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YOUR Issue — Including our 2003 salary survey and reader profile, plus the 2003 Engineering Hall Of Fame

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October 20, 2003 - In This Issue

2002 Featured Inductee: More On Barrie Gilbert
From the very beginning, "I was intrigued by anything having a CRT display and knobs to control it—the man-machine interface," says BarrieGilbert. At 22, he achieved a major milestone in oscilloscope architecture. By combining waveform sampling...  — Doris Kilbane

[YOUR Issue]
About Your Job: What It Takes To Get Ahead
Ambition is the personal engine that drives us to want to get ahead on the job and in society. Most of us have ambition to spare, plus the inherent desire to please our superiors and earn the respect of our peers. We tend to lack the knowledge and...  — Ron Schneiderman

[YOUR Issue]
How Your Job Has Changed
Some things never change, but you can't say that about electronics engineering. At least that's true when you ask people who have been doing it for a while. Young EEs with only a few years experience also have some thoughts about what the future...  — Ron Schneiderman

[YOUR Issue]
All About You: At Work And At Home
Engineering isn't easy. You wrestle with the laws of nature to make your next project faster, smaller, and less costly. You also grapple with shrinking budgets, longer hours, and management and co-workers alike. And you can't forget about all of the...  — Richard Gawel , et al.

[YOUR Issue]
You Speak Out: EE Horror Stories
The Customers from Hell... Revenge of the Managers... No, we're not talking about the titles of the latest horror movies to hit your cinemaplex. But they could be chapters in some of your professional biographies....  — Richard Gawel

[YOUR Issue]
Richard Stallman: Freedom—His Passion Both For Work And In Life
For Richard Stallman, there's no separation between his work and his beliefs. They are one and his creation of the GNU Project is the optimum example of that. The GNU system (an acronym for GNU is...  — Doris Kilbane

[YOUR Issue]
Engineering Hall Of Fame: 2003 Inductees, Honor Roll
Electronic Design once again pays tribute to the EE profession by presenting the Class of 2003 inductees for the Engineering Hall Of Fame. These are the individuals you deemed most worthy to be honored with your online ballots.  — Doris Kilbane

[YOUR Issue]
Publisher's Foreword: Ode To Engineering
If I had to pick the greatest engineering achievement of all time, I'd probably put the harnessing of electric power at the top of my list. However, one could certainly make a case for other great discoveries and inventions—from the printing...  — Thomas Morgan

[YOUR Issue]
What You Earn
The past few years have been particularly tough on the electronics industry. EOEMs were hard hit by both the high-tech downturn and the increasingly sluggish U.S. economy, which stalled, slid, and snuffed out any lingering feelings of "irrational...  — Jay McSherry

[YOUR Issue]
Honoring Your Profession: Introduction
In this issue, Electronic Design once again pays tribute to the EE profession by presenting the Class of 2003 inductees for the Engineering Hall Of Fame. These are the individuals you deemed most worthy to be honored with your online ballots....  — Staff

[YOUR Issue]
Editor's Overview: Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Your Engineering Peers—And Then Some
Electronic Design strives to be the electronic engineering community's favorite magazine. To meet that goal, we stay in close contact with readers. When we're not holding impromptu meetings at seminars, conferences, trade shows, and other industry...  — Mark David

[YOUR Issue]
Ray Stata: Reaching Out To Third World Villagers
Some people dream of what it would be like if third-world countries had the advantage of technology. Instead of dreaming, Ray Stata is doing something about it. Stata, founder of Analog Devices, is pushing...  — Doris Kilbane

[YOUR Issue]
Martin Cooper: But, Is It Useful?
"Technology," Martin Cooper believes, "is only technology if it does something useful for society. It's important to create science and develop products, but sooner or later you will be involved in the...  — Doris Kilbane

[YOUR Issue]
Lynn Conway: A Trailblazer On Professional, Personal Levels
Lynn Conway is a computer scientist, electrical engineer, inventor, research manager, and engineering educator. Some may more accurately describe her as a pioneer in microelectronic chip design. Most of...  — Doris Kilbane

[YOUR Issue]
Class Notes: 2002 Inductees
In many ways, the leisure-time activities for last year's inductees into Electronic Design's Engineering Hall of Fame are just like those of our readers. But in other ways, the activities truly represent their creativity, vision, and genius....  — Doris Kilbane

[YOUR Issue]
Barrie Gilbert: From Crystal Sets To Submicron Silicon
In 1945, an eight-year-old schoolboy in England, who earlier had lost his father in the war, fiddled with the position of the cat's whisker on the lump of galena in his crystal set. He wondered why only certain spots lit up his headphones. This was...  — Doris Kilbane

[YOUR Issue]
Luis Navarro: Improve The Product But Maintain The Familiar
"If you build a car with a better engine, you don't move the steering wheel," says Luis Navarro, team leader for Tektronix's extremely popular digital oscilloscopes. His Tektronix team used the...  — Doris Kilbane

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