- This page is part of Lynn Conway's
- "Investigative
report into the publication of
J. Michael Bailey's book on transsexualism
by the National Academies"
- It's Fiction!
- Bailey Admits to Anjelica
- that he Fabricated
the Key Final
Scene in His Book
- Copyright ©
2003, by Lynn Conway and Anjelica Kieltyka
- All rights reserved
- Illustration by Anjelica
Kieltyka, © 2003
- Dateline: lynnconway.com, July 10, 2003
- Lynn Conway, Investigative Journalist
- Anjelica Kieltyka, Witness to the Events
- After reading Bailey's book, and then stepping back and trying
to grasp the overall intended message, many of us are reminded
of the story of "Carl" spun by George A. Rekers several
decades ago. That was the story of an effeminate boy who was
"saved" from becoming transsexual by the interventions
of a psychologist (Rekers; see Rekers'
Gender Identity Disorder page).
- That story became the basis for many religiously motivated
efforts at aversion therapy and reparative therapy on effeminate
boys, motivated by parents' horror that their boy might "turn
into either a a gay man or, God forbid, a transsexual".
Rekers is a fundamentalist Christian psychiatrist at the Medical
School of the University of South Carolina. In Rekers' world
effeminate boys can be turned into "normal men" by
proper intervention.
- The story of Danny in Bailey's book seems to closely parallel
Rekers' story of "Carl". (Bailey
p.24-26 refers to Rekers, but not to Rekers' young patient
Carl). However, being researched and documented in the more liberal
1990's, Danny's story trends towards a different outcome than
Carl's. Given Bailey's notion that actually there is something
biologically inherently wrong with such children, Bailey doesn't
try to turn them into normal men as would Rekers, but instead
futures them as gay men. In this he follows the recommendations
of his hero Ken Zucker (a close colleague of Ray Blanchard's
in Toronto, Canada) who proposed intervention along these lines
p. 28-30)
- In the 1990's, parents of effeminate boys weren't so desperately
fearful that their boys would turn into gay men as in earlier
decades, because that would be sort of OK and nowadays they can
explain THAT to their neighbors and friends. However, what still
freaked out parents in the 90's was the thought that an effeminate
son might become a TRANSSEXUAL and want a "sex change"!
- Bailey's book appears designed to relieve, give hope to and
help enlightened parents of our time cope with such children,
and at the same time to ease society's fears that many such children
will eventually become "sex changes".
- Opening with the story of the effeminate boy named Danny,
the book then moves on to relatively "compassionate"
discussions about gay men and their lives. Linking childhood
effeminacy with adult effeminate gayness, the book suggests that
the natural future for boys like Danny is as a gay man - a future
that is at least sort-of socially acceptable to many parents
- Then the book suddenly shifts to presenting a lurid, prurient,
tabloid-like view of what can happen to some effeminate
boys if they cling to the dream of becoming girls. It
does this by telling anecdotal stories of how such boys first
become drag queens, then hormonally modified she-males, and then,
driven by an insatiable urges for even more male sex partners,
go get a sex change and end up as transsexual prostitutes in
the seamy side of town. The book also discusses the "other
kind of transsexual" as heterosexual men who have a bizarre
autosexual paraphilia surrounding cross-dressing, throwing out
a warning to any parents of boys who are not particularly feminine
but who are caught crossdressing to be sure to put a stop to
that, lest that boy might want a sex change in order to do lurid
things with "herself" someday too!
- Now think about the young effeminate boy Danny from the point
of view of parents who are ignorant about gender dysphoria. Bailey
teaches these parents what happens to boys who want to become
girls: According to Bailey they become sex-changed prostitutes
with insatiable appetites for male customers. My goodness, what
can parents do to prevent this awful fate for their son - a fate
that seems worse than death to them - and besides, how would
they ever explain it to their friends and neighbors?
- Of course, Bailey is most dishonest in his portrayal of these
girls' fates. He never reveals the wider story of the many, many
transsexual transitioners who go on to success and happiness
in their new lives, including in many cases finding life partners
and marrying, as seen in the many stories linked-to from the
Successes" pages.
- Bailey conveniently ignores all such successes, leaving concerned
parents in the midst of a terrible dilemma based in their ignorance
of likely outcomes in the unlikely event that their child does
need to transition. Bailey then resolves this deliberately-created
imaginary dilemma in his final observations of Danny's future
trajectory, as documented in the Epilogue
of his book.
- Bailey observes in the Epilogue that, given the past proper
intervention, he is now CERTAIN that Danny has finally gave up
the fantasy of becoming a girl, and instead is on the narrow
path of growing up to become a man - the GAY MAN that he is destined
by nature to become - which of course is a more acceptable outcome
to his frightened parents than becoming a "sex change".
Bailey's "story of Danny" thus echoes Rekers "story
of Carl" of decades ago, only updated for our more modern,
liberal times.
- In writing a book with this theme, Bailey most cleverly acquired
the strong support of leading gay male psychologists during the
late 90's - gay male psychologists such as Simon LeVay, who were
still in the pre-modern stage of non-understanding of transgenderism
then common among gay men. Many of these prominent gay psychologists
identified as "Fourattists"
in their general horror about what they thought were "gay
boys" going and getting mutilated as "sex changes".
- This viewpoint of trans girls, common among the thought-leadership
in the gay male community in the 90's, was best articulated by
the gay writer Jim Fouratt. Caught up in their worship of maleness,
it seems that many of these gay men were set-off bigtime when
straight folks, out of their own confusion of gayness and transness,
asked them "If you love men, why don't you change sex and
become a woman?" Here's a classic statement by Fouratt,
which well conveys these gay men's weirdly misplaced paranoia
about transsexualism:
- "Modern medicine is once again trying to
cure us of our desire for same sex love. Our gender variant gay
and lesbian population is under intense pressure to deny their
homosexuality and to take all physical, hormonal and emotional
steps in order to be accepted into heterosexual society."
- -
Jim Fouratt
- The gay male psychologist Simon
LeVay in particular has been among Bailey's strongest of
supporters. Although LeVay is merely an untenured instructor
at Stanford whose research results on homosexuality have never
been repeated, he is widely known as a writer of popular "science"
books on homosexuality. A well-connected person, it was apparantly
he who got the ear of the National Academies' leadership early
in this controversy, convincing them that the trans community
reaction to Bailey's book was merely a tempest in a teapot, and
assuring them that Bailey's science was totally sound. Many of
us tried to warn LeVay that Bailey's work was scientifically
unsound and worse. However, perhaps blinded by his own misperceptions
about trans women, he dismissed us and backed Bailey to the hilt:
"Absolutely splendid" - Simon LeVay, quoted on the
front cover of Bailey's book. (For more about LeVay and the
larger scientific-ideological context, see this
information from Joan Roughgarden.)
- Therefore, Bailey's reported observations of Danny in
the Epilogue, and his certainty that Danny's future is as a gay
man, are perfectly in tune with the psycho-socio-ideological
contexts in which the book finds its main support and likely
markets. University science triumphs again - and rapid commercialization
- However, as you will discover in the revelations below,
the "research observations" behind the ending to Danny's
story in Bailey's book are a fabrication ! These key observations
of the behavior of his most important research subject simply
never happened. As Anjelica Kieltyka reports in her message below,
Bailey admitted to her that:
- What can I say? This is all too fantastic! We leave it to
others to decide the full meaning of this incredible admission
of the fabrication of key research observations by Prof. J. Michael
Bailey, and of the failure of so many "famous psychologists"
to see through all of Bailey's nonsense.
- At the very least, these revelations certainly raise many
questions about what else in the book is fiction too!
- Lynn Conway
- Investigative journalist
- July 10, 2003
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 18:37:10 -0500
To: Lynn Conway
From: Charlotte Anjelica Kieltyka
Subject: Danny vs. Juanita : Bailey's Choice
Dear Lynn,
I thought you might be interested in the last meeting I had
with Mike Bailey at the beginning of June, and our final face
to face conversation and the significance of it......
While his general dictum was still in force, i.e. that we would
continue to "agree to disagree"......I still took it
upon myself to try and get through to him, that he might still
be corrigible....I did not want our ten year relationship to end
without finding out how and why it got to this point.....The Mike
Bailey I thought I knew was so different from the person who wrote
this foul book, and I came to him that day with two questions
that I needed answered. I did not yet understand the Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde nature of his personality, nor the extent of his
My questions to him were of a more personal nature.....knowing
what he knew about my artistic sensibility and both his and my
close relationship with "Juanita" of the book......The
first question was in regard to the
cover......Knowing what he
knew of my own beautiful and sensual photographs of transexual
women....How I represented them, as
well as myself in portraits strong and beautiful in body and
soul.....in spirit and in flesh.......How could he, why would
he use such a derisive and derogatory representation to symbolize
all of us....especially the transexual women he personally knew
and (I thought) cared about, especially "Juanita", the
one closest to him other then myself.....
His answer or excuse was : ".....[He] did not choose the
cover art.....He was not responsible for it"......Duh
! ! !.....This is his book....his ideas.....his opus.....and,
I am certain, his right and position to reject it for something
more benign and less malignant.......But no....This was out off
his hands..! ! ? ? ? ! !....SO INCREDULOUS ! ! ....SO DISINGENUOUS
! ! !......
And so lame was this excuse, I actually felt pity for the poor
bastard, so illegitimate and pathetic was his excuse, his book
and now I was beginning to see.....HIS LIFE.....I had yet to discover
how profoundly true this all was.......
Momentarily dissuaded by this oblique yet revealing answer....I
soon recovered to ask about something else that was really troubling
me about the ending to the book.....Not the part about "Cher"
being a star.....I already knew that was true ! !.... I meant
the ending to the story about Danny, the last scene depicted in
the Epilogue, (p.
214 - the last paragraph) :
"....A few moments later, Danny said : 'Mummy, I need
to go to the men's room.' I am certain that as he said that, he
emphasized 'men's' and looked my way. And off he went, by himself.
At that moment, I became as certain as I can be of Danny's future.
What had me curious and uniquely troubled about Bailey's description
of this final scene was his absolute certainty of Danny's future.....What
had me perplexed was this presumptiveness and arrogance that he
had displayed throughout his book and his life. ....Now he's playing
God or one of his prophets, in telling Danny's future with such
infallible foresight.....It was either that or he was some sort
of charlatan......But Bailey is an honest and humble researcher......yet,
how could he know with such certainty?
Let me re-phrase that....How could he know that Danny was
going to turn out a gay man rather than a transexual
woman like "Juanita"?.....His whole book
was setting up this either/or proposition (leaving out a real
third possible future which was Danny committing suicide!).....Either
Danny was going to be almost exactly like "Juanita"
....A real possibility because both Bailey and I knew about "Juanita's"
childhood and how it closely resembled Danny's, and that being
the case how could Bailey not be as certain of that outcome....."How
could he be so certain? is what I wanted to know.....
Asking him as I did in my best "National Enquirer"
inquisitive tone of voice.....His reply......
"I made it up."...... he said.....
Excuse me, What did you say?.....
"I said I made up that final scene....it never happened
"......he replied......
I felt like my computer brain did not compute or could not
compute this "DATA", and so it just "crashed".....This
was even more incredulous then the first answer and I was not
even asking whether the scene was true or fabricated ! ! ....I
was dumbfounded and he was appearing to be playing both characters
in ...Dumb and Dumber.....maybe dumbest of all..... Of greater
import, and with grave and serious consequences, he seemed to
be playing both insidious and dangerous roles of quack and demi-god
....pretending to do research and creating the results that he
predicted beforehand......
I never did get a straight answer from him about the "Danny"
or "Juanita" future.....I think Bailey told me everything
I ever wanted to know about sex...ology, with that remark....Specifically,
his own sexology and his research methods.....and his own future....Go
Figure ! ? ! ......
Your friend,
Anjelica, aka. "Cher" ....
P.S. Maybe Dr. Money was right all along about the guilty self-sabotaging
and basically hanging themselves.....but will they be wearing
a dress when they do?
Charlotte Anjelica Kieltyka
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. USA
- If Bailey lied about this,
- what else did he lie about?
- This page is part of Lynn Conway's
- "Investigative
report into the publication of
J. Michael Bailey's book on transsexualism
by the National Academies"