

Package: common-graphics

Arguments: pathname &key name pixmap-to-return

Reads a pixmap from any device-independent bitmap file. These are typically .bmp files. You can also load .ico (icon) files. The arguments are:

pathname --- a pathname or path namestring naming the file from which to load the pixmap. The file should be either a .bmp (Windows bitmap), .ico (icon) or .cur (mouse cursor) file. An error is signaled if this file does not exist or if its contents are not in the standard format of one of the valid types of files.

name --- a symbol that will be used for the name of the pixmap. This symbol may be used in later calls to find-pixmap (if the pixmap is first cached by calling cache-pixmap), and appears in the print name of the pixmap. If nil, a unique symbol based on the name of the file from which the pixmap was loaded is created and used for the name.

pixmap-to-return --- either nil or an existing pixmap object to re-use. If nil, a new pixmap object is created and returned. If a pixmap, the pixmap is "filled in" with the information read from the file and then returned. This argument may be useful for updating a pixmap object from an edited (or alternate) file while keeping the pixmap eq to the former version of it.

This function returns the loaded pixmap.

See also save-pixmap (which creates .bmp files) and load-lisp-pixmap (which loads a Lisp file which will recreate a pixmap).

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.