Message Number: 271
From: Daniel Reeves <dreeves Æ>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 16:01:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: happy birthday to improvetheworld
improvetheworld is one year old today.

Below's a list of the subject headings we've seen over the last year.
Below that I included a list of all the "From" addresses in the archives 
(some are from forwarded emails though).
The full archives of this list are available, albeit in a highly 
inconvenient form, at
     So at least you can grep for people or subjects if you want to find 
something specific.

Subject: improving the world
Subject: re: medical liabilities
Subject: Re: roadless area conservation rule
Subject: Bush's Cabinet resignations
Subject: Fwd: Extra Blankets?
Subject: AAA vs Better World 
Subject: article on red-blue alliance
Subject: Smoke-free air
Subject: good article
Subject: and another source
Subject: climate change
Subject: Buy Blue Current Campaign (fwd) (and a nice skating story)
Subject: 9/11 and gay marriage
Subject: Article: Op-Ed Columnist: When the Right Is Right 
Subject: ann arbor only
Subject: EnviroHealth
Subject: charities
Subject: what makes environmental treaties work?
Subject: Interesting Article
Subject: earthquake and tsunami relief
Subject: Staying Angry
Subject: BCIS playing hard to get
Subject: BCIS - Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New
Subject: Re: BCIS - Government information in other languages
Subject: It appears that Bush okayed torture of prisoners
Subject: Opposition vs. enemy, evangelical vs. radical and hateful
Subject: A fiscal conservative, Bush is not, and perhaps this is why?
Subject: ann arbor car coop
Subject: social entrepreneurs
Subject: Talk of Interest
Subject: Did Summers improve the world?
Subject: Disaster looms for the US Economy
Subject: avoiding the annihilation of humanity
Subject: Why you should read Maxim instead of Cosmo. :-)
Subject: Keep the Security in Social Security!
Subject: anti-smoking, american lung association, stair-climbing
Subject: the transcript
Subject: One Last Chance to Support the American Lung Association's Hustle Up
the Hancock! (fwd)
Subject: vote today in Washtenaw county- yes or no for the new
jail/court/mental health center?
Subject: krugman on republicans & social security
Subject: Fwd: Online Dating Legislation in Michigan
Subject: In 24-48 hours
Subject: drilling in alaska
Subject: funny take on soc. sec. reform drive
Subject: Is the IRS and GAO the new executive muscle to help quiet those who 
have agendas in confilict with the Bush Admin?
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: [a2greenway] Sign on for the Future of Ann Arbor
Subject: Politics hijacking science and our health
Subject: UM: 40th Anniversary Teach-In: Evaluating the American Empire
Subject: contacting your (or others') representatives
Subject: Wayne County Clean Indoor Air Regulation
Subject: Sen. Frist blows
Subject: Clear-thinking Republicans?
Subject: Fwd: Amnesty NWSA - Breaking News! (fwd)
Subject: family planning amendment (and the pope)
Subject: speech about gay rights, and civil rights in general
Subject: Re: Michigan Smokefree Workplace Legislation [WOO-HOO!]
Subject: catholicism must be crushed
Subject: Pope Benendict XVI
Subject: Ben and Jerry's (True Majority) versus Nuclear Weapons
Subject: Maps and cartograms of the 2004 US presidential election results
Subject: Ugly Area Blood Supplies - Our Attention Needed
Subject: Buy Your Gas at Citgo: Join the BUY-cott!
Subject: devotion to islam linked to support of terrorism
Subject: Michigan Today NewsE - June 2005
Subject: Dividers, Not Uniters
Subject: This is awesome (fwd)
Subject: Being PC Rocks!
Subject: Natalee Holloway
Subject: Yet another article...
Subject: Good anti-war anti-administration article
Subject: Fwd: Situation Critical  Emergency Mobilization Underway.
Subject: Finding vs. Looting 
Subject: FEMA disaster response
Subject: Re: Check this Out
Subject: FEMA again
Subject: katrina predictability
Subject: Fwd: What Katrina revealed
Subject: cindy sheehan's other son drowns in new orleans
Subject: NYtimes article: Many women at elite colleges set career path to 
Subject: Fwd: Save health care, student loans, Amtrak and PBS (again!)
Subject: more roll bounce
Subject: Fwd: Act now to stop Big Oil's post-hurricane land grab!
Subject: Re: Fw: Social Security [and teacher salaries]
Subject: ivy-league admissions
Subject: Masculinism 
Subject: Re: Masculinism
Subject: Re: "anti-stereotypinism"
Subject: Quake relief effort
Subject: the real ten commandments
Subject: Behind Gold's Glitter: Torn Lands and Pointed Questions
Subject: so, besides leaking names, this is what white house staffers are
Subject: Work/Life Panel Discussion (fwd)
Subject: request for linguist...
Subject: intelligent design being debate on WEMU right now
Subject: Darfur
Subject: What's a Modern Girl to Do? (fwd)
Subject: feminsm, masculinism, and anti-stereotypism revisited
Subject: definitions
Subject: are you a feminist?
Subject: interesting response to Dowd's piece
Subject: victoria goes on record
Subject: Feminism debate
Subject: from the front lines

From: agiereeves Æ (Barbara Agnes Reeves)
From: ake4 Æ  
From: Andrew Reeves  
From: Andrew Skol  
From: Anthony Nicholson  
From: Arthur Cutten  
From:	articles-email Æ
From: "Barbara Agnes Reeves"  
From: Bethany Soule  
From: "Bethany Soule"  
From: Bill Rand  
From: blaack Æ
From: Brian Renaud  
From: cameron wicklow  
From: Chris Kiekintveld  
From: Christine Kapusky  
From: Christine Vehar  
From: ckiekint Æ
From: "ckwicklow"  
From: Clare Dibble  
From: Clark, Matt I  
From: Daniel Reeves  
From: "Daniel Reeves"  
From: Dave Kranzler  
From: Dave morris  
From: "David Morris, PhD"  
From: "Don Willis"  
From: ElyzabethJ Æ
From: "Emily Wong"  
From: erevesz Æ
From: "Erica O'Connor"	
From: "Erin Frey"  
From: Eva Revesz  
From: Fish  
From: gill.scott Æ  
From: Howard Oishi  
From: "James Mickens"  
From: "John Kapusky"  
From: John Kapusky  
From: "John Kapusky"  
From: John Kerry  
From: jsfo Æ
From: Karen Conneely  
From: Kevin Lochner  
From: Lisa Hsu	
From: lreeves Æ
From: Marie Eguchi  
From: "Martin Reeves"  
From: "Mary Hillman"  
From: Matthew R Rudary	
From: Matthew Rudary  
From: Matt Rudary  
From: "May Huang"  
From: "Mekayla Beaver"	
From: Melanie Reeves  
From: Michelle Sternthal  
From: Monica Stephens  
From: Nate Clark  
From: Nathan Binkert  
From: Patrick Austin  
From: "Peter J. Binkert"  
From: Philip Cavanagh  
From: Rob  
From: Robert Felty  
From: Senator Debbie Stabenow  
From: soniv Æ
From: ToLaguna Æ
From: Tom Petersen  
From: Uluc Saranli  
From: U-M News Service	
From: Victoria Li Fossum  
From: Vishal Soni  
From: Yevgeniy Vorobeychik  
