Message Number: 6
From: ElyzabethJ Æ
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 14:44:29 EST
Subject: re: medical liabilities
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so a jury of doctors can determine
whether the doctor in question was negligent or not.  what do you guys
think?	i thought it sounded pretty interesting.

I think that would be a great idea, but of course doctors may be biased 
towards their mates as well. If Dr A votes against Dr B then next time Dr B may

vote against Dr A just because.  As an ER nurse, I see a lot of interesting 
facets in medical litigation and sometimes i see things that are BLATENTLY
and sometimes even end up in a patient dying and I wish I could say to the 
patient's family "you need to look into that" but I also see the other side
little things -- like an IV infiltration on a baby -- which may not be a big 
deal and lawyers become involved.

I do think suing big corporations is a grand idea though! get rid of the 
corporations! :)

Peoria IL

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  so a jury of doctors can determine whether the doctor  in question was
negligent or not.  what do you guys think?  ; i thought it sounded pretty
   I think that would be a great idea , but of course doctors may be biased
towards their mates as well. If Dr  A votes against Dr B then next time Dr B
may vote against Dr A just because .  As an ER nurse, I see a lot of
interesting facets in medical litigation  and sometimes i see things that are
BLATENTLY wrong and sometimes even end	up in a patient dying and I wish I
could say to the patient's family "you	need to look into that" but I also see
the other side where little things - - like an IV infiltration on a baby --
which may not be a big deal and lawyers  become involved.   
   I do think suing big corporations  is a grand idea though! get rid of the
corporations! :)    
   Peoria IL	 
