- Electronic Design
- 50th Anniversary Issue
- October 21, 2002
- In this special issue, Electronic Design magazine
officially launched its "Hall of Fame" of electronic
design with a list of 58 individuals who have made landmark career
accomplishments in electronics. The list was developed during
an open voting process in the electronic design community. The
Hall of Fame includes such notables as Thomas
Edison, Guglielmo
Marconi, Nikola
Tesla, Edwin Armstrong,
Alan Turing, Claude
Shannon, John
von Neumann, Hedy
Lamarr, William
Shockley, John
Bardeen, Walter
Brattain, William
Hewlett, David
Packard, Bernard
Gordon, Steven
Wozniak, Steven
Jobs, Robert
Widlar, J.
Presper Eckert, John
Mauchly, Charles
Kao, Robert
Metcalfe, Jim
Clark, Marc
Andreessen, Linus
Torvalds, Al
Shugart, Dennis
Ritchie, Robert
Noyce, Gordon
Moore, Jack
Kilby, Andy
Grove, Ted
Hoff, Grace
Hopper, Vint
Cerf, Seymour
Cray, John
Backus, and other major contributors to electronics design.
- Carver
Mead and Lynn Conway
were inducted in the Electronics Design Hall of Fame in
recognition of their pioneering work in VLSI chip design methods.
Here is the entry in the Hall of Fame about their work:
- For more information about this special issue of
Electronic Design, see the following PDF files:
- Celebrating
50 Years.pdf
- AboutThisIssue.pdf
- For the full list of photos and stories of the Hall
of Fame inductees, see the following PDF file:
- ED Hall of Fame 2002.pdf
- Links updated 5-09-14