Message Number: 563
From: Daniel Reeves <dreeves Æ>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 20:38:21 -0500 (EST)
Subject: 40% chance that democrats take both house and senate
and 6% chance that republicans keep both.

... according to the prediction market at

Question: What do you all think of allegations that Republicans are 

Here's some damning evidence from the GOP itself: 18

  From that page:
   "For reasons that remain unclear, Democratic voters are more likely than 
Republicans to agree to interview requests from pollsters."

(Just to spell it out:	If the exit polls favor democrats and the real 
polls favor republicans, there are two explanations:
   1. a democratic bias in exit polls.
   2. a republican bias in the real polls.
What makes 1 more plausible?  Seriously, how do Republicans answer that? 
This is scary!)

--  - -  search://"Daniel Reeves"

"Verbing weirds language." -- Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes)