
Generic Function

Package: common-graphics

Arguments: up-down-control-or-static-text

Returns the value of the wrapping property of the argument. wrapping is a property of the up-down-control class and of the static-text class, though the meaning is different for the two classes.


An up-down-control allows the user to change the (typically) numeric value in an editable-text control by clicking on an up arrow or a down arrow displayed on the up-down control. The issue with wrapping is what happens when the user clicks the up arrow when the value is at the top of the range or clicks the down arrow when the value is at the bottom of the range.

If the wrapping property is true, clicking the up arrow when the value is at the top of the range changes the value to the bottom of the range while clicking the down arrow at the bottom changes the value to the top. If wrapping is nil, clicking an arrow when the value is at the extreme of the range has no effect.

The wrapping property may not be changed on an existing control, and must instead be specified with the inspector when designing a control (using a form) or with the :wrapping initarg of make-instance. (It can be changed using the inspector when designing a form but not for a running control, either in the IDE or in an application.)


If the wrapping property on a static-text control is true (the default), the text is automatically wrapped at spaces as necessary to prevent the text from extending beyond the right edge of the control. If nil, the text is displayed on a single line up to the point where the text is clipped at the right edge of the control. Turning this property off can be useful for a static-text that displays only a single line of text so that a long word that would otherwise be wrapped to the next (unseen) line will instead remain on the first line to be visible up to the point where it is clipped by the right edge of the control.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.