford
> NRDC Action Fund
> . . .
> Note: If you would prefer not to receive NRDC Action Fund updates, you
> can send
> an email message to alerts Æ with "Please remove my
> name" in
> the subject line.