

Package: system

Arguments: (&key code verbose) &body body

This macro is obsolete and has been replaced with record-code-vectors.

record-training combines the use of flush-codevectors and write-codevectors in a way that makes easy the recording of heap-allocated code vectors used during the evaluation of body to the file given by the keyword code. Essentially, this macro calls flush-codevectors with nil as its argument, then executes body, then calls write-codevectors.

A filename must be supplied as the value of the code keyword argument. The value of code specifies a filename to which code vectors are written by write-codevectors. (flush-codevectors is called with nil as its argument so the initial flushing of code vectors is to an anonymous file.)

If the verbose argument is specified true, information about the process is printed.

A fasl keyword argument may be reported by arglist (or equivalents). It is not supported and should not be specified.

The file written by this macro can be used with the program cvdcvt to create pll files. See Creating and using pll files in miscellaneous.htm for information on pll files.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.