Message Number: 253
From: mjste Æ
Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2005 19:03:37 -0500
Subject: Re: are you a feminist?
Hi Grandpa Andrew,

I've always enjoyed your comments, but I have to say that I think that 
I didn't
find your comments very constructive.  You are, of course, free to disagree
with me, but simply calling my statements as idiotic is not productive or
useful in furthering the debate-- just hurtful. As I was noteably corrected,
Catherine McKinnon didn't say all sex is rape, though to discuss sex without
recognizing the inherent power dynamic is a bit naive, if you ask me.  
But more
relevant, if you would like the basis of my comments, here are some:

Check out this quote from a recovering anorexic:  "In describing what 
caused her
to starve herself, Lasser doesn't talk at all about body image or 
wanting to be
stylishly thin. For her, it was more about a little girl who felt she would be
less of a burden if she ate less food and took up less space. Control was also
an issue. As a child she felt the best way to exercise control was in deciding
if she would eat or not eat. Mostly, she chose the latter."   For more
information, you can see

If you have a reason to dismiss my comments, I welcome them.  But name-calling
degenerates discourse rather than furthers it.


Quoting Andrew Reeves  :

>  Grandson Danny knows that I am, by nature, a COLLECTOR and my latest
> hobby is to collect idiotic absurdities among the arguments and maxims
> that show up in this debate. No doubt the eternal first prize goes to
> the quote attributed to Catherine McKinnon: "ALL SEX IS RAPE" but
> Michelle Sternthal's suggestion that "the female ideal of fragile stick-
> thin bodies is yet another means of encouraging women to take up less
> space in the world" comes close.
>  Right on! Supply me more! --DANNY'S GRANDPA ANDREW