Message Number: 509
From: Joshua J Estelle <jestelle Æ>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 13:48:59 -0700
Subject: Re: The most likely cause of the infected spinach:
Another interesting article in the SF Chronicle:

It talks about the history of E. Coli, and how the problem is really  
with any mass produced food, and how it started with McDonalds burger  
specials in 1982.  Its become a problem with meat first because meat  
mass produced much earlier than vegetables have.

They also made the interesting point that if you cook meat at a high  
enough temperature you can kill bacteria, but this often isn't an  
option with vegetables, which are often eaten raw or cooked at lower  

I certainly think the solution is eating more locally grown produce  
and meats, avoiding mass produced food.


On Sep 23, 2006, at 1:35 PM, Anthony Nicholson wrote:

> Those of you interested in eating naturally-raised meat in Ann  
> Arbor, check out Bob's butcher shop in the Kerrytown market. He  
> gets all his meat from friends of his who run natural farms. grass- 
> fed beef, organic-grain fed chickens, etc.... it's a bit pricier  
> but I'd rather eat it a bit less often to offset the cost.
> Daniel Reeves wrote:
>> Yeah, factory farms are a bit gruesome and nasty.
>> Want to add yourselves on this continuum from Erica to James Mickens:
>> --- \/   FROM Erica O'Connor AT 06.09.23 13:17 (Today)   \/ ---
>>> cows fattened on feedlot grain.  The New York Times
>>> article is short and describes the broader threat
>>> posed to human health and the environment by
>>> industrial farming practices.
>>> So, who's up for a boycott of feedlot beef/dairy?  The
>>> alternatives are grass fed animals (organic doesn't
>>> necessarily count) or a diet which avoids these animal
>>> products.  Maybe Daniel will institute one of his
>>> famous polls for this issue.  :-)
>>> -Erica