

Package: excl

Arguments: &key name base-name nicknames

name should be a symbol. base-name should eb an external-format. nicknames should be a list of symbols.

This macro creates two new external-formats. The newly created external-formats are effectively the results of executing the following two forms (which call compose-external-formats):

(compose-external-formats :crlf base-name)
(compose-external-formats :crcrlf base-name)

If Allegro CL is running on the Microsoft Windows platform, the name and nicknames arguments are combined with the list of existing nicknames for base-name into a single list and set as the nicknames for the result of the first form above.

If Allegro CL is running on the Microsoft Windows platform, and Allegro CL is started with the -crcrlf flag, then the name and nicknames arguments are combined with the list of existing nicknames for base-name into a single list and set as the nicknames for the result of the second form above.

If Allegro CL is running on a Unix platform, then the name and nicknames arguments are combined with the list of existing nicknames for base-name into a single list and set as the nicknames for base-name.


(def-external-format :test-base) 

(create-newline-ef :name :test
		   :base-name :test-base
		   :nicknames '(:test-nickname))

;; On Windows
(find-external-format :test) -> #<external-format :crlf-test-base>

;; On Unix
(find-external-format :test) -> #<external-format :test-base>

See iacl.htm for more information on international character support in Allegro CL.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.