
Generic Function

Package: common-graphics

Arguments: texture quarter-lefts &optional texture-info

Modifies the pixels of texture so that it appears rotated by quarter-lefts quarter-left turns. If quarter-lefts is divisible by 4, then no rotation is needed, and the original texture is simply returned; otherwise a new texture is created and returned.

Texture-info can be passed if the logical width or height of the texture is different than the actual width or height of the internal array; in this case the new internal array will be made as small as it can be to still hold all of the pixels for the logical width and height as specified in the texture-info.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.