Message Number: 312
From: Matt Rudary <mrudary Æ>
Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2006 18:47:25 -0500
Subject: Re: view the infamous cartoons, support free speech, buy legos
I completely agree with you that newspapers shouldn't be intimidated 
into not printing this. It's a real shame, though, that the cartoons 
aren't terribly clever or funny. This may be the reason that they 
haven't been reprinted in US newspapers -- why print something insulting 
to people without making a point? Further, I don't think US newspapers 
have as much to worry about with respect to freedom of the press as 
European papers do. It's thus more important to the European papers to 
assert that right.


Daniel Reeves wrote:
> And by the way, I'm completely serious about this. I think this is a way 
> that improvetheworld can literally improve the world.
> Also, please don't be shy about chiming in on this.  Once the first 
> message is sent it's really no more burden for people to delete the 
> whole thread (as long as you leave the subject line intact).
> (PS, I can see from the web logs that lots of you have viewed the 
> pictures already so don't pretend you're not listening! :)
> --- \/   FROM Daniel Reeves AT 06.02.04 17:03 (Today)   \/ ---
>> A Danish newspaper recently published cartoons depicting Mohammed and 
>> muslims as terrorists.  Muslims are up in arms about it.  In fact, 
>> they've burnt down the Danish and Norwegian embassies in Syria, as a 
>> start.
>> It's all over the news but no US newspaper has the backbone to print 
>> the cartoons.  I guess terrorism works. So this is an opportunity to 
>> fight for free speech by helping make sure the agenda of the radical 
>> religious right backfires.  And so, improvetheworld brings you:
>>    (or google improvetheworld)
>> Oh, and since muslims are calling for boycotts of Danish products in 
>> response to those cartoons, you should also buy more Danish stuff.  
>> Like Legos.
>>  ,
>> Danny