Message Number: 141
From: Robert Felty <robfelty Æ>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 12:31:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Ugly Area Blood Supplies - Our Attention Needed
Don't forget that you can't have traveled much either - I am 
disqualified for spending too much time in Europe - something like a 
total of 6 months or more in the last 5 or 10 years.  You also cannot 
admit to being gay.


On May 17, 2005, at 12:31, Christine Kapusky wrote:

> Looks like it's time to give some blood, folks...
> ATEO's next blood drive will be held right after the Memorial Day
> holiday, on Wednesday, June 1.   The Red Cross advises that all
> holiday weekends drain available blood supplies; after all, when
> likely blood donors are out of town, they don't donate.  Hard on the
> heels of that major holiday, the timing of our next drive will be
> hugely challenging, but that's no accident.  We get scheduled at tough
> times because, drive after drive, people on this campus deliver.
> A Red Cross note which reached me today indicates that blood supplies
> in the 5-county metro area are at all time lows.  Take a look:
>	  O positive -	86 units on hand and we should have
> 972..........6 hour supply
>	  B negative - 6 units on hand and we should have 57..........
>  6 hour supply
>	  O negative - 58 units on hand and we should have 228........23
> hour supply
>	  A negative - 111 units on hand and we should have
> 168........48 hour supply
>	  B positive - 226 units on hand and we should have 273.......60
> hour supply
> Not even one of these blood types has an available 3 day safety
> margin.  Can you imagine having an emergency need in your own life and
> learning that low supplies like these just wouldn't support your need?
>  Wow!   That's why the pints you and I donate on June 1 will matter so
> very much.
> If you're healthy, if it's been 56 days since your last donation, and
> if you're willing to invest an hour at ATNPC on June 1, you can do a
> world of good.  Our drive will run from 7 AM - 5:45 PM.  Please visit
> the Red Cross' registration website at
>  and sign up today.