

Package: common-graphics

This variable contains most configurable aspects of the system being run, including most values that might otherwise be accessed by global variables. (Indeed, one purpose of using *system*, an instance of the unexported devel::development-system class is to reduce the number of global variables used.)

Generic functions with names similar to the property stored in *system* access the current value and, with setf, can set the value. One block of data stored in *system* is the configuration, accessed by configuration. It contains many standard Lisp global variables, such as *print-level* -- accessed by (print-level (configuration *system*)).

The submenus of the menu choice Inspect System Data on the Tools menu open an inspector on various parts of *system*.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.