

Package: system


Returns a list of files (actually strings naming files) that are referenced by unresolved stub functions in the image. This is an important function to call when dumping an image with dumplisp since the dumped image must have all necessary files containing needed call-time function info available.

Each file that is libfasl loaded is associated with a weak vector with one entry for each stub function. The entry is removed when the function is fully loaded. However, the weak vector may still exist (even without any live elements) when this function is called and if it does, the associated file will be included in the returned list even though in fact it contains no necessary call-time function info. This may not be a problem but if you want the list with all such files removed, do a global gc just prior to calling this function:

(excl:gc t) (sys:presto-fasl-set)

Use of Allegro Presto is deprecated. The Allegro Presto facility may be removed from future releases.

Because much of the size saving obtained by Allegro Presto can be achieved with pll files and other techniques, and because Allegro Presto adds significant compexity to code and images, it is intended to remove the Allegro Presto facility in a future release.

See Dumping a prestoized image in dumplisp.htm. See The Allegro Presto algorithm in loading.htm for information on Allegro Presto and libfasl loading. See also presto-build-lib.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.