
Generic Function

Package: common-graphics

Arguments: standard-object &optional result-rgb

Returns the foreground color for standard-object. The value will be stored in result-rgb (which must be a rgb color object, see make-rgb) if that value is specified. The foreground-color is the color in which text will be written and graphics will be drawn on a window. The value nil can be specified. It means use the default-foreground-color. See also effective-foreground-color, which returns the actual color used for the foreground-color (i.e. what foreground-color returns if it returns a color object, the actual color if foreground-color returns nil).

Note: incompatible change in release 6.0: in releases prior to 6.0, when a frame-with-single-child instance was passed to this operator, the operator was actually applied to the child (the result of applying frame-child to the frame-with-single-child instance). In release 6.0, this redirection no longer occurs. If you intend this operator to apply to the frame-child, pass that to this operator rather than the parent. This is a non-backward-compatible-change. See the release notes for more information.

Common Graphics and IDE documentation is described in About Common Graphics and IDE documentation in cgide.htm.

The documentation is described in introduction.htm and the index is in index.htm.

Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Franz Inc. Berkeley, CA., USA. All rights reserved.

Created 2000.10.5.