- Mounds Off-Road Vehicle Area
- Monday – Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – Sunset
Sunday: Noon to Sunset
6145 E. Mt. Morris Road—1.5 miles east of Genesee Road.
- Dates:
- Open year-round, but from March 15 – May 15, no trucks
are allowed and motorcycles and ATVs are restricted to the eight-acre
scramble area only.
- Fees:
Daily Residents: $6.00 per vehicle
Daily Non-Resident: $9.00
Season Pass – Resident: $30.00
Season Pass – Non – Resident: $50.00
- ORV sticker required. Children under 16 years of age
must have their Michigan ORV safety certificate at the time of
purchase of a Mounds pass. All operators are required to be in
with State of Michigan requirements governing off-road vehicles.
United States Forestry approved spark arrester required. Exhaust
noise may not exceed 94 decibels.
- Snowmobiles prohibited.
- Requires State of Michigan ORV Sticker
- Sound Testing Procedures:
- Gasoline Powered, Full-Sized Vehicles
All Configurations: 95dbA @ 2000 RPM 20”, and USFS spark
arrestor or a reverse flow muffler.
- Diesel Powered, Full-Sized Vehicles
All Configurations: 95dbA @ ½ THE RATED rpm @20”
-or- a reverse flow muffler. Note: Absent an on-board tachometer,
the vehicle may be accepted with a reverse flow muffler in good
working order.
- Motorcycles, Three & Four Wheel ATVs
All Configurations: 1986 or newer 94dbA @ ½ the rated
RPM @ 20” & USFS approved spark arrestor.
- 1985 or older 99dbA @ ½ the rated RPM @ 20” and
USFS approved spark arrestor.