Message Number: 549
From: Daniel Reeves <dreeves Æ>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 12:06:28 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: more user-friendly archives
I took it down as soon as I saw the email this morning.
Here's a private link to it:

Rob and I were very careful to make sure no email addresses were 
spam-harvestable but we didn't anticipate objections to the content of 
messages being searchable.
   I really feel they should be.  The ideas put forth on this list are 
powerful, poignant, and world-changing.  I'm not exaggerating.	This stuff 
needs to be public!

How's this for a compromise:  read through everything you've written and 
let me know in a week if there's anything you'd like deleted or updated or 
clarified before the archives go public.
And from now on, if there's anything you'd like to say off the record, 
just send to improvetheworld-noarchive Æ instead of 
improvetheworld Æ

(I'll take silence as assent.)

Thanks everyone!

--- \/	 FROM Kevin Lochner AT 06.11.02 10:05 (Today)	\/ ---

> we can just have a rule that no one links to the board from any of their 
> web-pages, then it's not reachable by google or whoever.
> we could also password-protect the board.
> On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, Lisa Hsu wrote:
>> as cool as searchable archives are, i'm kind of with claire on this
>> one...i'm not particularly excited about the idea of some google search for
>> my name to turn up some of those archives.  anything we can do about that?
>> i like the new format (nice job rob), i'm not so on board with the eminent
>> accessibility.
>> lisa
>> On 11/2/06, Clare Dibble   wrote:
>>> Rob did a nice job making sense of the last two years of conversation, but
>>> it made me think twice about what is public about my views.  Did any of 
>>> you
>>> have the same reaction?
>>> I believe everything I have said and my posts don't seem to be
>>> embarrassing in any context I can currently imagine.  But things can be
>>> taken out of context.  As a place to hone our ideas and a forum for free
>>> discussion, I feel hesitant to have potential employers or dates (if this
>>> had been around back when I was dating) or other people I might know
>>> casually know opinions on deep and sensitive subjects without me knowing
>>> they even found it.  Bloggers seem to think sharing is the way to go, but
>>> many others don't participate precisely because they can't control what
>>> happens to the information once it is out in cyberspace. In the age of
>>> google (and yahoo, Danny), is the internet a safe place to develop a 
>>> social
>>> conscience?
>>> Clare
>>> On 11/1/06, Robert Felty   wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Danny has been keeping archives of all the improvetheworld messages
>>> > since the beginning (almost 2 years ago now), but they have been in a
>>> > very inaccessible format (just one big text file). Danny gave me the
>>> > challenge of making them more accessible, so I would now like to
>>> > point you to the new archive:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Now if you would like to find something clever that one of the
>>> > members once wrote, it should be much easier. Please let me know if
>>> > you have any problems using it. One TODO item is to add search
>>> > functionality, so be on the lookout for that in the not too distant
>>> > future.
>>> >
>>> > Enjoy.
>>> >
>>> > Rob (improving improvetheworld)
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Robert Felty
>>> >  
>>> >
>>> > "Holy kleenex, Batman! It was right under our nose and we
>>> > blew it!" -- Robin
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >

--  - -  search://"Daniel Reeves"

"Try identifying the problem and then solving it."
   -- suggestion from Dilbert's boss