- Date: December 10, 2003
- To: vp-research@northwestern.edu
- Cc: ljsmith@northwestern.edu
- Subject: Formal request for appearances before the committee
investigating J. Michael Bailey
- Professor C. Bradley Moore
Vice President for Research
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois
- Dear Professor Moore:
We are among the complainants against Professor J. M. Bailey.
Your recent letter states that the committee of investigation
will examine the charges of research misconduct; but it does
not anticipate an examination of the charges of sexual misconduct
with a patient. It does not outline a timetable for a decision.
It does not tell us whether our communications have been forwarded
to the committee. And it does not tell us whether we will be
called to testify.
We worry that without hearing from the complainants the committee
will be left with an incomplete and inaccurate picture of Professor
Bailey's behavior. It would be strange to decide the case without
a hearing-or a hearing only of Professor Bailey's account. The
committee would be unable to reach a sound decision. Indeed,
an exoneration of Professor Bailey would not then be seen as
believable. The committee's decision would be seen as part of
an official cover-up by Northwestern, an outcome no one desires.
To achieve a fair resolution of the matter we ask that we be
permitted to appear in person before the committee and discuss
freely with it our views and evidence. If our request cannot
be granted we will of course have to seek to be heard at a higher
- Anjelica Kieltyka
Transsexual Advocate
Berwyn, Illinois
Lynn Conway
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Emerita
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Member, National Academy of Engineering
Deirdre McCloskey
UIC Distinguished Professor of Economics, History, English, and
University of Illinois at Chicago
Tinbergen Gasthoogleraar van Wijsbegeerte, Economie, en Kunst-
en Cultuurwetenschapen, Erasmusuniversiteit Rotterdam
- CC: Lewis J. Smith, MD - Associate Vice President for Biomedical
Director, Office for the Protection of Research Subjects, Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL